Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

Extended Weeklies
Delta♂  [開發人員] 2018 年 4 月 14 日 上午 8:03
Future Weekly Suggestions
If you have any ideas for weeklies that you might like to see in future updates - please leave them here and we might consider adding it ;)
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目前顯示第 1-10 則留言,共 10
CyberaิJ 🐒 2018 年 4 月 14 日 上午 9:03 
I would love to see a gamemode that every zed always has max increased size (like in Beefcake) without damaging player first. They look terrifying to me when they're big! O.o!
killall -q 2018 年 4 月 15 日 下午 12:44 
Turn It Up to Eleven
Players do 50% more damage.
Medium and large zeds spawn more frequently.

Line 'Em Up
Players have 1000% bullet penetration.
Increased small zed spawns.

In the Zone
Players move, attack, and reload faster.
Zeds move and attack slower (40-60% normal speed).
Increased zed spawns.

Parry does massive damage and completely cancels incoming damage.
Only Gorefasts, Gorefiends, Scrakes, and Fleshpounds spawn.

I don't know if this is possible, but...

Fire Discipline
Friendly fire is on.
最後修改者:killall -q; 2018 年 4 月 15 日 下午 1:24
LynxRecruit 2018 年 4 月 16 日 上午 11:05 
Where's the Dosh?!

Difficulty H.O.E

Length Chooseable.

Ammo Packs Spawn More frequently but Don't give as much ammo as it normally would.

Length of the game changes how much dosh is earned Per wave

4 waves

7 Waves

10 Waves (Most Brutal & Most Challenging)
1: 10
2: 15
3: 25
4: 30
5: 43
6: 56
7: 78
8: 87
9: 95
10: 100
Aibadenshi-Sensei 2018 年 4 月 21 日 上午 8:16 
Zedapocalypto: A gamemode that only spawn the minor zed with 2x or 3x time the number of zed in that wave. Also include their elite version like rioter gorefiend and elite crawler.
Reason: Due to their low health they can be easily dispatched so increasing their number would give most player abit of a hard time even tho they are the weakest. And they also the easiest to clone.
最後修改者:Aibadenshi-Sensei; 2018 年 4 月 21 日 上午 8:19
Eldin (已封鎖) 2018 年 6 月 23 日 上午 11:02 
Zombies weekly

  • Only Clots, Alpha Clots and Slashers spawns
  • Hundreds of them spawns per wave and increased number of Zeds that can exist on map at the same time
  • We should shoot them in head because they only take 20% of the damage when you shoot them in body or limbs (you can kill them with body shots but it'll take you 5x more ammo)
  • They do a lot of damage so getting close to them is not recommended
  • We only have limited amount of syringe shots. When you use them all you can't heal yourself anymore until you recharge syringe at trader.
  • We start with only 9mm pistol, knife and empty syringe and we have to scavenge for weapons
  • Trader doesn't sell weapons. You can only upgrade weapons and buy ammo/armor/grenades/syringe shots.
  • Syringe can hold only one shot, but you can upgrade it so it can hold up to 5 shots
  • We can't sell weapons so you'll have to think which ones you'll upgrade
Pokerman 2018 年 8 月 12 日 上午 1:26 
Need more game mode :

  • Speed-up world - the time become 2 times faster, your reaction must be faster!

  • It's raining grenades - no trader, you only equip knife but you have tons of grenades.

  • Drunk Fight : Human drink too many beers, their aim and movement will wavering around and the screen will sometimes go blurry for 3 seconds.

  • Matrix Bullet : Your bullet flying in real time and 50% slower, just like The Matrix Movie.

  • Invisiception : All zeds are invisible now, so scary~~~

  • Human Magnet : Human become magnetic, humans will attract each other if both are too near. The magnet force will decay every 10 seconds and recover in 3 seconds.

  • Friendly-fire : Sometimes your teammate may betray you..... Human can damage other human, be careful where you aiming.

  • Don't Starve!! : You lose 4hp every second, feed your teammate with syringe or he will starve.

  • Infection Crisis : Zed's attack will infect human with 2 infected points, reach 100 the human turns into zombie and controlled by AI, marked as dead, remaining human need to kill all zed and full-infected human to finish the wave.

  • Zed Transformers : The zed will randomly swap position of other zed. One second Scrake, one second Fleshpound.

  • Zed Fission : Zed receives enough damage will split up into 2 clones, each one has half of remaining health. The clone will be smaller.

  • Too Obese : YOU ARE FAT! Player move slower and falling faster and deal more falling damage.
最後修改者:Pokerman; 2018 年 8 月 12 日 上午 1:28
B Dawg 2018 年 8 月 29 日 上午 2:17 
Classic but with Hans available alongside Patriarch. He is a KF2 Classic.
最後修改者:B Dawg; 2018 年 8 月 29 日 下午 1:21
Extract 2019 年 1 月 26 日 下午 5:43 
Warper Weekly
Zeds move near-realtime during zedtime.

Reduced zed amount. (For compensation)

Reduced spawn rate. (For compensation)
最後修改者:Extract; 2019 年 1 月 26 日 下午 5:49
Eldin (已封鎖) 2019 年 1 月 27 日 上午 1:08 
Pay to live
-You have only 1hp and cannot heal
-Spawn with 100 heavy body armor (can only receive damage from supersonic attacks)
-There's no limit of how much armor you can have

Basically instead of healing with syringe you would have to spend money on armor to stay alive
And Sirens can insta kill you

Boom Headshot
-You spawn with only 9mm pistol and that's only weapon you can use.
-Each headshot gives you back 1 bullet
-Dosh income is greatly reduced

You'll have to land accurate headshots if you don't want to run out of ammo

Don't touch me
-You have only 1hp and cannot heal or use armor
-Only clots spawns

Just keep your distance and don't let them touch you

Trigger discipline
-Each shot you miss will reduce your maximum health by amount of base damage of weapon.
-Max health reverts back to normal after each wave

Shot only if you're sure you'll hit Zed. Wasting ammo by shooting at walls and floors will be punished.

With shotguns, at least one pellet has to hit Zed. Each swing with melee weapon must deal damage.

-Everyone starts with 9mm and knife
-No skills, no perk bonuses

No perk bonuses, no perk skills, no any buffs. Instead of using perk skills, try using just your own.

-E.D.A.R.s only

Human Time
-Totally opposite of ZED Time
-When Zed damages player, there's a chance that it'll activate Human Time
-Zed Time skills are inverted

Human Time is basically Zed Time for Zeds. To them it'll look like humans are moving and shooting slower.
And to us it'll look like Zeds are moving and attacking much faster.

About inverting Zed Time skills:
If your Zed Time skill allowed you to shoot 3 times faster during Zed Time. You'll shot 3 times slower during Human Time
If you could move faster, then you'll move slower. If your shots could penetrate everything, they won't be able to penetrate anything. If you released healing gas, you'll release poisoning gas. If you had unlimited ammo, you'll have no ammo and won't be able to shoot during Human Time.

We share
-Money is shared between all players

Basically, instead of seeing how much dosh you have, you'll see how much dosh all players have in total.
And that dosh is shared, meaning anyone can spend any amount of it.
This will make some tricky situations.
You'll have to think how much money you'll spend.
Do you want to be fair and leave enough dosh for your teammates.
Or you'll run to the trader, spend all money for yourself and leave your teammates with empty pockets and huge wish to chop you to pieces.

Empty mag
-You can't reload until you empty whole mag
- Damage is increased by 20% for SG500, M4, Trench Gun, Winchester, SPX
-Damage is decreased by 50% for Boomstick, Doomstick (alt fire only), HX25, M79, RPG, Crossbow, Rail Gun, M99

-Long match (10 waves)
-You spawn as random perk and your perk will be randomly changed after every wave
-Perk you get will be chosen randomly, but every perk will be chosen only once. Meaning you'll play one wave as each perk.

-You can heal ONLY by killing Zeds
-Trash Zeds restore 1hp
-Medium Zeds restore 5hp
-Scrakes and FPs restore 10hp
-Killing Zed that was not damaged before with only 1 bullet doubles hp restored
最後修改者:Eldin; 2019 年 1 月 27 日 上午 1:09
amoeba 2019 年 4 月 13 日 下午 3:08 
Doll party-You only have half your health, and no armor, any hit to a zed will make them ragdoll, but bigger zeds will spawn alot more frequently, and bloats, husks, edars, sirens, gorefasts and gorefiends wont spawn.
最後修改者:amoeba; 2019 年 4 月 13 日 下午 3:08
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