Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Got Lakes (Various Worlds) Map Script
Комментариев: 762
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 4 сен в 6:11 
@DudeChris33 Set the Rivers option to Simple (Base Game).
DudeChris33 3 сен в 19:54 
how do I make the rivers not super ugly
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 1 сен в 8:19 
@Nizou Not compatible due to conflicting improvements to starting locations.
Nizou 31 авг в 15:37 
Compatible with Better Balanced Maps ?
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 16 авг в 16:45 
@化作千风 Thanks! I'm afraid there is currently no way to make that mod and Got Lakes compatible with each other.
化作千风 16 авг в 3:19 
Thank you :D,:steamhappy:amazing mods.and can this mod compatible with 'real river' in futrue?
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 11 авг в 14:30 
@ThePolishFury You can't mesh two landmasses but you can use the Extras option to add extra islands to a Pangea landmass.
ThePolishFury 11 авг в 11:50 
probably a silly question, but is there a way to mesh two landmass options together? such as pangea and island plates for instance, so there is the main continent along with a plethora of worth while islands?
StephenBrisAU 30 июл в 19:40 
Thanks for the heads-up Obb ... I'll give it another try in the future.
Obb 30 июл в 11:39 
Another solution could be trying one of the several mods regarding nerfing / customizing barbarians. ( Customization VI for example, adds a really practical setting for them. Other mods change various parameters. )
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 30 июл в 11:27 
@StephenBrisAU If I may make one last suggestion, regarding the barbs: have you tried turning them off and replacing them with animals using the Wildlife mod? I've found that to be a nice alternative to the base game's barbs. Not sure if that would make it too easy for you though.
StephenBrisAU 30 июл в 5:20 
I have tried to play a few times now with different settings on my usual difficulty, and the level of barbs (frequency of camps, no. of spawned barbs per camp) is beyond deity in my opinion. To the point where it's just not fun. I *could* drop down a level, but then I think the AI will be too easy to beat. It's a real shame, as I was enjoying the mod, but unfortunately I'm going to have to drop it. Thanks for your answers Scrum Lord, much appreciated.
StephenBrisAU 26 июл в 17:47 
Thank you once again Scrum Lord, really appreciate the tips to get the mod working; it's definitely going to be worth while, just takes some tweaking! *thumbs up*
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 26 июл в 8:03 
@StephenBrisAU That can happen if you set the Land Starts option to Largest Area, which forces all major civs that start on land to start on the largest land area / continent. There might not have been any room on the largest continent for minor civs after placing the major civs, which would explain why all of the city states were on another continent.

This can also happen if what you actually got was a regular Pangea instead of a continents landmass. Pangea defaults to placing all major land civs on the largest area.
StephenBrisAU 26 июл в 1:24 
I have another question if that's OK. It's taken me about 15-20 iterations of the settings to get what looked like a usable map that I like (large continents, low ocean). When I played the game out, all the civs were on one continent, and all the city states on the other. Is this the deal with Got Lakes? You play the hand you're dealt, or am I missing something. Thank you.
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 25 июл в 7:48 
You're welcome, @Drac! I appreciate your feedback.
Drac 24 июл в 20:04 
Thank you very much, your mod is insanely good; hopefully the civ devs take some pointers for civ 7!
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 24 июл в 8:13 
@Drac Yes, if you edit GotLakes.lua, you can search for ENABLE_DONUT_FILLING at around line 387 and set that value to false. That will give you a donut with a regular central region instead of special Easter-egg filling.
Drac 23 июл в 13:11 
Is there any way to convince inverted donut with tectonic extras to not spawn it with a volcano every other tile, and instead spawn more of a natural mountain range area inside?
Obb 21 июл в 22:44 
Damn yes I missed the oasis on snow setting, that could help indeed ! lol
Thanks much for extensive answer ! I’ll fiddle around with those settings.
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 21 июл в 17:07 
@Obb Yes, you can manage oases with the following settings:
- Biome: set to something other than Wetland to avoid a higher Oasis spawn rate.
- Biodiversity: this auto-adjusts based on climate by default, which allows oases on snow for Snowball or Sandstorm climates (though you probably won't see any snow on Sandstorm). This is a balance tweak to make extreme climates more playable, but you can avoid snow oases by setting this option to High or lower, in case you have a preferred biodiversity in mind.
- No Desert Oases checkbox: enable this to prevent oases from ever spawning in desert regardless of other options.
- No Snow Oases checkbox: enable this to prevent oases from ever spawning in snow regardless of other options.

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you're enjoying the script so far.
Obb 21 июл в 5:47 
I sometimes get a map full of oases, even had some in snow one time.
Is there a setting that manages that ? Or could it be a mod collide maybe ?
I think I have a mod that touch oasis yields for example.

Love the script btw ! Seems to acknowledge all the mods I use, and have extended settings, all that with great result, that’s perfect ! Thanks.
StephenBrisAU 20 июл в 18:10 
Thanks for the reply, at least I know I am not going crazy. I still feel that Barbs spawn closer, more often, and in greater numbers, with Got Lakes enabled, compared to "normal" maps. That said, I'll still persist using it for now, as the greater control over the topography is fantastic. Thank you.
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 20 июл в 11:03 
@StephenBrisAU Sort-of both :) While this mod doesn't apply any direct effects on barb behavior, the variety of worlds that you can get sometimes give barbs advantages such as secluded, highly defensible camp locations hidden behind mountains and/or around fresh lakes, and perhaps dense forests, jungles, swamps, extra hills, and river systems also getting in your way. You might not discover or clear the camps as soon as you normally would, and so you might have more barb units spawning near you than what you would normally expect.
StephenBrisAU 20 июл в 2:37 
Is it a weird side-effect of this mod, that Barbs are MUCH more prevalent/abundant, and more aggressive, or is it on purpose? Interested to know if anyone else has experienced this. I play on Immortal, and the Barbs with the Got Lakes mod are more like Diety-level, on steroids.
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 30 июн в 7:37 
You're welcome and thanks for the follow-up @Mr. Pink. That's good to know.
Mr. Pink 29 июн в 21:25 
As it turns out the issue was caused by an unrelated mod we had installed. Sorry for the confusion (and thanks for the map script :happy_creep:)
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 29 июн в 18:55 
@Mr. Pink I just generated a few maps with Low Biodiversity, No Desert Jungles, and No Desert Forests using the latest version of GL and was unable to reproduce your problem. I will need to see a screenshot and look at your Lua.log file to investigate this further. Did you by any chance make any local edits to GotLakes.lua? Btw in case if you have JNR's CB Savannah mod enabled, the above-mentioned options *do not* affect the placement of savannahs, but only regular forests and jungles.

@HighRider101 I'm on the fence about publishing any more updates now that Civ7 has been announced, but supporting that mod (Real Rivers for Random Maps) sure is tempting. I'll have to think about it :)
Mr. Pink 29 июн в 18:16 
I can't seem to be able to prevent forests and jungles from generating on top of deserts, even if I check the 2 options that specifically block this and set biodiversity to low.
HighRider101 29 июн в 10:47 
Can you add support for the Great rivers mod? THIS WOULD BE AWESOME!
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 15 июн в 17:42 
You're welcome, @Noodle! This mod has no pre-made maps, but you can find suggestions for settings at the end of the tutorial in the Discussions tab.
Noodle 15 июн в 15:26 
amazing and fast response. Thank you :D

last thing, does your mod have any pre-made maps like the base game does?
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 15 июн в 13:32 
@Noodle Yes, there are a few places where you can edit GotLakes.lua. At line 521 (assuming version 37.1) you'll find a variable called ASP_MIN_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_MAJOR_CIVS which is set to 4 by default. Below that you will also find ASP_MIN_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_MINOR_CIVS (default 4), ASP_SAFE_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_TWO_MAJOR_CIVS (default 8), and ASP_IDEAL_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_TWO_MAJOR_CIVS (default 12). See code comments nearby for more details.

Btw, Got Lakes already has a bias towards starting civs at/near the center of their starting area, so the script already has an incentive to space out civs in a way that scales with map size. That said, this bias competes with other biases such as civ-specific start bias and a general preference for fertile land and fresh water, so it's a balancing act, and the defaults are tuned for flexibility to support highly random maps.

Hope this helps!
Noodle 15 июн в 12:11 
Customization VI: everything works except for the "Min Distance between" sliders which Got Lakes ignores.

does your mod allow this somehow instead? or are there any files i can edit to make the cities start further apart?.

I like to use bigger maps and want more room for all the civs to expand as i increase the minimum distance between founding cities from 3 to 5.
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 14 июн в 7:49 
You're welcome, @Darklord :)
Darklord 14 июн в 4:48 
Thanks for adding Savannah! Was just coming here to ask about it. :)
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 12 июн в 19:41 
@vernontan @Rocinante Done, and thanks for bringing that mod to my attention!

@Autoclave_H2O the latest version of GL now has a fix for your issue with Dead Sea and Lake Retbah. HOWEVER, since the fix is a bit of a compromise to the accuracy of the map script's resource and start placement, you'll have to "opt-in" to this fix by editing GotLakes.lua to set RECALC_AREAS_AFTER_NATURAL_WONDERS to false instead of true. Hope this helps!
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 10 июн в 16:21 
@vernontan @Rocinante I probably can but I'll have to take a look.
Rocinante 10 июн в 15:08 
+1 for Savannah support
vernontan 10 июн в 8:25 
@Scrum Lord could you add support for Savannah
Darklord 6 июн в 1:53 
@Scrum Lord, yeah it was set to loads of all three of those. Plus I have extra Ley Lines from another mod, which may have interfered with placement? Confirmed there is just the one Natural Wonder. Oh well I spawned right next to it at least. :p
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 4 июн в 20:41 
@Autoclave_H2O I have diagnosed your issue with Dead Sea and Lake Retba. Got Lakes uses the game's Area Builder utility to recalculate areas after generating natural wonders, but this utility has an unfortunate side-effect of turning salty NW lakes into "fresh lakes". I modified my copy of the base game's XP2 version of Pangea.lua script to call AreaBuilder.Recalculate() after generating natural wonders, and was able to reproduce this bug using the base game's Pangea map type.

However, modifying Got Lakes to *not* call AreaBuilder.Recalculate() after generating natural wonders might cause other bugs such as incorrectly-placed resources or start positions. I'm still deciding how/whether to fix this.
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 4 июн в 20:30 
@Darklord Did your map have a lot of jungle, forest, or marsh by any chance? Those features in abundance can limit the number of valid locations for natural wonder spawns. Lots of desert and snow can do something similar, depending on which wonders you have included/excluded.
Darklord 4 июн в 7:38 
I'm playing a map currently made with this script. For some reason there's only 1 natural wonder spawned in the whole world as far I can see! It's a small map, and I selected 8 exactly.

This is the first time I've seen this oddity.
Autoclave_H2O 3 июн в 21:35 
Just to clarify, I don't think Got Lakes' salt/fresh water/housing issue with the Dead Sea and Lake Retba is limited to a Duel size map or a Pangaea type map. I only used that map size and type to speed up testing to see if the bug was reproducible. I initially encountered the issue using Got Lakes on a Huge map size and settings other than Pangaea.
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 3 июн в 20:31 
@Autoclave_H2O Thanks for the info. I was able to reproduce the bug, but I haven't diagnosed the issue yet.
Autoclave_H2O 3 июн в 17:05 
Further testing on Bug in V37.0: When settling next to the wonders, I avoided the tiles that were adjacent to known direct water sources (rivers, freshwater lakes, oasis).

Testing with GS rules on Civ 6's Pangaea and settling adjacent to the wonder triggers the Sailing eureka. With GS rules on Got Lakes Pangaea settling adjacent to the wonder does NOT trigger the Sailing eureka.

The Got Lakes map script seems to be using the base game and Rise and Fall behaviors for the wonders. The capital had 6 housing when using Got Lakes. The capital only had 4 housing when using the game's built-in maps.

The Gathering Storm expansion flipped the tile underlying the Dead Sea and Lake Retba natural wonders from lake to coastal. See the Trivia section of and for details.

If you need further data (settings, map & game seeds, screenshots), let me know.
Scrum Lord  [создатель] 3 июн в 5:06 
@Autoclave_H2O Are you sure that it was the wonder providing fresh water and not an adjacent river? Got Lakes has no effect on game-play mechanics like whether or not wonders count as fresh water. However, GL does allow certain types of rivers to flow into lakes.
Autoclave_H2O 3 июн в 3:23 
Further data on Bug in V37.0: The Dead Sea and Lake Retba natural wonders are providing fresh water (game mechanic) using the Gathering Storm rule set. The text still states they do not provide fresh water.

Verified with all official DLC with only Enhanced Mod Manager and Got Lakes mods enabled on a Duel map with only the Dead Sea and Lake Retba natural wonders allowed. When selecting a map (Pangea) that comes with the game (NOT the Got Lakes map script), the Settler lens shows both as providing the coastal (salt water) housing bonus (+1 housing), NOT providing the fresh water housing bonus. Settling the capital next to the natural wonder on Prince difficulty shows 4 housing available to the capital city immediately after settling.