ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Immersive Taming
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Burgesssssss  [developer] Jan 26, 2018 @ 9:37am
For Stacking Mod Users
Baits require class specific items to prevent being able to craft Raw Meat bait with Raw Fish, and Raw Prime Meat bait with Mutton etc.

If when attempting to craft baits, any meat items don't show as being valid for crafting, it's likely down to your stacking mod replacing the original, and the mod therefore not seeing the specific class it's looking for.

You can however customise the crafting requirement via ini. Simply replace the meat item that isn't showing with your stacking mod's equivalent.

Additional info can be found below...

Bait item class filenames can be found in Steam\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Content\Mods\1251632107\Baits
Last edited by Burgesssssss; Sep 24, 2018 @ 1:30pm
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Showing 1-15 of 131 comments
Gantros Feb 7, 2018 @ 7:53pm 
Could someone post a tutorial on how to do this with a dedicated server (like Nitrado)?
Burgesssssss  [developer] Feb 8, 2018 @ 12:01pm 
Just paste the following to your game's ini, but replace the last item, "PrimalItemConsumable_RawMeat_Fish_C", with whatever your stacking mod's equivalent is.


From then just restart your server.

In the example below, I replaced
"PrimalItemConsumable_RawMeat_Fish_C" with "PrimalItemResource_Gem_Fertile_C", which now enables Fish Baits to be crafted using Green Gems.

Hope this helps (:
Last edited by Burgesssssss; Feb 8, 2018 @ 12:23pm
makura1141 Feb 14, 2018 @ 12:22pm 
I've been trying to figure out how to get the item string for the raw fish for awhile now but cant figure it out. I would like to return to using a stacking mod since my items are driving me insane but I haven't been able to find the item string when I've looked.
Is there an easy way to find it? Or a stacking mod that makes it easier to find? I've been using Better PVE but I'm debating changing it since it hasn't been updated.
Burgesssssss  [developer] Feb 14, 2018 @ 12:33pm 
The string can be found in the stacking mod's folder found in Ark\ShooterGame\Content\Mods\WhatevertheModIDis

From here, it's dependant on how the mod has set up folders, but you can usually just search for whatever item you're looking for. Once found, it's simply the name of the file with _C added to the end.

Hope this helps.
makura1141 Feb 14, 2018 @ 2:20pm 
Thank you so much! Its working now! Judging by the fact the two fish I caught aren't stacking to old and can be used to make bait :) This will make things soooo much easier! I can wander further without worrying about my predators starving lol.
Varghjärta Feb 21, 2018 @ 7:11pm 
Hello, Burgessss. I really adore your mod. Thank you so much for your time and effort put into it. I was hoping that you could instill a bit of knowledge about the fish and fish prime issue with the stacking mod. I understand the concept, run my own unofficial server and have tried using the override in the game.ini, but the issue is, despite EXHAUSTIVE searches I just can't seem to find a single fish item file in my preferred stacking mod (HG Stacking Mod 10000-90 V278.3) no matter how hard I try.

The other types of baits work perfectly, just not anything fish-related (as you're well aware, I know.)

Basically, I'm going to try to reach out to the mod creator, Hulk, as he seems pretty great, but I was hoping you might have had experience with this one in particular and could give me some assistance.

Thank you for your consideration and your fantastic mod!
Gantros Feb 21, 2018 @ 8:01pm 
Originally posted by Varghjärta:
Hello, Burgessss. I really adore your mod. Thank you so much for your time and effort put into it. I was hoping that you could instill a bit of knowledge about the fish and fish prime issue with the stacking mod. I understand the concept, run my own unofficial server and have tried using the override in the game.ini, but the issue is, despite EXHAUSTIVE searches I just can't seem to find a single fish item file in my preferred stacking mod (HG Stacking Mod 10000-90 V278.3) no matter how hard I try.

The other types of baits work perfectly, just not anything fish-related (as you're well aware, I know.)

Basically, I'm going to try to reach out to the mod creator, Hulk, as he seems pretty great, but I was hoping you might have had experience with this one in particular and could give me some assistance.

Thank you for your consideration and your fantastic mod!
Here is the rewrite I used for HG 1000-50:


Varghjärta Feb 22, 2018 @ 5:36am 
You're the best, Gantros. Thanks!
IcedLance Feb 28, 2018 @ 3:38am 
Asked our server admin to fix fish bait with

ConfigOverrideItemCraftingCosts= ( ItemClassString="PrimalItemConsumable_Bait_RawFishMeat_C", BaseCraftingResourceRequirements= ( ( ResourceItemTypeString="PrimalItemResource_Fibers_C", BaseResourceRequirement=12.0, bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false ), ( ResourceItemTypeString="PrimalItemResource_Sparkpowder_C", BaseResourceRequirement=2.0, bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false ), ( ResourceItemTypeString="PrimalItemConsumable_RawMeat_Fish_C", BaseResourceRequirement=1.0, bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false ) ) )

It did work, meaning I can now craft fish baits.
However fish bait arrows (and using fish baits) spawn loot bag with fish bait instead of actual fish bait and thus do not allow taming.
All other baits work perfectly.

I'll try asking to change the recipe override to what Gantros suggested, but not sure it'll help and just don't think it'll be anytime soon. I heard there was a similar issue before that was then fixed.

Any ideas?
Last edited by IcedLance; Feb 28, 2018 @ 3:40am
Burgesssssss  [developer] Mar 2, 2018 @ 8:43pm 
Originally posted by IcedLance:
Asked our server admin to fix fish bait with

ConfigOverrideItemCraftingCosts= ( ItemClassString="PrimalItemConsumable_Bait_RawFishMeat_C", BaseCraftingResourceRequirements= ( ( ResourceItemTypeString="PrimalItemResource_Fibers_C", BaseResourceRequirement=12.0, bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false ), ( ResourceItemTypeString="PrimalItemResource_Sparkpowder_C", BaseResourceRequirement=2.0, bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false ), ( ResourceItemTypeString="PrimalItemConsumable_RawMeat_Fish_C", BaseResourceRequirement=1.0, bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false ) ) )

It did work, meaning I can now craft fish baits.
However fish bait arrows (and using fish baits) spawn loot bag with fish bait instead of actual fish bait and thus do not allow taming.
All other baits work perfectly.

I'll try asking to change the recipe override to what Gantros suggested, but not sure it'll help and just don't think it'll be anytime soon. I heard there was a similar issue before that was then fixed.

Any ideas?

Hmm. Odd. Not exactly sure what could cause that. That override only changes crafting requirements. The secondary dropped template is stored in the item itself, so it you're seeing the actual fish baits as items in your inventory, with the correct icon and description, they should also retain their secondary dropped template.

Was it just you or all players on the server?
Offbyone Mar 3, 2018 @ 12:00am 
I cannot, for the life of me, get the fish bait to work. Still won't recognize the meat. if anyone has any insight or is also using both these mods without issue, please let me know.

StackMeMore (1.34)

Summon commands to compare item names
Raw Fish Meat cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/StackMeMore/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_RawMeat_Fish_Child.PrimalItemConsumable_RawMeat_Fish_Child'" 1 0 0 Raw Prime Fish Meat cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/StackMeMore/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_RawPrimeMeat_Fish_Child.PrimalItemConsumable_RawPrimeMeat_Fish_Child'" 1 0 0

My Config in Game.ini under [ImmersiveTamingSettings]

ConfigOverrideItemCraftingCosts=(ItemClassString="PrimalItemConsumable_Bait_RawFishMeat_C",BaseCraftingResourceRequirements=((ResourceItemTypeString="PrimalItemResource_Fibers_C",BaseResourceRequirement=12.0,bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false),(ResourceItemTypeString="PrimalItemResource_Sparkpowder_C",BaseResourceRequirement=2.0,bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false),(ResourceItemTypeString="PrimalItemConsumable_RawMeat_Fish_Child_C",BaseResourceRequirement=1.0,bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false))) ConfigOverrideItemCraftingCosts=(ItemClassString="PrimalItemConsumable_Bait_RawPrimeFishMeat_C",BaseCraftingResourceRequirements=((ResourceItemTypeString="PrimalItemResource_Fibers_C",BaseResourceRequirement=12.0,bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false),(ResourceItemTypeString="PrimalItemResource_Sparkpowder_C",BaseResourceRequirement=2.0,bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false),(ResourceItemTypeString="PrimalItemConsumable_RawPrimeMeat_Fish_Child_C",BaseResourceRequirement=1.0,bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false)))
IcedLance Mar 7, 2018 @ 1:42am 
Originally posted by author:
Was it just you or all players on the server?
Asked admin to directly spawn a bait and it didn't work for him either.
In a non-dedicated session it works, so i guess it's gremlins at work.
We'll figure smth out, if there's no known solution. It only affects Pelagonises anyway? Not sure.
Thank you for the amazing mod!
Burgesssssss  [developer] Mar 7, 2018 @ 1:13pm 
Originally posted by IcedLance:
Originally posted by author:
Was it just you or all players on the server?
Asked admin to directly spawn a bait and it didn't work for him either.
In a non-dedicated session it works, so i guess it's gremlins at work.
We'll figure smth out, if there's no known solution. It only affects Pelagonises anyway? Not sure.
Thank you for the amazing mod!

Traditionally the crafting requirement override shouldn't be underneath the [ImmersiveTamingSettings] heading, but under [/script/shootergame.shootergamemode], as it a command tied to the base game, that simply happens to be for a modded item. That could potentially fix the issue.

It actually affects a few Dinos, as there are certain Dinos that will only eat fish meat when tamed, and therefore can only be immersive tamed by using fish baits. It's not many, but think it Otters, Pelas, Hesperonis and Baryonyx.
Gantros Mar 7, 2018 @ 9:26pm 
I'm reposting my solution since I have yet to have any problems so far, maybe pin it to the first post?

Insert in the Game.ini, under [/script/shootergame.shootergamemode]



This is for the mod HG Stacking Mod 1000-50:

But, in order to get this code to work for almost any stacking mod, you just need to replace this line:


With the equivalent in your preferred stacking mod, and can usually be found by searching the mod folder for the word 'fish', and finding the appropriate filename, copying that name, and add "_C" (ignore the quotation marks) to the end. Then you just

(ResourceItemTypeString="<Insert Item Line Here>",BaseResourceRequirement=1.0,bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false)

Solgato Apr 7, 2018 @ 12:35pm 
Are there any stacking mods out there that work differently and don't interfere with other mods as much?
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