Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

153 évaluations
A Greek Dawn
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20 janv. 2020 à 9h15
25 déc. 2021 à 8h44
34 notes de changement ( voir )

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A Greek Dawn

All of the content of this mod is now included in Forgotten Nations - get here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2796844190

N.B. This mod now works for people who either own or do not own the Battle for the Bosporus dlc. If you do not own the dlc this focus tree will appear as default, but if you do there is a new decision you must take to get the focus tree. This decision is only available before unpausing the game.

A full overhaul for Greece, adding new and unique paths for Greece. Features include:

Fascist Greece, allowing the restoration of old Greek territories alongside further expansion, or accepting foreign intervention
- With the ability to integrate new territories as core states
Communist Revolution to be able to launch a Balkan-wide revolution or focus on internal development alongside the Soviet Union
A Mediterranean bastion of democracy, choosing between intervention of isolation
The historical path of authoritarianism under Ioannis Metaxas
Or finally restore the glory of the Byzantine Empire
- With unique paths for allying all major ideologies
- Adds the Roman Conference, with unique events and decision trees, for unification with Italy

Also includes fully unique industry development as well as an army development tree.

Compatible with 'French Expansionism': https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1889560007

Many thanks to Alex the Rambler for the video featuring this mod. Watch it here:
129 commentaires
puppy 29 avr. 2022 à 16h44 
Nozuki 7 avr. 2022 à 4h20 
Ok ok
AKT_12  [créateur] 7 avr. 2022 à 3h31 
@Nozuki if you own battle for the bosporus you need to activate a decision for the focus tree. It's very different to the base one
Nozuki 5 avr. 2022 à 7h42 
Isn't this just the basic game?
xrhstos155 13 mars 2022 à 7h44 
you have to add some stability decisions beacause my stability is all the time low
✪DMA-Demonlocker 5 janv. 2022 à 15h42 
Its perfect now thank you!
AKT_12  [créateur] 25 déc. 2021 à 8h45 
@✪DMA-Demonlocker My apologies, I just had a look and there was a pretty simple bug that I had missed. It works perfectly fine on my end now, but please let me know if it is still broken on your end.
✪DMA-Demonlocker 24 déc. 2021 à 13h40 
Brother, i have the dlc and it shows me in the interesting countries the second kingdom of greece, but when i start the game, there isnt any decision so i can take the new focus tree.
AKT_12  [créateur] 17 déc. 2021 à 13h33 
@Laszlo It's just received the first update after the patch - everything should work except the advisors, as I am yet to integrate it into the new character system. This will be fixed over the weekend however.
Laszlo 17 déc. 2021 à 13h23 
Is there any way that i can play the mod without any issues with game version 1.10.8?