Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

448 voti
Cathedral B1b
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6 ott 2018, ore 11:09
30 nov 2018, ore 13:23
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Cathedral B1b

Red team has cleverly hidden their secret base underneath an ordinary church on the Frontline. Now Blu wants to steal it, and Red has to stop them. Capture or defend the two control points to win the base for your team!

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3 commenti
What a Mess 3 dic 2018, ore 23:01 
Francis 13 ott 2018, ore 11:11 
I just wanna say that when the complete versoin is brought out (being B1a) I just wanna say that this has to have full bot compatability for just people who know how to properly utilize console command's sake please. Also give it a little love for those whom want this on a community server. That's all.
bwobby! 12 ott 2018, ore 21:24 
Very nice! I like the idea, and it is a pretty large map by the looks of things, giving room to run around. Sweet!