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[3.12.5] Twinks Sin'dorei
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Aug 19 @ 4:16am
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[3.12.5] Twinks Sin'dorei

Reupload, will be deleted if authors update original mods.
Full description, author and screenshots of the mod can be found here
I used another updated (but outdated) version by MapleKelpie

Might be some bugs, i'll appreciate the feedback
Request by Surwich
Alastoria Sep 6 @ 1:06am 
or rather the sunwell building
Alastoria Sep 6 @ 1:06am 
nice work on the mod, though i have the bug that the lightwell doesn´t spawn on taking the civiv and start the game
saganmaineiac Aug 31 @ 6:57pm 
Is it possible you could work on Twinks Atlanteans next? The current updated (outdated) version has a plethora of errors, such as organic pops switching their portraits to robots, or one of the titan-gate systems' planets and star quickly disappear making the system uncolonizable.
Zerox Aug 28 @ 6:31am 
Bal'a dash, malanore
EJR Aug 25 @ 11:50am 
Know how to access the mod file? I never actually done it before out of fear of doing something wrong in the wrong file and all that, I'm not a tech/file savvy guy
Surwich Aug 25 @ 8:38am 
@EJR it should be easy for you to just delete the shipset from the mod file in your mod folder. Then you can either rename the mod to a custom name so it doesn't update and reinstall from steam, or just delete it again when/if this gets updated again.
EJR Aug 24 @ 5:29pm 
Or basically a mod that has everything but the shipset?
EJR Aug 24 @ 5:29pm 
This is going to sound stupid but is there s submod of this where it only offers the name list and cityscape, or know of any mod that does? That's all I really want, and it having its own shipset makes it incompatible with another mod I use
Surwich Aug 22 @ 1:54pm 
Whatever picture is used for the background art of the popup for the magister conclave event is also wonky and tiled. Also presumably a long standing issue
Sunconure11 Aug 22 @ 11:23am 
I have a pair of suggestions for another set of mods, if you can pull it off. You may want to fix Outer Rim up a bit as well, such as give stuff animations and also dealing with the "Flaming Bone Peoples" thing.

The mod dev also has a name list mod

Try and contact the dev on his resume page before getting permission.