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Collection by 泡泡茶壶 合集简介 本合集是基于超凡拓展的mod合集,包含了基础功能性mod,但无任何新兵种mod,喜欢某些新兵种的可以自行订阅 玩哪个派系时可以在下方链接的合集中挑选一些派系特色mod或兵种mod来搭配订阅 (我更推荐把本合集当作一个指南,从中挑一些你感兴趣的mod) Non-Chinese user do not subscribe this s h i t. 重点MOD介绍 World Map for IEE:
基础必用MOD合集 B站搜索明曦xmD 1001
Collection by 小铭
Collection by 泡泡茶壶 合集简介 本合集仅包含SFO及基础功能性mod,已排序,无兼容问题,可一键订阅。 其余热门submod请前往合集《SFO submod》自行挑选; 推荐使用置顶区的MOD管理器,有排序代码 Non-Chinese users do not subscribe this collection. SFO内置mod:(不要重复订阅) Better Camera Mod 更好镜头视角 GMD Spawn Reski
Jack's SFO Mods 5.2.6/SFO 1.31 - V4 - READ DESCRIPTION
Collection by =[NK]= Col. Jack O'Neil
Gunnery School and Gardens for Gelt - SFO *don't activate this mod if playing as Elspeth* The main focus of this mod list is stability. So unlike other mod lists, you can feel comfortable that when using only these mods, your game will be stable. I can't g
Collection by niconico☆poi
本合集分享了一些战锤3订阅量和好评都很高的mod,并且分成2类组成: 第一类是不改变任何原版游戏体验的优化及美化类mod,使玩家更好的感受战锤世界,注:因为战败招募mod几乎人人都打,所以我将其放在第一类 第二类mod是扩展游戏和改进,基于原版游戏内容进行一些改良和扩展的mod,并不包括赫赫有名的SFO和R大大修类mod,朋友们可以酌情自选 以下是本人分享的各mod的功能介绍,简介顺序和本合集的mod排序全部一致方便理解,希望朋友们喜欢可以点个赞让更多锤友看到😘 ----------------------
그롬마쉬의 워해머3 모드 모음집
Collection by Grommash
5.0 버전 이후 찾은 패치로 인해 현재 모드들이 불안정합니다. 따라서 안정화 될때 까지 해당 모음집의 모드들을 사용하실 때 개별 테스트를 해보시길 바랍니다. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 그롬마쉬 TV
Cataph's WH3 base collection: so it begins
Collection by Cataph
Description updated in September 2023: The stable collection focuses on QOL mods, frameworks and some hard-to-miss stuff. Even if vanilla balance is all over the damn place, I'm as fastidious as always about it and I really want to try stuff first-hand bef
Jopanis SFO+IEE (5.3.1)
Collection by Jopanis
Personal Collection. A 800+ Frankestein Modlist! Always rebuilding, always expanding. Information: Use at your own risk! Not tested in a full campaign. Reported crashes: endturn, when clicking settlements/armies... Please download Prop Joe/Shazbot's Mod ma
The Empire: Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE 6.0
Collection by ChopChop The Empire Collection for Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE MAGIC, KNIGHTS & MASTER ENGINEERS, GUNS, ARTILLERY & STEAM TANKS GALORE! What's in this collection? This collection is
Luigi's Vanhammer 3 - Vanilla Ultimate Overhaul - UPDATED 5.3.1 | 300+ Mods for Immortal Empires Expanded
Collection by Luigi
Welcome to Van-Hammer 3! Vanilla-Warhammer ULTIMATE! This is my personal mod collection that I've been using. The aim and goal is to overhaul the entire WH3 experience and turn everything up a notch. All factions get new units, mechanics, and some even get
Prop Joe Mods
Collection by prop joe
Mods made by me. My cat helped.
SFO Landmarks and Legends 4.1 Updated
Collection by Think Critically
Updated for 4.1 Tested February 7th, 2024 I enjoy playing with many legendary characters, landmarks and 2x skill points, but I try to avoid roster bloat. This collection is primarily for my own convenience so that I can track my mod loadout. It will be kep
Collection by 泡泡茶壶 合集简介 本合集仅包含R大本体及基础功能性mod,已排序,可一键订阅; 其余热门submod请前往《Radious submod》寻找; 推荐使用置顶区的MOD管理器,有排序代码 Non-Chinese users do not need to subscribe this collection. 注意事项 每次大版本更新后请注意Radious的本体更新状态,需要本体更新完毕才能使用 虽然有MIXU和R大的
제라르 SFO 모음집(2024.7.19)
Collection by Zerar
SFO용 모드 순서는 게임 실행후 아래 톱니바퀴 누르고 모드 재정렬 하시면 됩니다. 질문이나 자세한 순서는 제라르 팬 카페 참조 해주세요~
啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展SFO(5.3更新)
Collection by Lightman
合集简介 本合集是基于SFO版超凡帝国扩展的自用mod合集,包含了各种汉化,美化,功能性,兵种,坐骑,种族大小修,作弊等mod 合集目前可以一键订阅所有mod,也可以按自己喜好订阅,具体请看注意事项和讨论区置顶的兼容性问题 SFO内置mod,不要重复订阅 <Better Camera Mod> <Unique Faction UI> <Settlement Capture Pictures> <Building Progression Icons III> <Enhanced Experience Icon
The Dwarfs: Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE 6.0
Collection by ChopChop The Dwarfs: Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE 6.0 RUNES, OATHGOLD, RITES, UNDERWAYS & CARAVANS, TECHNOLOGY & TONS OF UNITS! What's in this collection? This collection is built around The Dwarfs, Immortal Empires Expanded & new
제라르 방송용(2022.10.13)
Collection by Zerar
모드 배열은 한글 모드는 제일 위로 나머지는 톱니바퀴 눌러서 자동정렬
全面战争:战锤3 自制及推荐MOD(含分类合集)
Collection by Nameless Ghost
该mod是一个集合,随着优秀的作品越来越多,都放在一个集合内可能不是方便查找。 因此,该集合的底部,我将这里面的mod分成几类,大家可以按需收藏或订阅。 注:MOD是按照作者名称自动进行排序的。
Collection by 克敵機先丷
首先欢迎老大进入真正的与龙同行!与龙同行不简简单单只是一个大型MOD,他是一个框架,一个平台,基于我这些MOD合作,您可以做到比如:咱们玩的肯定是喵影,震旦的玩法就是和邦,您要把自己当成统合震旦的唯一皇帝,所以尽可能的和邦,但是前面的那2个叛徒!野盛什么的,抓到直接砍,咱们不缺传奇英雄,叛徒永远是叛徒, 西方:至于弟弟,和邦后我们要的是那些忠于震旦的传奇领主与英雄,弟弟本人直接改名前面加上【弃王】昭明,放逐在朝鲜半岛,永不回归,并且队伍里面安插一队洪武督进行监视,然后手下的小龙鳞个人生平是沙州任西侠,等待战
Collection by 泡泡茶壶
旧世界 这是基于原版的旧世界战役合集 包含了功能性mod、兼容旧世界的新派系mod及少量美化 排序 见置顶的排序代码 注意事项 有mod为部分派系添加了开场动画,但无声音,属于正常现象 请勿联机
Collection by 奇谈怪论,满嘴放屁
The Skaven: Immortal Empires Expanded | IEE 5.2.4
Collection by ChopChop
DESCRIPTION UNDER REWORK COMING SOON-SOON! For Load Order of mods use Prop Joe's Mod Manager. All mods are ordered by default This collection contains mods that allow enabling multiple mods with campaign mechanics by expanding the main game UI. Depending o
My Modlist 4.2.1
Collection by iDon'tSpeakRussian!
My Modlist My collection of mods I use personally for more tools, mechanics, challenge and more fun Collection is based around the faction I play myself, that being Empire and Dark Elves What's in here? Almost every single mod that adds new factions Almost
啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展(6.0更新)
Collection by Lightman
合集简介 本合集是基于超凡帝国扩展的自用mod合集,包含了各种汉化,美化,功能性,兵种,坐骑,种族大小修,作弊等mod 合集目前可以一键订阅所有mod,也可以按自己喜好订阅,具体请看注意事项和讨论区置顶的兼容性问题 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国原版 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展SFO MOD排序 排序按照合集中的排序即可,大致排序逻辑为 最上面: Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names 中文版 各种类型为co
啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国原版(6.0更新)
Collection by Lightman
合集简介 本合集是基于原版超凡帝国的自用mod合集,包含了各种汉化,美化,功能性,兵种,坐骑,种族大小修,作弊等mod 合集目前可以一键订阅所有mod,也可以按自己喜好订阅,具体请看注意事项和讨论区置顶的兼容性问题 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国原版 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展 啵啵茶自用MOD - 超凡帝国扩展SFO MOD排序 排序按照合集中的排序即可,大致排序逻辑为 最上面: Lore Names: Renamed Unique Lords & Heroes Names 中文版 各种类型为co
Collection by 莫强求
Auto's Immortal Empires & SFO - Updated 29/07/2024
Collection by Autonomous
Oh no, lookout! It's the bloat! If you have any questions, then ask away, but you are expected to know what you are doing, and you are expected to actually read the individual mod pages prior to downloading. A mod here or there may overlap or be outright i
건곤 모음집
Collection by 건곤
Collection by 黑岩射手
Warhammer III Collectors Edition: Additall
Collection by Tunch Khan
Currently work in progress to establish the best possible collection which are compatible with each other. I am trying to find ones that are somewhat compatible with SFO (or Radious) but that limits the compatibility significantly. Without them, I am using
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