Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

539 arvostelua
Lucky Star Survivors
Lisää suosikkeihin
Lisätty suosikkeihin
Poista suosikeista
36.206 MB
5.3.2014 klo 16.39
1 muutos ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
Lucky Star Survivors

This mod is by the very tallented 1337gamer15. I uploaded it here in hopes that it will be a little more used by the L4D2 community and easier to access through the Steam Workshop! please visit his profile at L4DMaps.com for more mods like this one.

67 kommenttia
Nasu 6.6.2023 klo 12.14 
JWave RGL.gg 3.10.2022 klo 17.47 
Glooby 9.1.2022 klo 14.03 
pov: thursday
Nico 6.9.2021 klo 6.36 
hello, could you do the cosplayer version of them?:steamthumbsup:
LunarWrens 31.7.2021 klo 7.55 
why does this mod change Zoey's viewhands
thuvup 16.7.2021 klo 19.10 
NightSideProductions Official 30.7.2020 klo 9.39 
That poster tho, it needs to be ported. The artist needs to do some for all the L4D maps
Automaton with a mustache 13.6.2019 klo 6.37 
I needed this in my life...
Cazaputas42 14.5.2019 klo 14.30 
khe madre
unapologetic | FEEL LIKE PABLO 1.1.2019 klo 17.42 
interesante ...