Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Pyro weapon: the sucker
Hi. As you can tell by the title this is a suggestion sfor a new weapon for the pyro. As some of you may know Valve was already working on a type of flamethrower whose airblat wouold suck in instead of out. I believe they decided to drop this idea because the pyro could just suck you in and insta kill you with fiery death. Instead of having it suck players in though, how aout it sucks items in? At the cost of not being able to airblast players, maybe -20x damage, and inblast (yeah I'm calling it that) only costing the same as the flamethrower. Now imagine it, you could suck in a loch-n-load shot, turn around, and nuke a scout. Or a direct hit shot and blow up the solly. Also (since I know you're all wondering) when it shoots out stickies (Which stay in the flamethrower until ejected with right click and thrown all over the place) they can be denonated by right-clicking with the secondary or go off automatically after 10 seconds. Essentially this flamethrower is a flamethrower more set to using the airblast than the fire. And frankly, you can now rocket jump as pyro without trick-shotting. :3

Thanks for reading this far, if someone (who works their or is important or something like that) send this to Valve that would really help, and I'm also open to suggestions or anything you guys think should happen to the weapon. Also, I have no idea how to design the actual model, but I think it should look a littl bit like the flamethrower but with a vacuum taped on top of it. You can also see my youtube channel here:
What? It's just free advertisement?
< >
115/32 megjegyzés mutatása
This idea is extraordinary. 10/10:squirtooh:
i was thinking, the pyro allways looked like a fireman with that fireproof suit of his right? so what if we gave him a hose! it would extinguish teammates from a long range it would deal damage still but with more range. it would also make enemies it hits fire resistant for a few seconds and teamates would be a replacement for the flamethrower and no, it wouldnt light people on fire... its a hose. it would have to deal less damage though. just an idea for valve to add to tf2. it would add a supporty and tactical feel to the class most commonly used by begginers and trolls with the backburner or phlogistinator making the class more appealing to the team fortress 2 community.
That is a really good idea. The only thing is, why did you post it on this thread? This is a thread about a weapon idea I had thats completely different, so I suggest making your own thread about it. Also, can't 1 pyro then defend his teammates against an army of pyros?
I really like this idea.
i did not think this was 10/10 i think like 8/10
10/10 awesome
Heard this idea before, lol
this ideea sucks
_Ultimated_Gaming_ eredeti hozzászólása:
this ideea sucks
Care to explain why you think it sucks?
SapCinema was not Bready eredeti hozzászólása:
Heard this idea before, lol
Was it on unknownvenoms channel? That is where I originally heard about Valve experimenting with a similar idea and alterted it to a vacuum.

_Ultimated_Gaming_ eredeti hozzászólása:
this ideea sucks
kden, you posted this why?

MartiLike eredeti hozzászólása:
10/10 awesome

jummbl eredeti hozzászólása:
I really like this idea.

hank you both :3

Legutóbb szerkesztette: Shea Butter; 2014. jún. 20., 13:07
The main problem with it that Valve mentioned was that since it had a constant displacing suction it caused massive lag.
Smeelio eredeti hozzászólása:
The main problem with it that Valve mentioned was that since it had a constant displacing suction it caused massive lag.
I did not now that, so thank you, but since the inblast is similar to the flame in the sense that it decreases ammo at the same speed, so maybe it won't cause lag?
I think people being constantly moved was the problem. Here's what Valve said:
"One of the reasons why TF2 works and feels solid even on slower network connections is that every client is constantly predicting its own movement without having to talk to the server. Your player can move forward in real-time on your screen, responding to your input the same way the server eventually will.

The Sucker played hell with the prediction system. The constant force by the Sucker moving the victim around over several seconds was an impossible-to-predict situation, causing a lot of disorienting view stuttering for players who got hit with it. While an explosion or a standard airblast would cause prediction to be wrong for a single frame, the Sucker would cause prediction to be broken for a group of players for as long as the button was held down."
as long as pryo muffle gt ovr hrrrrr
< >
115/32 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2014. jún. 12., 13:47
Hozzászólások: 32