Reflex Arena
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15 май 2016 в 6:22
19 апр. 2017 в 17:16
18 бележки за промени ( преглед )

Абониране, за да се свали

A hardcore mid-sized duel map boasting vertical gameplay and paths around an open map center. Advanced movement offers flexible connections between the main floors for intercepting opponents and accessing the main items from multiple directions.

Inspired by the map "Quickfire" from Quake II (PSX) and CPMA gameplay, this map showcases architecture in the style of a Strogg base from the classic games by id software.

1 RA, 2 YA, 1 GA, 7 AS
1 MH, 1x 50HP 4x 25HP, 3x 5HP
1 BR, 1 IC, 2 RL, 1 GL, 1 PR, 1 SG

- close to mid quarters
- vertical gameplay
- central main items
- flexible, yet demanding movement
- hard to control

Full Title: gt1 - Quickfire (Low Frequency Remix)

Author: Greed

Thanks to: PhunkMazterK, Ammaccabanane, tehace, Kyto, LuGi, MaZZel, time, Lat, Ivan O, def, tfC, truck, play3r, Skaarj, fht, lolograde, w96k, Woeste Wessel, matt, king, ZTK, Profanum, qhat
and all playtesters

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Популярни дискусии Всички (1)
24 май 2016 в 8:04
Bug reports
2 коментара
VN1X 22 юли 2016 в 9:41 
You've done a great job on this map! The updated visuals make it even better. Nice one!