Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

201 ratings
Carbon Recapture Unlocked by Tech
File Size
6.121 KB
Sep 20, 2019 @ 12:20pm
Nov 11, 2023 @ 9:42pm
4 Change Notes ( view )
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Carbon Recapture Unlocked by Tech

In 2 collections by JNR
JNR's Climate Balance
18 items
JNR's Playlist (Gameplay-only)
104 items
Moves Carbon Recapture to the tech tree and rebalances it. By default, it now provides only 60% of the reduction and no Favor. Unlocking the "Global Warming Mitigation" civic (its original prerequisite) upgrades it to provide the remaining 40% of CO2 reduction and also adds the Favor bonus, which has been reduced by half.

This mod is a standalone component of the "Climate Balance" mod collection and requires Gathering Storm (link to collection above).


JNR's Mod Series

Cuntism Mar 14 @ 11:40pm 
Typo in requirements:


Cuntism Jan 1 @ 7:53pm 
Changed it to work with Grand Eras - moved it a bit earlier to Ecology to unlock the project, and moved the boost to Environmentalism. Also included pauleol7's fix.

If not using Grand Eras and just want the fix, make sure to put a ' before the last bracket if copying from pauloel7 below.
Cuntism Dec 31, 2023 @ 3:21pm 
Grand Eras deletes CIVIC_GLOBAL_WARMING_MITIGATION so it messes with this mod.
Cuntism Mar 29, 2023 @ 9:56am 
Yes you're right, I was completely misunderstanding how it works - it never actually runs without the addition you mentioned.
pauloel7 Mar 6, 2023 @ 8:10am 
'PROJECT_COMPLETION_CARBON_SEQUESTRATION_BONUS_JNR' is the modifier that adds the additional amount, when the player has Smart Materials. The issue I tried to address below with my suggestion was that I found that modifier is it is not assigned to the project, thus it will not work as intended.
Cuntism Mar 6, 2023 @ 4:50am 
@pauloel7 no, this mod changes the requirements for the base project, on completion the project rewards the lower amount, whilst also checking if you have global warming unlocked. If you have global warming unlocked you also get a bonus amount.
pauloel7 Nov 2, 2021 @ 2:27am 
Don't you need to add
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ProjectCompletionModifiers
(ProjectType, ModifierId)
理科生田 May 16, 2021 @ 6:33am 
Sidewinder Fang Apr 10, 2021 @ 12:03pm 
good to know anyway, thanks
JNR  [author] Apr 10, 2021 @ 11:58am 
lol oops. Not that you can really plan for it anyway, because Future Techs are randomized, so you'll see it when it appears. It's at Smart Materials now.