Gothic 1 Classic

Gothic 1 Classic

Ocen: 506
Gothic 1 - DirectX 11 and HD Graphics Guide
Autorstwa: Mouse
This guide explains how to get Gothic 1 running with DX11 and HD textures as well as actually improving performance on modern systems.
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DISCLAIMER: I did not make any of these modifications, I merely found a working configuration to get the game looking and running as great as possible.

Following these steps will get your game to look as good as possible while actually increasing the game's performance on modern systems.

Be warned, this may not work on every computer as DX11 for Gothic 1 is still in development, although compatibility has improved in recent times.

To have the best chance of it working be sure to follow these steps exactly. Step 6 is the only step you can skip, but without it your textures will just be default. Do not skip any other steps or your game won't run at all.

If a link is broken you may need to google for a mirror of the file.

1. Install a fresh copy of Gothic.

2. Install the 1.08k patch.
This is the official latest patch for the game.

3. Install the Player Kit.
The player kit allows you to run mods.

4. Install the latest System Kit.
Download the 'Gothic 1 Classic' version of the System Kit - the downloads section is at the bottom of the first post.
The system kit modifies the engine to allow many modern features such as high-res support, widescreen, higher render distance, removes FPS lock, etc and is required for most mods.
I usually recieve an 'unsafe file' warning from my antivirus whenever I download System Kit installers (especially when there's a new release), but have never had an issue once installed.
If you're not comfortable installing the system kit because of antivirus warnings, then don't install it, however the DX11 mod will not work.

5. Install the latest Gothic 1 DirectX11 mod.
This newer version of the preview release is made specifically for Gothic 1 and does not require any additional files to get working as was the case previously.

6. Install an enhanced textures mod.
This is 'Riisis Texture Mix 1.1', you can try other graphics/textures mods if you like, but this one definitely works with everything else in this guide.

7. Run the game from the Gothic\System\Gothic.exe executable.
You can bring up the DX11 menu in game with F11 or Control+F11
Known Issues
These are some of the graphical issues you may encounter while using the DX11 mod:
  • You may occasionally get a black screen after playing for a little while, sometimes while saving your game. Don't worry if you were saving your game when this happened, this is not a crash so your save data will be fine, but the game will need to be forcefully closed and restarted.
  • Some of the trees have incorrect collisions and you may walk in to invisible walls when walking near certain trees, but I didn't find this to be too gamebreaking or annoying, just something to be aware of.
  • In underground levels such as mines and temples you may get a really annoying bug where you're able to see through walls at a certain distance, but not when you get closer. I'm really not sure how to fix this.
  • Some players have reported that when it is raining in game, save files can get corrupted. If you want to ensure this does not happen, you will need to set skyEffects=0 in your Gothic\System\Gothic.ini file - however this will mean you have no rain or other sky effects.
As I mentioned, you may not be able to get this to run on your system, but before you give up, try these things as they have helped some people:
  • Unplug/disable all but your main monitor.
  • Even though you are running the executable, try disabling Steam overlay for the game.
  • If the game crashes on load, try it again, it may just be having trouble with the intial resolution.
  • Be sure the game is running in your native resolution, both in the gothic.ini file and in the in-game options menu.
  • Windows 10: Install the game in an other folder than "Program Files"
Guide Changes
- Added link to Riisis Texture Pack 1.1

- Added link to the updated DX11-Mod 17.6.7 (Thanks .subnet).

- Added link to the updated DX11 preview build for Gothic 1 - working far better than the previous solution! (Thanks iGooseman)
- Removed step that required use of Gothic 1 drawdll as the new Gothic 1 DX11 mod does not require this.
Komentarzy: 290
Paun^-^ 3 lutego o 13:57 
10/10 mi apa
McFriedlich 15 lutego 2024 o 4:56 
Thanks, this guide along with it's sources does work.
Win 11, RTX 3070, 15.02.2024
CyFiver 10 lutego 2024 o 17:37 
The link for step three says "File Not Found" on the site for me at least:

engineer 9 lipca 2023 o 8:24 
you are the best!
RaeveinFG 30 stycznia 2023 o 3:16 
can anyone help ya boy out upon installing DX11 and getting everything working when I hit "F11" I can edit the settings at all it just doesn't let me move my mouse to change or configure.
RaveCaster 14 listopada 2022 o 18:51 
got stuck in the mine after getting list for diego. character wont climb the ladder but tries to jump on it. wasted 2 hrs of my gameplay
Scarlet Barawan 11 października 2022 o 23:44 
Hey, playerkit link doesn't work. I believe you have to change it for this one:
kvachu 5 października 2022 o 0:34 
Works like a charm on Win11. Very much appreciated.
The texture mod is awesome.
Thanks for this guide!
n30n0n3 17 sierpnia 2021 o 6:53 
I'm greeted with an error upon start of the game (note that this is after installing the DX11 Mod).

''D: Direct3D Renderer: Cannot initialize Direct3D Device. Unsupported Video-Hardware or Video Drivers? Terminating now.''

I have updated my graphics drivers, have the latest DIRECTX version and the latest / updated Visual C++ Redist.

Perhaps my computer hardware is just outdated ? Thank you in advance for any tips and answers.