Portal 2
Toxic tales
8 comentarii
Cyborg  [autor] 19 mart. 2015 la 12:11 
@daloboy: Great job on the first part. I didn't think of that :D
daloboy 18 mart. 2015 la 17:38 
Was fun! Did not have to do the first part. My solution . Thanks.
Cyborg  [autor] 17 apr. 2013 la 11:51 
Thank you Knckout Mouse. You could check out the other toxic tales items, or the whole collection in my library.

Knockout Mouse 16 apr. 2013 la 17:54 
Very nice use of hammer to customize the chamber! Caught me by surprise :o)

I kept bumping my head and landing in the goo while trying to make the last step in the final room. Thought I was doing it wrong at first, but I managed to succeed after two or three tries. Good challenges all around!
LeeDavis 15 febr. 2013 la 8:38 
Please...make the hardest map you can think of...I need some brain exercise.
Cyborg  [autor] 15 febr. 2013 la 8:07 
Initially I wanted to make it harder. But I thought it would rip it's fun away...
LeeDavis 14 febr. 2013 la 22:17 
Just read the descriptin...lol funny
LeeDavis 14 febr. 2013 la 22:11 
Uh! yea...not that hard..but I've played so many P2 maps...it is hard to be creative. However, it was still fun..did it twice.