Arma 3
156 人が評価
Operation: Arsenal Expansion for OPTRE
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38.457 MB
2019年7月8日 20時43分
2023年8月12日 1時40分
22 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Operation: Arsenal Expansion for OPTRE

If you'd like to donate to me:
If you would like to contact me join this Discord or comment below:

OPAEX includes additional equipment, as well as enhancements to existing equipment, for the OPTRE mod.

Current additions:
  • VTOL hornet variant.
  • VTOL pelican variants.
  • VTOL sparrowhawk variants.
  • All hornets now have a pilot camera and laser designator.
  • Pylon systems for hornets, armed falcons, armed pelicans, and sparrowhawks.
  • All pelicans, hornets, sparrowhawks, and falcons now have a reworked HUD.
  • Added a new M41 SSR, aka SPNKR, for all OPAEX ammos. Contains several missile types, such as SALH, Thermal, SACLOS, and dumbfire.
  • Spartan laser, added as a launcher. Has a 5-shot battery and features a unique charge-up sequeunce.
  • Impact smoke grenades for all GLs on all rifles, OPTRE and otherwise.
  • Smoke rockets on both pelicans, hornets, and sparrowhawks.
  • Scorpion now has smoke screen canisters.
  • Glassing beam found in the effects section of the 3den modules menu.
  • Disruptor bomb in both module and aircraft weapon forms.
  • Cryobomb in both module and aircraft weapon forms.
  • Unit switching for Mjolnir and Elite gear equipped from the arsenal.
  • Illumination bomb both in module and aircraft weapon forms.
  • Warthog with a shotgun for a turret.
  • A cursed halo inspired D20 grenade, which does random things when thrown. (Needs to be enabled via addon options)
  • ACE tagging spray cans.
Items that have a strikethrough have been integrated with OPTRE.

I would ask that anyone who would like to repack content from this mod credits me with a link or mention.

-Article 2 Studios, for OPTRE.
-You, for actually taking the time to read.
-Mesa for the textures and model for the spartan laser.
-The OPTRE community, for their support and feedback.
-The Insurrectionists, for being great target practice.
-Microsoft, 343, and Bungie: For the Halo universe.
-Inferno Plus for cursed halo.
-OPCOS, Article 2 Declassified, The Carver Findings, and the authors of said addons for being an inspiration.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
2022年12月13日 6時23分
Does anyone know how to fix the infinite glassing beam?
2021年11月24日 3時36分
spartan armor in vanilla campaign
138 件のコメント
Lufian 2月28日 6時16分 
Yes most likely Spectre11867, only works in singleplayer and with signature verification disabled on your server
Spectre1187 1月10日 6時43分 
@lufian is that why i cant use the mod?
Lufian 1月1日 9時21分 
Key needs updating
MethamphetaMEMES 2023年12月28日 4時45分 
Oh sweet, thanks for the quick and informative reply man. In my server we have unlocked the armour permanently so we would not be switching to anything but that armor. Thus, the switching to human skeleton will not be required. I hate to be that guy who asks for someone else to fix my shit for me, but I don't even know where to begin finding how to code my server to spawn our player units as spartans. If you don't want to explain it to me, I understand totally. I will continue learning and hopefully figure it out myself.
Again, thankyou!
Spartanjackwar  [作成者] 2023年12月26日 23時41分 
Thank you for the appreciation. I must note that while possible to start the player as a spartan if the mission file spawns you as one, you would no longer be able to use non-spartan gear without the same animation issues of the spartan gear on non-spartan units. This implies that someone would then want to swap at some point to the normal skeleton, which means another unit change.
There are no script ways to actually solve, or sidestep entirely, the switch player command's underlying issues that frankly not even Bohemia Interactive Studios could feasibly fix without significant work. The only solution is to script into antistasi the use of the custom handler "OPAEX_EventHandler_SwapPlayerUnit" to swap the player and all references to the player in all relevant antistasi scripts, which is definitely not a small task,
MethamphetaMEMES 2023年12月26日 21時32分 
Hey Spartanjackwar, man firstly, want to say thankyou so much for your work on this mod. I greatly appreciate it. Like others here though, I am annoyed with Antistasi ultimate being broken upon skeleton switching, which I see is obviously NOT your fault or responsibility to fix. But I thought a solution may be to have some mission start script to make all player units START as spartan skeletons to circumvent issues from unit switching, I have done a lot of searching for how to go about it but couldn't find the info... I have near 0 coding knowledge, and especially not with arma 3. So if ANYONE can help with this, I would love to learn or find a fix. Cheers!
edsuelerwin04 2023年10月5日 23時45分 
Michael1073 im confused wdym. whenever i switch to the spartan skelliton it completly breaks. meaning i cant acess the buy vehicles game options or even save the you mean thatthere a chance when you switch to it the missions doesnt break?
Michael1073 2023年10月5日 9時17分 
I forgot to add and I’m so deeply sorry for saying this for others but the issue with antistasi ultimate is 50/50 and you can go back to normal skeleton then back to Spartan to take that 50/50 again till it works. Sometimes it’ll put you on citizen or blufor just check on map to or get mowed by ai to see.
Spartanjackwar  [作成者] 2023年10月4日 13時18分 
You'd have to add code that runs on mission start that adds an eventhandler like this:
hint format["%1 swapped to %2", _previousUnit, _newUnit];
//Your actual code to fix the antistasi issues goes here.
] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;

This can get you started with it. You'll need to copy-paste variables and event handlers from the old unit to the new unit. Handlers are the most troubling part as there exists no way to fetch the engine-level handlers on a unit.

The issue is that most people don't design their missions and code to handle the usage of the selectPlayer command. Until Bohemia allows entities to swap skeletons without swapping units, or they provide extra engine-side functionality to the selectPlayer command, this sort of problem will be found in any and all script-heavy mods and missions.
edsuelerwin04 2023年10月3日 18時13分 
im having the same issue as Michael. whenever i go into the spartan armour my ai turn againt me and all of the antistasi stuff is just kinda gone. Im assuming thats because you are no longer the "player." i saw that you wrote the event handler thing but i have no idea how to use that to fix it.