Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Divide et Impera Part 1
Visualizzazione di 1-10 elementi su 86
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Aggiornamento: 23 gen, 14:49

- Fixed bug where Alexander and Julius Caesar would appear as leaders of Celtic tribes (woops!)
- Fixed Cherusci pikemen unit card
- Fixed Seleucid chapter mission requiring wrong elephant type
- Fixed Cappadocian Lancers having wrong unit description
- Updated some Lugii unit descriptions
- Fixed Belgic levy infantry missing from Nervii custom battle roster
- Fixed Carthage having an incorrect siege unit in custom battles
- Fixed Germanic temple missing income reduction effect
- Removed income negative for Eastern small town trader buildings
- Fixed Indian ships missing from special port recruitment
- Added RoR Rome to defensive autoresolve script
- Fixed Cimbri bodyguard unit not receiving proper bodyguard effects

Aggiornamento: 12 dic 2023, 13:18

- Updated visuals for all Saba generals
- Updated unit cards Germanic garrisons, Iceni and for Pre-Marian Roman auxiliaries from Summary
- Updated various Greek unit cards to fix some issues, correct poses, add new versions for Seleucids, garrisons, thureos, etc
- Added lots of new Celtic, Etruscan and Italian armors and helmets (mostly for RotR), courtesy of Ahiga!
- Visual updates for Celtic, Etruscan and Italian units in RotR
- Visual updates for Celtic generals in RotR and fixed anachronistic GC generals being used
- Fixed several T-posing general models
- Fixed Germanic AOR and Mercenary units missing cold resistance and guerilla attributes
- Further morale tweaks: penalty for routing friendly units adjusted (now requires more units to reach full cap)
- Small tweaks to elephant turn/run speed and mass, adjusted elephant and chariot entity size

Aggiornamento: 22 nov 2023, 12:09

- Fixed GC Roman characters not properly starting with rank 1 political traits
- Added new frontend map images for faction selection in GC, thanks to Summary!
- Added new Nuragic main city campaign building models in RotR
- Tweaks to morale
- Updated appearance of mercenary Cretan archers and Macedonian Hypaspists
- Small update to Cretan archer melee stats/cost
- Fixed Alexander campaign missing some mission text descriptions

Aggiornamento: 17 nov 2023, 14:53

Aggiornamento: 16 apr 2023, 14:59

Aggiornamento: 26 mar 2023, 14:54

Updated to 1.3.2. Please see our website for patch notes!

Aggiornamento: 12 ott 2022, 16:31

Aggiornamento: 10 ott 2022, 12:23

- Fixed Cherusci axemen pop cost
- Fixed bugged Arverni champion appearance
- Fixed IA Parthia missing some bodyguard options
- Fixed a Lusitani commander unit being recruited as a normal unit in custom battle
- Fixed AOR Alan noble cavalry unit having wrong description/weapons
- Added livestock production to tier 3/4 Macedon special horse agriculture building
- Removed heavier indian elephant AOR from Baktria
- Fixed missing weapon for celtic general model

Aggiornamento: 15 set 2022, 13:37

Update 1.3.1a
- Fixed imperium loyalty effects not properly working - this will lower loyalty, especially at higher imperiums.
- Fixed a few textures and models that were not properly updated in 1.3.1.
- Updated unit cards for Scythians and a few other units
- Increased industrial income region bonus for Numantia and Ebora
- Fixed Greek Euzonoi factional variants missing javelins
- Updated in flight projectile models for various Iberian units.
- Rhodian naval units now use population class 3
- Polished appearances for many Iberian and Germanic units, generals and officers.
- Replaced Germanic metal crossband helmets and axes with more accurate models
- Added a few new Germanic shield patterns
- Added some new beards for barbarians.
- New axe model for elite Germanic units
- Fixed various minor unit visual issues.
- Fixed Galatian Thorax AOR unit not being recruitable
- Fixed some artillery army tradition effects that were not working
- Increased upkeep reduction from champion background skills
- Changed melee weapon entry for Cimbri sword unit
- Adjusted morale for several Nervii units
- Minor adjustments to morale for Gallic/Celtic AI units
- Fixed Lusitani Skirmishers animation entry
- Fixed indian AOR units being in civil war rosters across the map
- Fixed political ancillary spouses missing effects
- Fixed Egypt Linen Cataphracts not being grayed out
- Removed Athens and Sparta militia hoplites from levy unit sets
- Fixed some Egyptian units missing from some minor township recruitment
- Fixed Roman Quinquiremes missing from tier 3 small port
- Fixed Alexander campaign supply values resetting when after game load
- Fixed stats for Medewi cavalry
- Added missile block chane to Medewi quilted cataphracts
- Removed repel cavalry formation from several Roman units
- Added unique garrison visuals for Arevaci and Lusitani
- Adjusted faction colors for Iberian non playable factions
- Adjusted visuals for Iberian and Cimbri units
- Fixed visual and stat inconsistencies with various barbarian units
- Added new helmet for Lusitani generals
- Adjusted appearances for Galatian and Libyan/Mauretanian generals
- Adjusted horse equipment for Celtic horses
- Fixed Satrapal Palatial building mispelled name
- Fixed emergent Indian faction and civil war factions missing proper garrison entries
- Fixed Bronze shield pikes having slightly buffed stats after patch
- Moved Macedonian AOR dart slingers to thorax reform and changed population class to match core roster unit
- Removed campaign cap for Egyptian Hepteres ships

Aggiornamento: 17 ago 2022, 12:47