Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

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Models: Creature
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5.210 MB
5 apr 2018, ore 17:56
1 nota di rilascio ( visualizza )

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Well, the crazy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ did it

I present to you...ugh, Godzilla's "Nephew"

Godzooki was a small baby kaiju that accompanied the crew of the Calico on various adventures, helping them when they needed his somewhat-super strength, or calling his uncle.

Basically a fusion of Minilla and Varan, while obviously resembling the adult Godzilla of this series.

Comes in one size due to the fact the little guy never was seen any bigger.

Additional renders by my associate Gummy, and created by Snake151

If you're interested in supporting my work, consider donating to my patreon:

Your support will ensure I can commission newer kaiju models in the future, as well as provide me support for anything else in the future.

That's all for now

37 commenti
Your Local Bow Fan 6 set 2023, ore 6:31 
ur local roblox person 29 dic 2022, ore 19:26 
its godzooky the one who blasts lil lasers with a tiny weapon
BluDude 1 dic 2020, ore 18:46 
UltramanUltimo  [autore] 1 dic 2020, ore 18:44 
yes. If it was broken, I'd not be able to upload it. The problem lies on your end.
BluDude 1 dic 2020, ore 14:28 
wdym restart? Source film maker its self?
UltramanUltimo  [autore] 1 dic 2020, ore 8:56 
then restart the program
BluDude 1 dic 2020, ore 4:09 
oddly, still error
BluDude 1 dic 2020, ore 4:09 
i did
UltramanUltimo  [autore] 30 nov 2020, ore 23:41 
unsub and resub
BluDude 30 nov 2020, ore 19:15 
nvm hanna doesnt matter, godzooki is still an error for some reason