1,135 valoraciones
【never give up】
MUSIC GENRES: classical, electronic, other
Publicado el
Actualizado el
9.585 MB
6 NOV 2019 a las 8:09 p. m.
29 DIC 2020 a las 12:07 p. m.
6 notas sobre cambios ( ver )

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【never give up】

Difficulty - 5.21
BPM - 109
Length - 2:35
Speed - 13 & 16
Lives - 17 / 17
7 comentarios
AS | Ludeo 16 ENE 2021 a las 6:16 p. m. 
Moderated by the Intralism Moderation Team

Status of the map - Official
AS | Ludeo 29 DIC 2020 a las 7:07 a. m. 
Moderated by the Intralism Moderation Team

Status of the map - Pending

If you would like your map to remain official, you can fix the mistakes and resubmit it. If you not fix it within one month it will be taken out of the official maps.

General Issues:

Late offset
Purl 23 ABR 2020 a las 8:37 a. m. 
Moderated by Intralism Moderation Team

Status of the map - Official

Official: This map is ready for official.
Pending 1: The map needs very little changes to be official;
Pending 2: The map needs some changes to be official;
Pending 3: The map needs a lot of changes to be official;

Any further changes will disqualify the map.

For further information please refer to:
Purl 22 ABR 2020 a las 11:59 p. m. 
dust | it/she  [autor] 22 ABR 2020 a las 11:47 a. m. 
ooh, nice catch with the missing arcs, they were hidden behind the drum sound. I like how they feel when they're added so I updated the map with 'em.
Purl 22 ABR 2020 a las 9:42 a. m. 
Moderated by Intralism Moderation Team

Status of the map - Pending 1

Pending 1: The map needs very little changes to be official;
Pending 2: The map needs some changes to be official;
Pending 3: The map needs a lot of changes to be official;

- 139.3511, 148.1584, 130.5437 Missing arcs

For further information please refer to:
Yokkako 7 DIC 2019 a las 7:43 a. m. 
remove 2 arcs and its truly epic, 420 arcs and pending 1, ready for official