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13 nov. 2018 às 2:22
12 de mar. às 6:36
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There may be some bugs. If you do find some, report them in them on my GitHub here[]

This is the first set of GUI based admin tools created by the developers of DayZ Community Offline Mode. This makes use of a modular design which allows other mods such as DayZ Expansion or DayZ HypeTrain to add their own menu's for admins to have further control of their servers. Community Online Tools allow you to teleport players, set player health, blood, shock, change the weather of the server, and even spawn in vehicles. Also, this mod allows you to set the aiming mode for players to the old 0.62 system if you, the server admin wishes to use it.

Server Installation Instructions:
  1. Install the mod using your preferred method for installing mods. I recommend using a server manager such as OmegaManager.

  2. Launch the server once and then after it has fully launched turn it back off.

  3. Locate the profiles folder used for the server. If using OmegaManager this folder would be called ‘profiles’ otherwise you can find what it is called by checking the command line parameter ‘-profiles’ and seeing what that is set to. Once in that folder enter the ‘PermissionsFramework’ folder and then enter the ‘Players’ folder.

  4. Inside that folder create a .json file with your GUID/SteamID. Inside of that JSON file paste the contents of this[] pastebin.

  5. Congratulations, you have successfully installed COT. You can assign roles to others while in-game.

    Webhooks can be configured like the following where there can be multiple connections. Say you want players to see when the weather is changing but want another channel for every admin action to be logged in or you want this information to be logged across multiple discord servers.

    Y - Open the toolbar menu
    INSERT - Toggle free camera
    H - This teleports you to the position you are looking at
    END - Toggles Community Online Tools keybindings on/off

    Monetization is allowed on your servers but it would be nice that a small percentage is sent as a donation. This is not enforced but would be greatly appreciated.

    If you like this mod do feel free to send a donation to my paypal here[]. This mod is released for free for all to use and monetize of but any donation would be greatly appreciated.

Discussões Populares Ver todos (243)
17 de mar. às 7:43
Problem After Server Update
13 de abr. às 18:32
COT menus bugged on the screen
10 de mar. às 10:58
Serious Tools Issues
The Doctor
2.765 comentários
NOVA 6 de abr. às 2:14 
@Alan me too!! im starving
Alan 5 de abr. às 4:33 
i need Chinese!!!:steamhappy:
mscobra77 29 de mar. às 7:20 
@Darkfly67 We use COT and VPP and they work well together. While they both bring basically the same tools to the game, there are some tools I use VPP exclusively for and some I use COT exclusively for. I just wish COT would fix the banner glitch across the top of the screen.
Sgt.Rock 28 de mar. às 6:14 
Lately cot when you turn on god mode the notice at the top of the screen does not go away. And when you try to access your key binds it blocks the menu list.
Darkfly67 26 de mar. às 2:54 
Hi, can anyone tell me if vppa tools and community online tools are incompatible together? Thank you
CASE ◄場合► 25 de mar. às 17:18 
the link of the pastebin for the json file no longer works, please fix
George 23 de mar. às 19:56 
@ubeydullah08 - depends on what you want, but in general - No, you need to show admin tool (widget) on client side.
ubeydullah08 23 de mar. às 18:32 
Is it possible to set this mod just as a server side mode and not client side mod?
seafightkayzahr 23 de mar. às 17:13 
danke die ganze mod hat meinen server lam gelegt
GatoR 17 de mar. às 7:44 
eror 0x00040092
I haven’t logged into the game for four days now, I updated the mods and it’s all useless.