

195 hodnocení
Survive Said The Prophet - Mukanjyo (Vinland Saga)
Přidat do oblíbených
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MUSIC GENRES: rock, soundtrack
Velikost souboru
4.820 MB
29. čvc. 2019 v 4.03
27. pro. 2019 v 12.44
Poznámky ke změnám (7) – zobrazit

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Survive Said The Prophet - Mukanjyo (Vinland Saga)

Thanks for playing my map!

Suggested Difficulty - 4

BPM - 190
Lives - 21/21
Speed - 18 to 29

~400 Arcs
~75k Maximum Score

My first map using the new BPM Grid that is in the beta mode currently

My Modding Queue:

-Mapped by eclipz02
-Storyboard by Rayan

tags: vinland saga rock jrock j-rock anime opening fast screamo thor thorfinn ray epic intense insane epik impossible
Počet komentářů: 3
Yokkako 28. úno. 2020 v 7.10 
Moderated by Intralism Moderation Team

Status of the map - Pending 1

Pending 1: The map is ready to be official;
Pending 2: The map needs a few changes to be official;
Pending 3: The map needs a lot of changes to be official;

Any further changes will disqualify the map.
Ragnoji 7. úno. 2020 v 14.54 
Nice map for underrated anime :D This song is a good match for intralism :lunar2019deadpanpig:
Yokkako 30. pro. 2019 v 14.43 
Moderated by Intralism Moderation Team

Status of the map - Loved