Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Nanobot Build and Repair System
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Dummy08  [developer] Oct 29, 2017 @ 5:39pm
Block Settings
Settings could be stored either per PC:(..\SpaceEngineers\Storage\857053359.sbm_NanobotBuildAndRepairSystem\ModSettings.xml)
or per World:
Per world setting allways superseed, PC settings.

Setting file on single player game:
You can create settings file by typing either:
/nanobars -cwsf (for a world settings file)
/nanobars -cpsf (PC settings file)
into ingame chat (type /nanobars for help)

Settings file on dedicated server:
On dedicated servers it is intentionaly not allowed to execute the commands to created the settings file. Otherwise any client would be able to influence the server configurationv (e,g. if the serve admin decides to have an server wide config file, and any client would be allowed to create an world config file, this would change the setting of the server. Even if the values will be the same, it would be nightmare for the admin to check all hosted worlds, after he made a change to the server wide config file.)

So that sayed, as server admin you could create a template file using a simple/empty world (with this mod) running on a single player version, change any setting he like and upload the file to the server as server wide setting or world specific setting.

The settings file allows to control:
1..1000m (75m Default)
The maximum operation range of the block. (Small version allways 1/3)
0..1000m (150m Default)
The maximum offest of the operation area from center of the block. (Small version allways 1/3)
0.001..1000 (1 Default)
Additional multiplier for welding performance
0.001..1000 (1 Default)
Additional multiplier for grinding performance
Grids BoundingBox
Use this to allow/disallow the search modes
(Grids default)
Default mode for new blocks
Use this to allow/disallow the working modes
(WeldBeforeGrind default)
Default mode for new blocks
(false default)
If true user can't change 'Build new'
(true default)
Default or fixed value for 'Build new'
(false default)
If true user can't change Ignore Color
(true default)
Default or Fixed value for 'Use Ignore Color'
(<float>321</float><float>100</float><float>51</float> default)
Default or fixed color value for ignore color
(false default)
If true user can't change Grind Color
(true default)
Default or Fixed value for 'Use Grind Color'
(<float>321</float><float>100</float><float>50</float> default)
Default or fixed color value for grind color
(false default)
If true user can't change 'Janitor grinds' optiions
(NoOwnership Enemies default)
Default or fixed janitor options
(false default)
If true user can't change this option
(false default)
If true user can't change weld/grind priority
(false default)
If true user can't change collect priority
(false default)
If true user can't change this option
(true default)
Default or Fixed value for 'Ingot pushing'
(false default)
If true user can't change this option
(false default)
Default or Fixed value for 'Component pushing'
(false default)
If true user can't change this option
(true default)
Default or Fixed value for 'Items pushing'
(false default)
If true user can't change this option
(false default)
Default or Fixed value for 'Collect only if idle'
(false default)
If true user can't change this option
0..2 (1=50% default)
Default or Fixed Sound volume
(WeldingVisualEffect WeldingSoundEffect GrindingVisualEffect GrindingSoundEffect TransportVisualEffect default)
Which kind of effects should be shown/played
(false default)
if true script control is disabled
Wait time after friendly damged blocks get repaired
(0.00002 default‬)
Power consumption while switched on but nothing to do
(0.01 default)
Power consumption while transport
(0.002 default)
Power consumption while welding
(0.0015 default)
Power consumption while grinding
Interval for checking for new block to grind weld (!change wisely)
(4 default)
The Mod uses up to N background task to search for damaged/grind/collected blocks/items

If you would like to change some settings you don't have to keep all entries in the file, as long as you the keep the XML syntax and the 'version' info. E.G if you like to change the 'Range' and 'IgnoreColorDefault' only you could create a file like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <SyncModSettings xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <Version>5</Version> <Range>75</Range> <Welder> <IgnoreColorDefault> <float>321</float> <float>100</float> <float>51</float> </IgnoreColorDefault> </Welder> </SyncModSettings>
This will keep all other values at there defaults and maybe more important you will automatically received future enhancements(e.g. new WorkModes)

Limit Blocks:
To limit the BaR Systems per user you could add the following to your servers Sandbox.sbc <BlockTypeLimits>
<Key xsi:type="xsd:string">SELtdNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem</Key>
<Value xsi:type="xsd:short">8</Value>
Last edited by Dummy08; Sep 20, 2019 @ 10:17am
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Showing 1-15 of 92 comments
LvlLord Dec 29, 2017 @ 7:10am 
I looked around for half an hour and was neither able to find the setting file in the world I use, nor can I find the chat command to create a setting file. Could you give me a hint? Thanks!

Edit: Got it through unpacking the mod file.
With "/nanobars" you get a help screen. To create the world setting file use the line
"/nanobars /cwsf". Always without "
Last edited by LvlLord; Dec 29, 2017 @ 7:31am
Ramxius Mar 20, 2018 @ 8:02pm 
Thank you so much for adding this feature!

Can the block limits be imposed for local hosts in similar fashion to what you've suggested for Dedicated Servers?

Also, before I bork everything completely, the "SoundVolumeDefault" value set to 1 causes it to be set at "50%" in game. I assume a value of .1 would make it 5% then? I don't want to make a mess
Last edited by Ramxius; Mar 20, 2018 @ 8:09pm
Dummy08  [developer] Mar 21, 2018 @ 12:56pm 
Originally posted by Ramxius:
Thank you so much for adding this feature!

Can the block limits be imposed for local hosts in similar fashion to what you've suggested for Dedicated Servers?

Also, before I bork everything completely, the "SoundVolumeDefault" value set to 1 causes it to be set at "50%" in game. I assume a value of .1 would make it 5% then? I don't want to make a mess

The block limits should work also for local host.
And yes you are right the range is 0..2 (0..100%) so 0.1 is 5%.
Benemen Jun 16, 2018 @ 6:35am 
I have an exploit I wanted to make you aware of. I edited the sandbox on my DS and it works fine. However, if a player prints a BP with a BaR in it, they can bypass the limit. I limited the sandbox to 2 BaRs, and as the server performance dropped I collected the save and began investigating. One player has 17 BaRs on his grid. There are only 2 players in his faction. There should only be 4 max BaRs. I know this is a BP issue, but I wanted you to be aware as well.
Dark_453 Jun 16, 2018 @ 7:28pm 
@benemen, That issuse is a bug related directly to the game. thats the way you by pass any limit. BP and project em. also banned blocks. such as Merge blocks, can be projected. even if you cant place them directly.
Benemen Jun 17, 2018 @ 12:54am 
@Dark Heart, TY. Until I restricted a block, I wasn't aware. Guess I'll have to covertly start deleting blocks because I don't want to ban the players.
ILGMARS Jul 27, 2018 @ 10:16am 
can someone share template file?
thefinn88 Jul 29, 2018 @ 8:03pm 
Would love a setting that disallowed more than a single block to be used in the area.

So people cannot plonk down 12 nanobots (this happened in one faction) together and become like the server lag team.
It's bad when you have 12 players some of which may or may not be building at that given moment - using the nanobot - however once you get 12 of them sitting next to each other and someone starts building a giant ship the lag is tremendous.

For the same reason we want to limit it for a player - we want to limit it for an area so factions can't just put them together.
Benemen Jul 30, 2018 @ 2:00am 
Originally posted by thefinn:
Would love a setting that disallowed more than a single block to be used in the area.

So people cannot plonk down 12 nanobots (this happened in one faction) together and become like the server lag team.
It's bad when you have 12 players some of which may or may not be building at that given moment - using the nanobot - however once you get 12 of them sitting next to each other and someone starts building a giant ship the lag is tremendous.

For the same reason we want to limit it for a player - we want to limit it for an area so factions can't just put them together.

I wonder w the new DS GUI (you can set blocks to world/faction/player) if it's possible to set the BaR limit for faction in the DS cfg. Restrict it to 5 per faction, even if there are 12 members....
thefinn88 Jul 30, 2018 @ 2:03am 
Yeah I figured that'd also be a way to do it, but probably easier just to make the block only be usable 1 per area. So the areas themselves don't overlap or some shenanigans.

They are players - they are devious like that ;)
Benemen Jul 30, 2018 @ 2:06am 
lol - You don't say? I just appointed an admin, raged on the players, and left the server to burn. Currently setting up a new one to replace...maybe whitelist!
thefinn88 Jul 30, 2018 @ 2:08am 
lol right...

I'm on this one server which had the 12 nanobots issue - the server died from it - so the admins have clearly reset up the server stealthily under a slightly different name hoping ppl won't notice or something...

All my stuff is still here even. *shrug*
AViegarien Aug 11, 2018 @ 11:10pm 
I can't seem to get the grind color to lock, all the other things that this file lets be disable or adjust seems to work ok. I just want to make it so that people don't cheese the combat by making the grind color the color of the enemy ship (unless the enemy really likes missing texture pink).

*The color settings seem to reset when the server restarts which is good enough for now, but it would be nice that the sliders and the pick button were disabled when UseGrindColorFixed is true

Thanks for allowing this level of customization in the first place.
Last edited by AViegarien; Aug 11, 2018 @ 11:26pm
Fousicek Sep 10, 2018 @ 8:32am 
Is there a way how to dont allowe build mode or repair at all ? I want this only for grinding the blocks. Also it will grind down even active enemy ships ? not only inactiv grids ? If there is a setting whihc i can use please let me know. I am not that skilled to understand all the settings proprely or i might set thing wrong.
thorman123456789 Sep 25, 2018 @ 5:05pm 
so for range could i go beyond 1000 meters or will that cause problems with this mod?
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