ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Skies of Nazca
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
TheAlchemist  [developer] Jun 23, 2017 @ 1:52pm
We've had three so far. small but powerful drops.
E3 drops started rebuilding the Axis Mundi mountaintop, you can now make bases on a lot of that landscape and more improvements for the ability to have a whole city up there will be making its way to you shortly.

then today's update (june 23rd) added even MORE landscape redux on the top of Axis Mundi, but it also added two new Tree species to the map.

the Madagascar Baobob and the bpth trees are harvestable and both contain rare harvests. You can find them in the Stone Forest on the Axis Mundi Beach area, on Arachnoternal and over by the Redwoods beach and surrounding shoreline.

The lighting has also been reset to default so its EXACTLY like the island now. i still have my LUT tables in some areas (winterbourne, axis mundi mountain top, Fosters Cove, Redwoods, Thule) but the main post process for the island is back to what it was.

You should also see a few additions on Arachnoternal as well as Thule's cave with structures.

Enjoy. another update is coming sunday.