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7.35d (Roamer) youtube/TorteDeLini - Pos 4
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9 commenti
RippeR 23 ott 2017, ore 16:31 
Muito bom, valeu!
۞ф Drácula ф۞ 24 giu 2017, ore 8:10 
Gostei, fico top.
𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙠𝙖 9 giu 2017, ore 13:23 
Nais, very good :D
BURNIE 29 mar 2017, ore 16:51 
Aha! You finally changed to two mangos goodness!
PastryFish 5 gen 2015, ore 6:40 
I personally don't use mana boots becuase its slows down dagon a lot and dagon is what lets you get all the kills on lone enemies. Also for a variation against sniper get Carapase instead of mana burn because when sniper reaches 6 you go at him and get him to low health (around 200) you make sure to get low to then run off the sniper will use his ult and when you see it coming use Carapase and you killed yourself a sniper.
TheSociety 15 ott 2013, ore 23:50 
Is this guide good for other lanes?
Lame64 13 set 2013, ore 8:41 
EPIC GUIDE....... thanks
Just Avery 25 lug 2013, ore 20:43 
@Kappinho- I wouldn't recommend a battlefury. Nyx is about sneaking up on the enemy then nuking them down with his spells and dagon. You don't need to auto attack with Nyx unless to secure a kill when your skills are on cooldown.
Kappinho 24 mag 2013, ore 2:22 
Does Battle Fury have any use on Nyx? Because of HP and Mana regen and I think that 35% Cleave is not so bad with Vendetta but Nyx isn't right-click hero so what do You think?