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Warning about the autosave option.
It is a lie, the game will forcibly autosave upon character death no matter what you do, so basically the setting is worthless to have in the first place, well done.
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
No, any character settings this is the case, the game autosaves on character death, completely ignoring the autosave option alltogether.
Nope, the game autosaves, always, regardless of what you've done with the autosave option, in other words the option is not total like it appears to be.
itssirtou Aug 6, 2015 @ 4:18pm 
Pretty sure its for if your computer crashes or something and you don't die OR Save and Exit.
Pope Urban II Aug 6, 2015 @ 4:21pm 
Saves on stuff other than death is nice, however.
No, my issue here is that the autosave option is not total, you can't turn it off completely, if you die your game WILL autosave, completely ignoring what you have otherwise set in your options.
SuperAArmz2 Aug 6, 2015 @ 4:46pm 
For me, When I turn that option on it will auto save every 5 min :/
Celator Aug 6, 2015 @ 5:24pm 
It does that presumably to prevent people from just ending the game to erase their deaths. However, since it only saves the character and not the world, this has the side effect of allowing easy duplication of items by taking them from chests, dying, and then ending the program.

Also, as other people said, the autosave option is for periodic saves so you don't lose your data when you crash. The autosave on death has nothing to do with the periodic autosaves.
Last edited by Celator; Aug 6, 2015 @ 5:27pm
Originally posted by Over8001:
It does that presumably to prevent people from just ending the game to erase their deaths. However, since it only saves the character and not the world, this has the side effect of allowing easy duplication of items by taking them from chests, dying, and then ending the program.

Also, as other people said, the autosave option is for periodic saves so you don't lose your data when you crash. The autosave on death has nothing to do with the periodic autosaves.
It still is a form of autosave that is not mentioned and is not affected by the option specifically labeled "Autosave", which is a bit misleading.
Funzerea Sep 23, 2020 @ 2:37pm 
Well this is the exact opposite for me I turned off auto save a while ago and am now regreting it I built a whole house and had new npc move in I also am sure I died numerous times during the prosses and now after a restart without exiting all my progress is lost
Draconic Creature Sep 25, 2020 @ 10:31am 
Originally posted by Funzerea:
Well this is the exact opposite for me I turned off auto save a while ago and am now regreting it I built a whole house and had new npc move in I also am sure I died numerous times during the prosses and now after a restart without exiting all my progress is lost
Good job necroing a five year old post, and what the post is about is not even necessarily still the case because, well, FIVE YEARS.
fresky Sep 25, 2020 @ 10:39am 
yea the autosave does turn off
carriedthunderyt Sep 25, 2020 @ 1:42pm 
The autosaves actully save the world aswell. I assume it's because ReLogic just hates people trying to keep an AIW open publiclly for random people who want it.
fresky Sep 25, 2020 @ 7:31pm 
whe n i play and turn it off
if i alt f 4 it wont save
it only autosaves if the game unexpectedly crashes
MunkeGutz Dec 1, 2020 @ 11:46am 
This post is lying, it only saves the character
Smetrix Dec 1, 2020 @ 12:05pm 
Originally posted by MunkeGutz:
This post is lying, it only saves the character
Then why’d you bring it back, this is 5 years old my guy
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Date Posted: Aug 6, 2015 @ 3:23pm
Posts: 19