

669 ratings
Locked N' Lazy Weapons V1.0.3.0
Asset Type: Item
Item Type: Gun
File Size
144.786 MB
Nov 23, 2023 @ 9:07am
Jun 11, 2024 @ 3:50am
14 Change Notes ( view )

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Locked N' Lazy Weapons V1.0.3.0

"One bullet a day, keeps the turned away!"

The second ambitious project by LazyLee, "Locked N' Lazy Weapons" is an overhaul mod which features remake of all base-game firearms, magazines and attachments. Along with remakes of various curated weapons along with completely new firearms.

Guns!, guns! and more guns!

With over 180+ ready to use firearms, you will have more than enough firepower to take down the infected! from small pocket sized pistols to multi-barreled death machines, you will have trouble finding space to carry them all! Along with these weapons they come with many quality features such as completely custom animations and sounds.

The Round / shell makes the survivor...

Within Locked N' Lazy Weapons, the ammo system within the game has been completely reworked with this mod. Over 25+ ammo types are included within this mod, meaning certain weapons will require a specific ammo type like their real world counterpart.

Spawns on all official maps!

Locked N' Lazy Weapons comes with predefined spawn-tables which override all gun, magazine, attachment and ammo related base-game spawn-tables, these tables are fully compatible with all 5 official maps, with plans on spawn-tables for curated maps to be added in future, this list will change with future updates but the following supported maps include:

- Washington
- Yukon
- Russia
- Germany

More to come!

Many more firearms, attachments, ammos are planned for future updates. make sure to stay vigilant to keep up to date with the mods progress via the offical trello page! [trello.com]

Item ID's

You can find a list of all current weapon ID's by clicking Here!
(Credit to Butter_Fingers for creating the list!)

Incompatible mods:

As there are so many mods on the workshop there is bound to be mods which conflict with this mod, this list of mods will increase but I will try my best to fix said issues if possible. Until this happens, to best enjoy the mod, it is advised to uninstall any conflicting mods which effect this one! :

The following mods conflict with Locked N' Lazy Weapons:

- Ireland
- Simple Doors & Keys Mod
- Melee+

Copyright belongs to Lazylee. The product can be published on Steam exclusively through an account named LazyIee
Popular Discussions View All (10)
Jan 17 @ 5:16am
Post Your Bugs Here!
Lucky Star >:D
Sep 23, 2024 @ 3:32am
ID Conflict
Dylan Rhodes
Jan 17 @ 5:20am
Unofficial Suggestions Thread
Mdanovishorrego2 8 hours ago 
Will you change the spawn tables of all weapons, including attachments? And another suggestion, would you add heavy boxes like clv clv+ and mag mag-x and rangr-SS and miltex? And last question, will you add more magazines for each weapon, such as assault rifles from military extended_60? not the military_pmag or gewehr or the waffle_military just the normal military also another question will you add the rangr-lite extended 60? that's all I said
Mdanovishorrego2 9 hours ago 
Do you plan to change the sounds of all weapons, how to add sounds from Call of Duty MW 2022 and 2023? or keep the
sounds that you have the current one
brebッ Jan 12 @ 12:03pm 
the revolvers have there rounds behind the chamber
7omaaa Jan 11 @ 6:45am 
hello,the mod did not have effect on my map“west europe3.0”,why?
Eternity-恒 Jan 10 @ 8:57am 
The irons of most weapons are offset, and their distances are almost all different. Besides, some sights also have their own offset, like the Sovtek Dot Sight. These inconsistencies can disrupt the user experience, as players may have difficulty using them effectively to eliminate others. Is there a way to fix it by myself instead of disturbing you?
Super Bigote Jan 9 @ 2:02pm 
Is this mod compatible with the map All Maps in One?
(https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2877846948 ) That map combines 4 official maps and Hawaii in one, I have a question if it is possible for this mod weapons to spawn and work in the areas of the official maps. Thanks
LazyLee  [author] Jan 5 @ 12:58pm 
There are 2 coalition variant weapons in the game.
чудище Jan 4 @ 11:59am 
Are there any coalition version guns?
LazyLee  [author] Jan 3 @ 6:47am 
@Mistakingcone Armalite AR-16
Mistakingcone Jan 3 @ 12:50am 
What gun is the Talonslash based off of?