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Community Part Map
156.518 KB
2019年3月2日 16時04分
2020年4月7日 4時29分
7 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Community Part Map

WARNING : Incompatibility with Yet another kenshi nude mod, or any mod editing the part maps

This mod is a ressource for modders, and I hope it will help people to get into 3d modeling.
I need your feedback so we might adjust the used zones.

So, what is a part map ?
In FCS, when you create an armor, you can set part map zones.
9 colors are available, 3 are used by default.

So what does this mod do ?
Vanilla part maps only hide armpits, torso and belly for humans. Hivers actually haven't theirs, and skeleton only have one colour used (only for some parts of the torso. )
The mod makes use of the 6 remaining colors, so you can actually hide the whole body ! If devs add more colours, I'll separate some zones. For example pelvis and legs, or legs in 2 parts (which would help for vanilla pants that clip).
It also adds hivers (queen excepted) a real part map for them, as they used human's while having absolutely not the same texture pattern.
That means that all hiver races but queen have a new path (so beware for compatibility issues, even if kenshi is well made for handling it).

Why ?
Because it extends modding possibility. Want to make a helmet that replaces the body with another one? You can.
Wanna make high heels for the waifu ? You can.
Wanna make very close to body armors without worrying too much with clipping ? You can.

How can i use it for my mod ?
Just check at the pictures to get an idea of which zones are covered by which color. In FCS you'll have to check these colors is you need to hide a part.
For example, orange will hide hands !

Complete zones list:
White zone (vanilla) : armpits ;
Red zone (vanilla) : torso/boobs :
Green zone (vanilla) belly (front only) :

New zones (could change, because i'd like it to be a community thing, for modder convenience without altering vanilla ones).
Blue : rest of the torso and back, that are not covered by vanilla
Magenta : Arms without hands :
Cyan: feet, at the moment stops at ankle, could cover vanilla boot zones
yellow : neck (might add any zone barely used, as the zones should mask everything)
orange : hands :
purple : legs + pelvis

Unfortunately, head cannot be hidden, that would be even more fabulous for modding possibility, but maybe it'll change ;) .

人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
2023年1月7日 7時47分
Why do you still wear molds after having Community Park Map?
2023年9月13日 21時42分
Перевод описания на русский.
Hackod [Довангард]
258 件のコメント
Blast (AKA LostAmI) 2024年11月8日 11時14分 
Might help others yes.
Arkhiel  [作成者] 2024年11月8日 1時44分 
Indeed :D
I should stick in the description the incompatibility though
Blast (AKA LostAmI) 2024年11月7日 12時47分 
Honestly i didn't really care for the dongs anyway =D so switching to the female only version was an easy choice to fix this =D
Arkhiel  [作成者] 2024年11月7日 9時26分 
Yet another kenshi nude mod ? Often the culprit
Blast (AKA LostAmI) 2024年11月6日 17時18分 
Ah thank you FriskyFritz, your comment has shed light on the issue about the mod conflict.
Blast (AKA LostAmI) 2024年11月6日 17時14分 
I thought AGO's "More Idle Animation" Might be a conflict because it changes the skeleton but no, there was no difference with or without it. No idea whats causing the issue.
Blast (AKA LostAmI) 2024年11月6日 17時10分 
Further testing.
Top or bottom of the load order does not fix the issue.
The issue only occurs with females, and all leg armor causes it.
More testing results shortly.
Blast (AKA LostAmI) 2024年11月6日 16時43分 
Armored rag legs, make my arms vanish
Arkhiel  [作成者] 2024年9月14日 23時21分 
Read the comments :D.
In itself it won't change anything you can see directly.
If you use mods requiring it (basic example high heels mod) then it will do its trick
Mazz 2024年9月14日 21時04分 
Do I need this mod active I'm confused what it does