Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Diamond Operation Shattered Web Coin - GIF
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"Diamond Operation Shattered Web Coin - GIF"
5 comentário(s)
🅱🆈🅲🆉🆀  [autor(a)] 20/mar./2020 às 16:14 
True :meatytears:
keke 20/mar./2020 às 9:08 
Grinded the whole sixteen weeks for this. It looks so much like the silver coin in my opinion. Valve would've made it nicer.
Penta 18/mar./2020 às 10:42 
🅱🆈🅲🆉🆀  [autor(a)] 17/mar./2020 às 4:41 
thx :TheSmiley:
Big Chinger ye 16/mar./2020 às 14:42 
so nice