Arma 3
Brotherhood & Unity
 Ce sujet a été épinglé, cela doit être important
Henriksson  [dév.] 13 nov. 2021 à 5h25
Report any bugs found here.
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 25
Henriksson  [dév.] 13 nov. 2021 à 6h21 
Some vehicles have RHS crewmembers added to them for some reason
After you added the randomization script, almost all units have a problem with ammunition. Everything that was in the form is replaced by an IFAK (rifleman with 7 mags and 2 grenades (HE and Smoke) has only 5 mags and 1 He grenade)
Henriksson  [dév.] 17 nov. 2021 à 7h05 
@Zhas The randomization script is being worked on, the current one isn't finished for all units yet. It will be fixed in the next update later today or tomorrow.
I could be wrong, but you did typo in config for TOS units, they have
execVM ""\yugo_faction_TOS\scripts\randomGear_rifleman3.sqf""

isn't it should be
execVM "\yugo_faction_TOS\scripts\randomGear3_rifleman.sqf"

and, you have script for medic, but medic uses rifleman's
Dernière modification de Zhasik; 19 nov. 2021 à 11h30
Henriksson  [dév.] 19 nov. 2021 à 11h35 
Zhas a écrit :
I could be wrong, but you did typo in config for TOS units, they have
execVM ""\yugo_faction_TOS\scripts\randomGear_rifleman3.sqf""

isn't it should be
execVM "\yugo_faction_TOS\scripts\randomGear3_rifleman.sqf"

and, you have script for medic, but medic uses rifleman's

Thank you for pointing that out, I will fix it asap
Henriksson  [dév.] 19 nov. 2021 à 11h48 
Zhas a écrit :
I could be wrong, but you did typo in config for TOS units, they have
execVM ""\yugo_faction_TOS\scripts\randomGear_rifleman3.sqf""

isn't it should be
execVM "\yugo_faction_TOS\scripts\randomGear3_rifleman.sqf"

and, you have script for medic, but medic uses rifleman's

The JNA 90 jet pilot has no body.
The Croatian officer and medic spawn with no magazines.
TOS and HV "TAM" trucks have coloured Window fasteners
Henriksson  [dév.] 23 nov. 2021 à 9h05 
Maršal Dženan 69 a écrit :
The JNA 90 jet pilot has no body.
The Croatian officer and medic spawn with no magazines.

I am working on a new pilot uniform, it will be done quite soon. Croatian pilots will get their own uniform then :). The issue should be fixed when I release the new uniform.
Ok, for some reason the JNA '85 Officers have no body and niether do the helicopter pilots.
Henriksson  [dév.] 24 nov. 2021 à 0h00 
Maršal Dženan 69 a écrit :
Ok, for some reason the JNA '85 Officers have no body and niether do the helicopter pilots.

I’ll fix it asap
Henriksson a écrit :
Report any bugs found here.
The loadout of the units are being overwritten somewhy. I used a different uniform with one of the units, and the loadout was completely overwritten a few mins later, then again later on with a different color. My people tried adding ACRE2 radios into their inventory, and they were gone too a few mins later. Using ACE,ACRE,RHS,3CB with this mod.
Henriksson  [dév.] 24 nov. 2021 à 1h09 
Artycular a écrit :
Henriksson a écrit :
Report any bugs found here.
The loadout of the units are being overwritten somewhy. I used a different uniform with one of the units, and the loadout was completely overwritten a few mins later, then again later on with a different color. My people tried adding ACRE2 radios into their inventory, and they were gone too a few mins later. Using ACE,ACRE,RHS,3CB with this mod.

The units included in the mod have a script that randomizes gear. Until I have figured out how to make the script toggleable you will have to use other units for players. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I know about same script, but from CFP (CUP dependend)
I've added this to your units
randomGearProbability = 100;
randomWeaponProbability = 0;
uniformList[] = {"YUGO_uniform_m68_half_1",0.05,"YUGO_m77_uniform_summer",0.25,"YUGO_uniform_slo",0.25,"YUGO_uniform_slo_m91_winter",0.05,"YUGO_uniform_slo_m91_summer",0.15,"YUGO_uniform_slo_m91_half_1",0.15,"YUGO_uniform_slo_m91_half_2",0.15};
headgearList[] = {"yugo_m59_helmet_camo_1",0.025,"yugo_m59_helmet_1",0.1,"YUGO_cap_slovenian",0.6,"YUGO_cap_slovenian_m91",0.3,"rhs_headband",0.1,"rhssaf_bandana_smb",0.1};
class EventHandlers: EventHandlers
init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {[(_this select 0), [], []] call BIS_fnc_unitHeadgear;};";
class ADDON
init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then { _onSpawn = { _this = _this select 0; sleep 0.2; [_this] call CFP_main_fnc_randomizeUnit; }; _this spawn _onSpawn; (_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};";

Script itlself in CFP - main.pbo
Henriksson  [dév.] 24 nov. 2021 à 2h32 
Zhas a écrit :
I know about same script, but from CFP (CUP dependend)
I've added this to your units
randomGearProbability = 100;
randomWeaponProbability = 0;
uniformList[] = {"YUGO_uniform_m68_half_1",0.05,"YUGO_m77_uniform_summer",0.25,"YUGO_uniform_slo",0.25,"YUGO_uniform_slo_m91_winter",0.05,"YUGO_uniform_slo_m91_summer",0.15,"YUGO_uniform_slo_m91_half_1",0.15,"YUGO_uniform_slo_m91_half_2",0.15};
headgearList[] = {"yugo_m59_helmet_camo_1",0.025,"yugo_m59_helmet_1",0.1,"YUGO_cap_slovenian",0.6,"YUGO_cap_slovenian_m91",0.3,"rhs_headband",0.1,"rhssaf_bandana_smb",0.1};
class EventHandlers: EventHandlers
init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {[(_this select 0), [], []] call BIS_fnc_unitHeadgear;};";
class ADDON
init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then { _onSpawn = { _this = _this select 0; sleep 0.2; [_this] call CFP_main_fnc_randomizeUnit; }; _this spawn _onSpawn; (_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};";

Script itlself in CFP - main.pbo

I’ll see what I can do to improve my script, this is all very new to me as it is my first time modding.
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