Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Containing item: "The Potent Protection"
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The Heavy Pyro
Collection by Skilln't
A heavy armor for the pyro.
Best of the Best
Collection by Meta Breakers
These items are things that should be added before the next crate, YEAH TALKING TO YOU NEXT CRATE. Look at all these badass hats and weapons that you're TOO GOOD for a bask upon the collection that respects the works of art these items are. Anyways enjoy....
Some items you have to see!
Collection by J (Also known as: "J")
This is a collection of items made by the greatest contributors of the workshop; some of these items aren't really notticed, like the teufort threads or the light combat vest, but you, who are reading this, can change that, and give them a chance to be add
Favourite Pyro Items
Collection by 256Mini
"Hudda mudda huh!"
Epic Collection of Epic Items (Pyro)
Collection by MikeR.TheEpic
Epic Items that should be in the game (my opinion if you agree or disagree say so!)
Collection by Mr. Randall Thymes
gmod and sfm suggestions ideas
Collection by ScropinKing
items of cosmitcs for puting them in gmod and sfm
Collection by advena-III
Collection by Link4241
Pyro cosmetics to make IRL
Collection by SiegeBreaker42
a file dump of pyro cosmetics I want to make IRL
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