Transport Fever

Transport Fever

25 평점
Icons Glass UK
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태그: UK, hud icons
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8.191 MB
2018년 6월 7일 오전 6시 57분
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Icons Glass UK

UK Icons replace your exisiting icons. Perfectly safe to remove at any time including saved games. This file simply overlays the vanilla files.

++++++++++Existing Subscribers with older version have been updated so don't subscribe+++++++++

Subject to updates without notice
댓글 7
East Pavilion-er 2018년 11월 2일 오전 10시 19분 
Is there an icon for London Underground/Overground? And bus stops for other cities in UK? I would like to have icon for Cambridge bus stops.
gavt1976 2018년 6월 7일 오후 2시 42분 
What happen to the road depot icon, because it was on you other UK Icons Hub and now it as gone because you update that mod. :)
토마토 재배기 2018년 6월 7일 오후 1시 59분 
Cool! I just want Swedish logo's in game xD I'm to retarded to do it myself! I have managed to make Swedish and British sounds in game only!
Cibaris  [작성자] 2018년 6월 7일 오후 1시 04분 
Jacob.. Station Terminus now fully working.
Cibaris  [작성자] 2018년 6월 7일 오후 1시 02분 
Jacob.... Did you mean coding or artwork? If you mean artwork how long have you got? I use PSD
Cibaris  [작성자] 2018년 6월 7일 오후 1시 00분 
Download and look at files
토마토 재배기 2018년 6월 7일 오전 11시 48분 
How do you do this? I'd love to make on with Swedish icons ^^