Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

[SEE NEW VERSION] Better Balanced Game v3.17.4
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
codenaugh  [developer] Oct 25, 2018 @ 10:57pm
Full Changelog
Civs and Leaders
    • +5 when defending on home continent
    • +5 when attacking on foreign continent
    • Film studio tourism bonus reduced from 100% to 50%
    • Rough Rider UU is now a Cavalry Replacement:
          Class: Light Cavalry
          Cost: 340
          Combat: 62
          Movement: 5
          Maintenance: 2
          Special: +5 Combat on hills, gain 25% of enemy strength as culture for kills on home continent
    • Mustangs (UU Airplane) strength reduced to 90
    AMERICA (Bullmoose)
    • Only 1 science and culture for breathtaking at start
    • Additional +1 science and culture for breathtaking at Astronomy and Enlightenment
    • Worship Building enhancement bonus increased from 10% to 20%
    • After researching Astrology, gain 1 Great Prophet Point per turn in the Capital.
    • Mamluks can now upgrade into Cuirisser
    • Leader Ability Bonus Production reduced to 0% when targeted with a declaration of war and reduced to 50% when liberating a city state.
    • Digger UU buffed to:
          Combat: 74
          Movement: 3
      Resource Maintenance: 1 Niter
    • +50% production towards land melee units
    • Tlachtli UB cost reduced to 100, now provides +3 culture instead of +1 culture/+2 faith
    • no changes
    • combat bonus per holy city converted reduced to +2 from +3
    • +8 Food and +8 Production for cities with a National Park
    • Hockey Rink UI now at Diplomatic Service
    • Mountie UU buffed to 70 combat strength and Nation Parks bonus radiuses increased to 4 from 2
    • +1 Food on Tundra and Tundra Hills tiles
    • Constructed wonders give +1 of each yield to their city
    • Great wall gets +1 prod, no gold. +1 gold and +1 culture per adj segments. culture comes at castles
    • Crouching Tiger UU is now a Crossbowman replacement with the following stats:
          Cost: 190
          Ranged Combat: 40
          Combat: 30
          Range: 2
          Maintenance: 3
          Special: +7 Ranged Combat Strength when attacking adjacent units
    • Cree scouts upgrade to skirmishers
    • Iteru production bonus increased to 25%
    • Sphinx UI Updated as follows:
          +1 Culture, +2 Faith
          +1 Culture and +1 Faith if adjacent to a Wonder
          +1 Food and +1 Production if built on a desert tile without floodplains
      +1 Culture if built on floodplains
          +1 Culture at Diplomatic Service
          +2 Appeal to each adjacent tile
    • Half cost Theater Square buildings (+100% production)
    • Catherine's spy abilities moved to France to buff Eleanor France
    • Sea Dog UU is now available at Exploration (was Mercantilism)
    • rock hewn church no longer has +1 faith base and only get faith from adj hills (not mountains anymore)
    • only Oromo UU gets the +4 combat on hills
    • faith on resources was buggy, so now simple +1 faith on all resources
    • court festival culture and tourism decreased to 25 from 50
    • Tourism from wonders boost reduced from +100% to +50%
    • Chateau UI updated as follows:
          +2 Culture
          +1 Housing
          +1 food and +1 gold for each adjacent luxury resource
          +1 Culture for each adjacent Wonder
          Now available at Feudalism (was Humanism)
          Must be built adjacent to a river
    • Leader ability updated: Now provides 50% of slain enemy unit base combat strength as faith.
    • Tsikhe UB is now a replacement for Ancient Walls that provides +3 faith (and +3 tourism at Flight). Also wall strength is between ancient walls and medieval walls, at 100.
    • Khevsur UU is now a Swordsman replacement with the following stats:
          Cost: 100
          Strength: 35
          Maintenance: 2
          Class: Melee
          Special: +5 combat in hills, moving on hills costs only 1 movement
          Requires 5 Iron on online speed
    • Extra District is now available at Guilds instead of game start
    • promote ability only works for light cavalry
    • Cannot recruit Great Generals
    • Commandantes have +1 movement to land units within 2 tiles, like Generals
    • All units get +1 sight instead of +1 movement
    • Hacienda comes at Medieval Faires instead of Mercantilism and cannot be placed on hills
    • Acropolis UD: Bonus envoy now requires an amphitheater
    • Extra wildcard policy card delayed until Political Philosophy
    • King's combat bonus reduced to 1 per adj unit and no longer applies to ranged units
    • No culture from producing military units
    • Huzsar UU gets +1 combat strength for each alliance instead of +3
    • Black Army UU get only +2 combat strength per adjacent levied unit
    • Levied units only get +1 movement instead of 2 and no combat bonus
    • Levying units only grants 1 envoy instead of 2
    • Warak'aq ranged strength reduced from 40 to 30
    • Stepwell UI:
      +1 food moved from Professional Sports to Feudalism
      +1 food for every adjacent farm
    • Chandragupta:
      military and religious units get +1 movement
    • Gandhi:
      +1 movement to Builders and Settlers
      additional belief when founding a religion
    • Jongs require 5 Niter on online speed instead of 0
    • Commercial Hubs no longer receive river adjacency bonus
    • Samurai UU availability moved to Feudalism
    • Domrey's are catapult replacement that can move & shoot, and have +5 offense & defense
    • Prasat UB now provides a free missionary when built (requires a majority/founded religion)
    • Prasat missionaries no longer get martyr ability
    • Trade routes to or from other civilizations provide +2 faith for Khmer, and +2 faith for the sending civilization
    • Mbemba UU requires 5 Iron (online speed)
    • +100% production towards archealogists
    • Seowon UD
      +2 science as base, increased by +1 for every 2 adjacent mines
      Theater Squares provide 0 adjacency instead of -1
      +1 adjacency for Theater Squares
      culture bombs when completed
    • +20% production in all cities for 10 turns after taking a city
    • Hetairoi no longer replace Horsemen, allowing for Cav pre-builds
    • Hypaspist requires 5 Iron (online speed) and gets +10 against cities instead of +5
    • Alexander now gets +25% of unit prod cost in Science for kills
    • no free builder when settling capital city
    • Toa strength kept to 40 (firaxis nerfed hard to 36)
    • Toa now 2 maintenance instead of 0
    • Toa's -5 for adjacent units only works on land
    • Boats can no longer enter deep ocean until Cartography
    • Combat Bonus versus civilizations in a golden age reduced to +5
    • Chemamull UI now provides +1 production and an additional +1 production at Civil Service
    • Malon Raiders are now a Courser replacement with the following stats:
          Cost: 200
          Maintenance: 3
          Movement: 6 (instead of +5 combat when within 4 tiles of borders)
          Special: pillaging only costs 1 movement
    • Combat bonus within 6 of capital reduced to 3 from 5
    • Spawn bias tweaked to be more consistent and more plantation geared while reducing chances of coast/desert/tundra
    • Trading posts no longer give +1 diplomatic visibility
    • Ordu UB cost cut in half (60 production now)
    • polders only require 2 adj land tiles
    • UU requires 5 niter on online speed
    • Berserker UU adjusted to be 35 strength, +15 when attacking, may be purchased with faith, comes at Feudalism, and gets +2 movement when embarked
    • Stave Church gives +1 Faith to all resource tiles in the city instead of additional adjacency bonus for woods
    • Holy Sites get standard adjacency (+1) from coastal tiles
    • Harbors get major adjacency (+2) from an adjacent Holy Site
    • Ranged unit production reduced to 0
    • Experience bonus reduced to 25%
    • Nubian Pyramids UI now provides 2 of the appropriate resource for adjacent districts (food for city center) and can be built on all floodplains, flat plains, and flat grass
    • Grand Bazaar now a Market replacement instead of Bank replacement
    • No longer receives a movement bonus when declaring a surprise war
    • Immortal Adjusted to 35 Combat (was 30) and 20 Ranged (was 25), also requires 10 iron online speed
    • Units get +3 Combat Strength when attacking
    • Pairidaeza get +1 Culture when adjacent to a Campus
    • Pairidaeza get +1 Gold when adjacent to an Industrial Zone
    • Pairidaeza get +1 Gold when adjacent to a Harbor
    • Internal trade routes get +2 Culture at Medieval Faires
    • Internal trade routes get +2 Culture at Urbanization
    • Internal trade routes get +2 Gold at Banking
    • Internal trade routes get +2 Gold at Economics
    • Cothon now +25% to settlers and boats instead of +50%
    • Now receives a relic upon founding and completing a religion
    • Winged Hussar availability moved to Divine Right (was Mercenaries)
    • free city center building requires code of laws
    • Legions require 10 iron online speed
    • Baths give minor district adjacency bonus in Culture
    • Now only receives 2 bonus tiles when founding a city (was 8)
    • Cossack UU Combat reduced to 62
    • Lavra gets Writer, Artist, and Musician points only when city has a Theater Square
    • Lavra Great Prophet Points reduced from 2 to 1
    • 10% prod/sci for happy, 15% for ecstatic
    • Highlander has +10 Defense Strength
    • Golf Course UI updated as follows:
          +1 Culture and +2 Gold
          +1 Culture and +1 Gold if placed adjacent to the city center
          +1 Culture if adjacent to an Entertainment Complex
          +2 Amenity
          +1 Housing at Urbanization
          +1 Culture and Gold at The Enlightenment
    • Kurgan UI now provides +1 production for each adjacent pasture and can be built on hills
    • Civilization Ability is updated to allow faith-purchasing of any light, heavy, or ranged cavalry units
    • Saka Horse Archer has been updated as follows:
          Cost: 70
          Ranged Combat: 25
          Combat: 15
          Maintenance: 2
          Range: 2
          Movement: 4
      Horses Required: 5
    • Mission UU updated as follows:
          +2 Faith
          +1 Science for each adj campus or holy site
          +2 Faith if on a foreign continent
      +1 housing if on home continent
          Available at Theology
          +2 Science at Enlightenment
          +2 Loyalty if on a foreign continent
          cannot be placed next to each other
    • Fleets unlocked at Mercenaries instead of Mercantilism
    • 30% discount on Missionaries
    • Double pillage rewards instead of bugged shared pillage and xp
    • +3 influence points per turn towards envoys
    • War Cart UU now a Heavy Chariot replacement with 36 strength and costs 2 maintenance. Unlocks at horseback riding. Has a chance to capture defeated Barbarian and City-State units, +1 movement if starting on flat terrain.
    • Ziggurat UI +1 culture moved from Natural History to Diplomatic Service... also gets +1 science and +1 culture at Enlightenment
    • +50% production towards Workshops, Factories, Libraries, and Universities
    • Open Air Museum unlocked at Diplomatic Service instead of Nationalism
    • +1 gold and +1 culture per ikana building
    • +5 Corps and Armies bonus delayed to Nationalism

Non-Unique Units (replacement UUs also adjusted)
  • Quadriemes get 2 range
  • Helicopters use oil instead of aluminum
  • GDRs uranium maintenance reduced to 2 from 3
  • Cavalry, Courser, and Knight production reduced
  • Military Engineers get +1 movement and building roads don't consume charges
  • Pikeman/Impi moved to Stirrups
  • All planes -10 combat
  • Siege units get +10 ranged defense
  • Anti-Air guns moved to Steel tech
  • Privateers are now available at Exploration
  • Infantry buffed to 72 Combat and 3 Movement, and cost 1 niter maintenance
  • Warrior Monks +5 combat strength (40 now) and do full dmg to walls

  • encampment/harbor/aerodome buildings give an extra +25% xp to units trained in them
  • Chancery science from captured spies now 200 per spy level instead of 50 (std speed)
  • Flood Barriers unlocked at steam power
  • Barracks/Stable and replacements now +2 production instead of +1
  • Armory/Military Academy now +2 General Points instead of +1
  • Seaport now +1 coal and +3 Admiral Points instead of +1
  • Shopping Mall tourism increased to 6 from 4
  • Oil Power Plant +6 Production instead of +3
  • Nuclear Power Plant now +8 Production instead of +4
  • Nuclear Power Plant now +6 Science instead of +3
  • Ancient Walls Production increased to 100 from 80
  • Medieval Walls Production decreased to 200 from 220
  • Armories give +1 Niter
  • Military Academies give +2 Oil
  • Airports give +2 Aluminum

World Wonders and Natural Wonders
  • Great Barrier Reef gives major (+2) adj to campus districts
  • Bermuda Triangle no longer gives science to tiles
  • Paititi gold and culture reduced to +1 from +3 and +2
  • Cristo Redentor gives 1 relic
  • St Basil's Cathedral gives 1 relic
  • Scott research station can be built and works with Tundra tiles
  • Great Library: Now Available at Drama and Poetry
  • Hanging Gardens: Now provides +1 housing to each city within 6 tiles
  • Venetian Arsenal: Changed to provide +100% to ship production
  • Crater Lake now gives +2 Food, +2 Science, and +4 Faith
  • Cliffs of Dover provides an additional +2 Food, and can be settled
  • Dead Sea provides an additional +2 Food
  • Eye of the Sahara provides +2 Food, +2 Science, and +2 Production
  • Galapagos Islands provides an additional food on adjacent tiles
  • Lake Retba gets +2 Food added
  • Pantanal gets +2 Science added
  • Ubunsur Hollow now provides +2 Faith, +2 Food, and +2 Production
  • Goibustan now +4 Culture and +4 Production
  • White Desert now +2 Science, +2 Culture, and +6 Gold
  • Chocolate Hills now +3 Food, +3 Production, and +1 Science
  • Devil's Tower grants 2 Faith to adjacent tiles instead of 1
  • Huey now gives +2 culture to lake tiles

  • Feed the world GS housing reduced to 1 from 2
  • Holy Water gives +10 healing within borders of a city following your religion
  • All worship buildings production cost reduced
  • Dar E Mehr now gives +2 culture in total instead of +1 faith per era
  • Work Ethic now +2 production per shrine and +4 per temple
  • Divine Inspiration now +6 faith per wonder
  • Crusader reduced to +5
  • Lay Ministry is now +2 Faith/Culture for appropriate districts
  • World Church is +1 Culture per 3 Foreign Followers
  • Cross Cultural Dialogue is +1 Science per 3 Foreign Followers
  • Tithe is now +2 gold per city instead of 3... 1g per 3 followers pre-GS
  • Zen Meditation now requires only 1 district
  • Religious Communities now applies to Holy Sites
  • Itinerant preachers percentage increased to 40 from 30

  • religious settlements no longer gives settler and border growth increased to 50%
  • River goddess now +2 faith adj for HS and +1 amenity & housing instead of 2 each
  • City Patron now +50% instead of +25%
  • Dance of the Aurora only applies to flat Tundra tiles now
  • Goddess of Harvest now 50% instead of 100% faith from chops
  • Goddess of Fire Pantheon Faith from volcanic soil and geothermals doubled to +4
  • Lady of the reeds and marshes works on all floodplains and also on marsh wonders
  • Lady of reeds and marshes only +1 prod (was +2 in GS)
  • Sacred Path also gives +1 adjacency to woods, as well as rainforests
  • Initiation Rites now gives 25% of a land military unit's production value in faith when produced
  • Fertility Rites now gives +1 food on maize, sheep, wheat and rice, in addition to the free builder
  • Religious Idols gets +2 gold added to its +2 faith
  • Monument to the Gods now affects Wonders of any era
  • Stone Circles gets +1 faith and +1 production instead of +2 faith from Quarries
  • God of War gives +1 Great Person Points to Harbors, Encampments, and Commercials

Golden Ages
  • To Arms now gives +10 combat against cities
  • Monumentality discount reduced to 10% from 20%
  • Hunt Sic Dracones gives 3 pop for all new cities instead of just new continent ones
  • Pen, Brush, and Voice Golden Age gives +2 culture and +1 gold per district

Governors and Governments
  • Governor Major Revamp (see in game Governor Promos)
  • Foreign Ministry (tier 2 gov building) now gives 2 envoys and 2 extra influence per turn
  • Communism's Collectivization card now gives +2 Production for domestic trade routes
  • Warlord's Throne gives +25% production towards naval and land military units, -1 unit maintenance cost, and +15 to strategic resource stockpiles
  • Audience chamber gives +3 food and +3 housing for cities with a governor, and +1 gov title

Culture Victory
  • Moon landing only gives 5x Science as Culture instead of 10x
  • Computers and Environmentalism give +50% tourism boost instead of +25%
  • Tourism from wonders increase to 5
  • Books are now 4 culture and 2 tourism instead of 2 and 2
  • Art is now 4 culture and 4 tourism instead of 3 and 2
  • Artifacts are now 6 culture and 6 tourism instead of 3 and 3
  • Music gives 12 culture and 8 tourism instead of 4 and 4
  • Relics give 4 tourism instead of 8
  • 150 tourism required to gain one foreign tourist (instead of 200)
  • No tourism penalty for being in democracy or digital democracy (used to be 20)
  • Tourism penalties for other tier 3 and 4 governments absorb the 20 from democracy to equal out if someone catches you in government tier... so they are 40 instead of 20 now

Religious Victory
  • condemn reduces religious unit health by 50 instead of instakill
  • religious spread for defeating units reduced to 150 from 250
  • apostle combat promotion reduced to +10 instead of +20
  • apostle spread promotion reduced to double strength in foreign cities instead of triple
  • apostle eliminate foreign pressure promotion reduced to 25% from 75%
  • Condemning units no longer provides spread
  • Inquisitors have 2 charges instead of 3 and remove 25% of pressure instead of 100%
  • Trade routes send 2 religious spread and return 1 instead of 1 and 0.5

  • Preslav gives full loyalty in all cities (really +40) (R&F/GS change only)
  • Fez science per citizen reduced to 10 from 20
  • Nan Madol suzerain bonus only applies to special districts now

  • discipline card gives +10 instead of +5 combat strength against barbarians
  • Fisheries moved to Cartography from Liang
  • Favor reduction for owning foreign capitals reduced to -2 from -5
  • Tunnels moved to Military Science from Chemistry
  • Score for techs and civics increased by 1 (were 2/3, now 3/4)
  • Score for wonders reduced from 15 to 4
  • Score for Great People reduced from 5 to 3
  • Score from converting cities reduced from 2 to 1
  • Score for cities reduced from 5 to 2
  • Score for population increased from 1 to 2
  • Era score will no longer count towards actual game score
  • Oil can now spawn on flat plains, as well as all floodplains
  • Walls are now halfway between R&F and GS values (75, 75, 75, 300) (100 for Georgia's Tsikhe walls)
  • Incense +1 food
  • Retinues and force modernization policy cards allow for producing units for half resources cost instead of only working on upgrades
  • Minimum favor from grievances is now 0 instead of -10
  • Can improve offshore Oil at Refining Tech (when Oil is revealed)
  • Citizen specialists now give +1 main yield (ex. +1 science for campus specialist)
  • Limes policy card now provides +100% production to Siege Units and does not expire
  • Fishing boats give +1 production

  • Policy card exploit patched... if no civic selected, auto-chooses earliest available
  • Siege units' promotions, Grape Shot and Shrapnel, no longer works on defense
  • Can declare war on a city-state on the same turn an opposing Amani is removed instead of having to wait 10 turns
  • Artwork from the same artist give their standard culture and tourism yields instead of 1 culture and 1 tourism
  • Fascism combat bonus works on both offense and defense
  • Fascism combat bonus and legacy card works on GDRs
  • Priority targeting button removed from aircraft
  • Matterhorn bonus fixed for Egyptian Chariot Archers and Sumerian War Cats
Last edited by codenaugh; May 25, 2021 @ 4:45pm
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Showing 1-1 of 1 comments
codenaugh  [developer] Dec 7, 2020 @ 2:13pm 
FYI: I have retired from working on this mod, due to my interest in civ diminishing. I may update it occasionally with no set schedule, just to maintain it or address urgent needs. A new BBG team has stepped up to take over and I have a lot of confidence and faith in them. Their version stands to be the new de facto version used in the multiplayer communities and events. You can subscribe to it here:

Please leave comments on the comments page instead of on this one.
Last edited by codenaugh; Dec 7, 2020 @ 3:23pm
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