Children, school and learning
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Dylan  [sviluppatore] 29 ott 2022, ore 14:41
1.4 Update Infos and Bug/Problem Reports
I will put most of the comments here, so that they are all in one place

I just updated the mod with a first version for 1.4:

Version (Changes only for Rimworld 1.4+)
(some language-files had to be moved around for older versions due to the naming overlap with Biotech, but it seems ok so far / should not change anything)

- RW 1.4 support for Biotech and non-Biotech: I have not yet tested all the new Biotech interactions, but the basic CSL stuff should work ok now in this first version (There will certainly be a lot of issues still)

- CSL-scaling is fully disabled for now in this version (I have to look into it more later)
- Growth-Fixes from 1.3 are also disabled in 1.4 for now (I have to look into it more later if they are still needed or not)

- Blackboard, school-tables and classrooms and related things had to be renamed (DefName) as the new Biotech blackboard was named the same, which means old 1.3 saves are not directly compatible without things vanishing or potential issues (the names are now mostly: CSL_[OldName] )

- HAR(Humanoid Alien Races) often seem to have issues with Biotech active and beeing born young, there is now a new perSpecies-Option to ignore Development-Stages for them (which can fix those issues) 4th checkmark in the table

- Stillborn can also be overridden(turned off) with a new option (wich also works in case CSL does not handle pregnancies) (as with miscarriages in 1.3, which also works in 1.4, but only when CSL handles pregnancies, which it does by default)

Messaggio originale di jm1168696:
Does CSL affect any of the pregnancy or birth of biotech and can I disable it? I liked the system of CSL affecting pregnancy by adding the hediffs that the parents had is there a way to disable everything else and keep that system? Thanks :steamhappy:
Messaggio originale di Sig:
Thank you for the update and for creating the mod. In the case of playing it with Biotech, besides the blackboard stuff, does the mod override biotech's children entirely or does it add to them the CSL mod features that the dlc doesn't have?

It mixes and restores most of the CSL functions together with biotech, so it should work more or less like before, you can 'disable handling pregnancies' which will result in Biotech beeing in control again - it looked good so far in testing (HAR-Hybrids etc. seemed OK, the things that still need some testing are the Biotech genes + HAR currently messes with the hair and skin colors of genes and pawns if it is active, or at least last I tested - it has nothing to do with CSL, just a general 1.4 issue/oddity)

CSL should work ok with and without Biotech, but what happens with the children can/will likely be different (genes / behavior etc.) with Biotech you have the birth-labor part in bed etc. + the new behavior of young children and without it things are more or less like in 1.3

currently the Blackboard from CSL and Biotech also co-exist (and are like they were in 1.3), but they don't add to each other, which is also something I have to look into later

VAT-grown birth with Biotech may also still lack some of the CSL mixing etc. (I have to fully test that yet) but normal birth are OK

You should be able to use CSL with or without Biotech, there may still be some edge-cases with gene inheriting etc. but nothing major so far at least - behaviour is of course different, without Biotech most things are like they were in 1.3 with CSL and with Biotech it merges the behaviour of both were possible / like configured.
Ultima modifica da Dylan; 29 ott 2022, ore 15:36