Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

66 vurderinger
Theater-Passage, 3/3 Glassroof
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14. sep. 2019 kl. 14:53
1 ændringsbemærkning ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade
Theater-Passage, 3/3 Glassroof

Building complex dates back to 2008. It is located in Paderborn on the back of the historic town hall. These and other buildings were built by a bank, which has its headquarter here.

The location was previously a mixture of post-war development and an urban disorderly courtyard-situation. That´s why theater as well as commercial building each have a 'back',

Compared to the original, I simplified the building complex at the commercial building and shortened it in its overall length to make it easier to use for the community of Cities Skylines.

You can combine the three assets by using „Move It“ or use them individually. The glass roof, with its side beams, builds on the masonry of the theater and commercial building. The width of the passage takes into account to the width of the vanilla-walkways.

SvenBerlin and Titan have helped me with advice and action. Assisted me in the creation of the glass roof, tris-reduction and technical problems. Special thanks to SvenBerlin, who created the illumination.


Commercial Building

Findt It: "P_Glasdach"

Verts 981, Tris 2,366, Alpha-Map, LOD-Model
4 kommentarer
Yosh  [ophavsmand] 20. juli 2020 kl. 0:48 
Vielen Dank für Dein Interesse! Dass ich Paderborn nachbaue, kann ich nicht behaupten. Sicherlich deute ich mit Hilfe von Paderborn-Assets das eine oder Szenario an oder stelle einzelne Assets in analoge städtebaulich-architektonische Kontexte.
Ich bin auf aktiv. Dort kannst Du in der Rubrik "Mods und Assets" sicherlich schon anhand meiner (Paderborn)-Assets ein paar Screenshots anschauen. Zu dem vielleicht prägnantesten städtebaulichen Kontext der eingefügte Link.
Für Rückfragen etc stehe ich Dir gerne zur Verfügung.
LunayderKater 18. juli 2020 kl. 7:21 
baust du paderborn nach falls ja gibt es bilder? grüße aus neuhaus :D
Yosh  [ophavsmand] 20. sep. 2019 kl. 23:19 
@AmiPolizeiFunk. Vielen Dank bzw. thank you!
AmiPolizeiFunk 14. sep. 2019 kl. 23:19 
nice that you made this a separate piece! modular ftw :highrise: