140 avaliações
Complete guide
Por matsaball
This is a complete guide to Closure
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Author: Mats Cooper (matsaball)
Date: 06-08-13
Version: 1.00

Table of Contents









This guide will point you to the collectable MOTHs in each level
as well as general walkthroughs of all levels.
With this guide you should easily obtain all Steam Achivements.
If you replay a levels to get the MOTH you must complete the level
to have it save your MOTH collecting progress.


When you start the game you complete a quick tutorial.
Closure is a game about light and darkness.
If the level is in darkness it does not exist making it possible
to jump through dark walls from one lit ground to another.
When carrying an orb of light you will illuminate the level and
not fear falling to your doom.
In the hub world there are four doors.
These worlds begin the game unlocked and each contains 24 levels.
PURGATORY unlocks when the first three worlds are completed.
Ten of the levels in each of the first three worlds contain one
MOTH for a total of 30 MOTHs in 30 MOTH levels.
Also there is a secret wall to the left of the doors.
Try running to the left and jumping.
You will be in the MOTH CAVE where you can unlock a trophy or
achievement and see the total MOTHs you have collected.
World 1 part 1

There are MOTHs in levels 2, 8, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22 and 24

Level 1-1
Adjust the lamp up so you fall to the door.
Enter the door.

Level 1-2
Place the orb in the holder.
Follow the orb right and up then remove the orb at the top.
Bump the ball then quickly jump over it and slow it.
Drop down to the left and prevent the ball from hitting the button
at the left just yet.
Push the ball to the button on the right, opening a secret door.
Carefully walk in front of the ball back to the left and jump over
the button.
Watch as the ball hits the button and opens the door to the enter.
Grab the MOTH right there.
Drop to the door and enter.

Level 1-3
Go up the ladder and swim to the left.
Place the orb under the arm sticking out.
Go get another orb and place it a bit more to the left.
Go get another orb and place it a bit more to the left.
Go get another orb and place it a bit more to the left, under the
Go above and jump "through" the wall to get to the door.

Level 1-4
Place the orb on the holder.
Ride the light up but stand to the far left to avoid death.
Walk to the right.
Drop to the door and enter.

Level 1-5
Hop to the box with an orb in it.
Push the box to the right and down to the key.
Grab the key and push the box to the left to a wall.
Jump up the box and hop across to the right with the key.
Enter the door.

Level 1-6
Grap the orb from the holder then immediately replace it,
dispensing one ball.
Push the ball into the first hole.
Grap the orb from the holder then immediately replace it,
dispensing one ball.
Push the ball into the second hole.
Grap the orb from the holder then immediately replace it,
dispensing one ball.
Push the ball into the button.
Grab the orb from the holder then walk to the door and enter.

Level 1-7
Push the box to the right under the lamp.
Jump on the box and adjust the lamp to point to the door and all
the land to the little stump.
Grab the key and push the box to the little stump on the left.
Walk the key to the door and enter.

Level 1-8
Push the box under the lamp.
The ball hits the button and the top box lands on the other box.
Jump on the top box and point the lamp to the door and all the
land to the little stump.
Push the stack to the little stump.
Push the top box to the right to the door.
Jump up and grab the MOTH.
Enter the door.

Level 1-9
Adjust the two lamps by the door to shine a full path from the
key to the door.
Grab the key and go to the door and enter.

Level 1-10
Never touch the rightmost orb.
Grab the leftmost orb and place it in the holder.
Hop to the other holder and place the orb just to the left.
Grab the leftmost orb and place it in the holder.
Hop to the other holder and place the orb between the door and
the holder.
Grab the middle orb and place it in the holder by the door.
Place the final orb in the door holder and enter.

Level 1-11
Go right, up and left to the lamp.
Point the lamp back at the start by the holder.
Place the orb in the holder.
Go back to the lamp and point it to the top stair.
Walk across and drop down onto the door and enter.

Level 1-12
Go right then up and left to the top center to get the MOTH.
Go to the door on the right and drop the orb through the crack.
Place the orb on the holder.
Take the key past the other holder and drop it on the far left.
Take the orb and drop it down the crack which will drop you and
the key as well.
Put the orb on the holder.
Take the key to the door and enter.
World 1 part 2
Level 1-13
Take one of the orbs up the ladder and drop it through the second
Take the second orb up the ladder and drop it through the first
Take the key to the top of the ladder and drop it on the right.
Take the nearest orb up to the key and patiently move orb and key
to the door to the right avoiding the cracks.

Level 1-14
Climb the stairs then leap off to the left to capture a MOTH.
Climb the stairs again and swim to the other orb. (orb 2)
Drop your orb (orb 1) under the tip of the legde to the bottom
left of orb 2.
Move orb 2 to the other end of this ledge.
Move orb 1 to the bottom tip of a wall above.
Move orb 2 to the bottom corner of a wall to the right.
Take orb 1 to a point above orb 2 on the very top wall.
Let go and drop "through" the wall and to the door and enter.

Level 1-15
Push the balls down and take care to keep up with them and land
on an orb.
Take the orb all the way to the right and stand next to the water.
Drop the orb in the water and quickly jump "through" the wall and
quickly grab the orb floating by.
Swim up and walk past the door to the MOTH.
Go to the door and enter.

Level 1-16
Drop down to the holder and place the orb.
Follow it up to the top.
Jump with the orb to the lamp on the left.
Move it gently to the left so the box falls on the "elevator."
Move the lamp back to original position.
Drop down and use the elevator again.
Push the box to the left.
Shove the box off the edge onto the button to open the door.
Hop to the door and enter.

Level 1-17
Use the orb in the holder and run across to the right.
Grab the orb from the holder and push the box to the right.
Use the orb in the holder.
Quickly push the box onto the elevator with you.
Gently nudge the box off to the right.
Push the box under the lamp then grab the orb and jump on the box.
Jump up and to the right to get the MOTH.
Push the box to the left.
Place the orb in the holder.
Quickly push the box onto the elevator with you.
Push the box under the lamp to the right.
Illuminate a path to the door.
Go to the door and enter.

Level 1-18
Take the orb to the right and place it in the holder.
Take the other orb below and place it in the holder.
Grab the key quickly and follow the orb to the left.
Push the ball to the right past the door qhich unlocks it.
Drop down to hold the ball in place.
Carefully walk the ball to the left.
Jump over it at the right time to get the orb sitting in the
lower holder.
Bring the ball to the center and jump on it to get the MOTH.
Go left, up, right, return to the door and enter.

Level 1-19
Run to the right and drop the orb through the crack.
Go to the lamp and shine it down carefully to illuminate the ramp
which will catch the ball.
Watch the ball hit the button.
Keep adjusting the lamp to it points up and to the left making a
small platform and catching the moth when it flies to the left.
Put the orb in the pedestal and go left and up.
Stand over the crack again and drop the orb and immediately jump
to the right.
If you pull this tricky move off you will be on the platform so
you can time your jump to catch the moth when it is illuminated.
Put the orb in the pedestal and go left and up.
Swim with the orb and place the orb under the lip of the lowest
Grab the key and put it on the platform.
Swim with the orb and place the orb under the lip of the middle
Grab the key and put it on the platform.
Swim with the orb and place the orb under the lip of the top
Grab the key and put it on the platform.
Swim with the orb and float the orb on the surface.
Grab the key and put it on solid ground.
Take the orb up to the key.
Patiently move orb and key to the door to the right avoiding
the crack.

Level 1-20
Grab the orb and jump up to drop the box down.
Climb down and push the box to the left against the button.
Go up and move both orbs away from the top box
It will fall onto the other box.
Push the box stack to the right under the lamp.
Point the lamp to anyplace else.
Walk to near the door and place the orb a good distance away to
jump "through" it.
Go to the door and enter.

Level 1-21
Push the ball to the right then drop down to the pedestal.
Grab the orb.
Watch the ball fall near the button.
Push the ball into the button.
Walk left, swim up, and to the pedestal.
Adjust the left lamp to illuminate a path to the key and ball.
Adjust the right lamp to illuminate a path to the bottom of the
Place the orb.
Return to the key and pick it up.
Push the ball into the water.
Swim up and adjust the lamps to get to the door.
Go to the door and enter.

Level 1-22
Climb up and push the first box left under the right lamp.
Point it at the MOTH off to the right.
Go thet the MOTH.
Push the three boxes in the water.
Land on a box and surf it to the lamp.
Point the lamp at the door.
Surf and jump on the boxes to go to the door and enter.

Level 1-23
Grab the orb on the right and feed it to the pedestal.
Quickly grab the key and jump on the elevator.
Drop the key quickly and quickly jump back to the pedestal.
Go left to the two lamps.
Point them to make a line pointing at the key.
Go up to the door and move all the orbs to the far right.
Take one orb back to the left and drop it.
Walk to the key and return to the orb.
Dance with orb and key to the door and enter.

Level 1-24
Go up the ladder a few rungs then jump left into the pipe for a
Continue up the ladder to the door.
World 2 part 1

There are MOTHs in levels 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16 and 19

Level 2-1
Go right with the orb until you drop it to pass through a tree.
Move the lamp left or right to illuminate an orb.
Continue right to the door and enter.

Level 2-2
Go under the bridge to the orb in the water.
Place the orb in the pedestal.
Ride it up.
Continue right to the door and enter.

Level 2-3
Swim under the box and nudge it to the left.
At the right moment get to the left of the box and jump on it.
Surf the box back to under the MOTH, jump up and claim it.
Push the box all the way to the right then jump up on it.
Continue right to the door and enter.

Level 2-4
Drop down to the lamp and point it to the orb.
Then point it up and slightly left to see a vine.
Move the key and orb to the pedestal and use it.
Grab the key quickly and ride to the very top.
Drop the key to the left.
Grab the orb and drop it to the left.
Grab the key and drop it on the door.
Grab the orb and run to the right for the MOTH.
Return to the tree.
Leap of faith "through" it to the vine we illuminated earlier.
Jump to the door, use the key and enter.

Level 2-5
Use the orb on the pedestal.
Jump across at the right time as the orb passes below you.
Do the shuffle with the key and orb back to the pedestal.
Use the orb on the pedestal.
Grab the key quickly.
Jump across at the right time as the orb passes below you.
Do the shuffle with the key and orb to the door then enter.

Level 2-6
Grab the orb and drop into the water.
Swim to the bottom center and place the orb in the pedestal.
Follow it up as it tries to throw you.
Grab the orb and drop off to the left.
Quickly land to the right and use the orb on the pedestal.
Ride this one all the way down then up.
Grab the orb and step off to the right for a MOTH.
Step off to the right for the door and enter.

Level 2-7m
Point the lamp in a specific way straight to the right.
Drop the orb directly on the key flower near the tree.
You have created a few stepping stones on this side of the tree.
You can hop up and all the way to the right for a MOTH.
Return and place one orb on the left key flower.
Point the lamp up at the top key flower.
Place the final orb on the final key flower.
Hop to the right for the door and enter.

Level 2-8m
Take the nearest orb to the far left crack and drop it.
Quickly move right and grab that orb and drop it.
Quickly move right and grab that orb and drop it.
Quickly move left and grab that orb and drop it.
Grab the orb and jump to obtain a MOTH.
Make a careful running super long jump to the orb at the right.
Hop to the right for the door and enter.

Level 2-9
Grab the orb.
Drop it between the two nearest key flowers to activate them.
Grab the other orb and run all the way down and right.
Drop it in the corner and jump "through" the wall to the box.
Push the box to the lamps.
Point the right lamp up to the key flower above.
Point the middle lamp to the right to the key flower there.
Keep the ceiling dark.
Point the left lamp to the left to the key flower up there.
Push the box back to the right.
Jump back through to the orb and return to the door and enter.

Level 2-10
Point the lamp up to the MOTH to activate it.
Point the lamp to a bend up and to the left.
Feed the orb to the pedestal and ride it up.
Jump at the right time across to the right.
Jump again to the platform you created then to the MOTH.
Move the lamp to the door and enter.

Level 2-11
Point the lamp a few degrees to the right.
This will light a distant corner and the water around it.
Swim an orb over there and place it under the corner.
Swim back for the other orb and take it to the lower lamp.
Point the lamp to the key flower on the lower right.
Drop the orb there for the key flower.
Swim to the first orb and drop it on the submerged key flower.
Swim left then jump up on the lit part of the island.
Jump right to the final orb.
Swim the orb back to the first lamp.
Point it to the door and final key flower.
Hop to the right for the door and enter.

Level 2-12
Grab the orb and go left for the MOTH.
Place the orb in the pedestal.
Follow it down to the next orb.
Quickly swim with it to the pedestal and place the orb.
Quickly grab the nearby activated orb which will ascend near you.
If you miss it ascend with it then grab it.
Quickly swim to the lip just up and to the right of the pedestal.
Drop the orb there.
Quickly grab the key.
Swim to the right and drop the key under the far orb.
Quickly Return to the pedestal and swim with the orb to the key.
Quickly Drop the orb and pick up the key.
Follow the orb to the right then elevate to the door and enter.
World 2 part 2
Level 2-13
Jump in the well.

Level 2-14
Swim right with the orb under the boxes to the door and enter.

Level 2-15m
Place the orb in the pedestal.
Jump to the orb and place it to the left.
Hop "through" the tree to the far orb.
Place the orb in the moving pedestal and follow it left.
Quickly replace the orb you removed from the pedestal.
Continue platforming to the right and reclaim your orb.
Carry it up and to the left for a MOTH.
Adjust the lamp there to hit three key flowers.
Place the orb in the left pedestal to light another key flower.
Adjust the bottom lamp and hit the final key flower.
Hop to the right for the door and enter.

Level 2-16
Carefully adjust the three lamps to provide platforms from the
middle key flower to the platform above the top lamp.
The right lamp should barely light the middle key flower
and not above it.
The middle lamp should light a little platform
and nothing above it.
The left lamp can light a vine straight above
and nothing above it.
Place the orb in the pedestal and ride it to the right.
Adjust the lamp to hit the key flower here but not below it.
Place the orb in the pedestal and ride it to the left.
Jump up and left precisely to land on the lit key flower.
Platform up to the left and place the orb in the pedestal.
Ride it up and jump over to claim your MOTH.
Fall back to the beginning.
Adjust the two lamps at left and center to light the top two
key flowers.
Adjust the right lamp up to clear the way.
Make a trip to the right again and back to light the hidden
key flower.
Adjust the right lamp to the final key flower.
Hop to the left for the door and enter.

Level 2-17
Walk this tethered orb to the left to activate another orb.
Walk this tethered orb to the left to activate another orb.
Hop with the key back to the door and enter.

Level 2-18
Place the tethered orb on the pedestal.
Hop the the right and liberate the orb.
Activate the tethered orb to the right and liberate this as well.
Bridge to the right with your orbs and retrieve the key.
Bridge to the left for the door and enter.

Level 2-19m
Push the ball down the ramp.
Jump to the orb as it escapes the ball.
Place the tethered orb in the pedestal.
Drop below and remove the orb from the pedestal.
Walk to the far right and drop the orb to activate another orb.
Drop the orb off to the left to jump "through" the wall.
Grab this orb and then grab a MOTH.
Jump back "through" and put an orb in the little pit to the left.
Push the ball to the left.
Jump on it to get to the door and enter.

Level 2-20
Drop with the key into the water.
Swim with the tethered orb to activate two other orbs.
Place it on the pedestal.
Liberate the orb from the far pedestal.
Let it float to the top.
Place the lower right tethered orb in the pedestal.
Swim back to the key at the right moment.
Liberate the orb here and swim it to the top and right.
Drop it under the lip.
Take the key up out of the water.
Shuffle with it and the free orbs to the dry land pedestal up top.
Place and orb in the pedestal.
Quickly jump with the key to the elevator.
Carefully shuffle with the orb and key to the door and enter.

Level 2-21
Carry the orb to the pedestal and follow it up to
another pedestal.
Carry the orb to the pedestal and follow it up to
the door and enter.

Level 2-22
Shine the lamp up and right to the figure with flowers.
Place the orb on the pedestal.
Proceed past the three lamps to grab the orb.
Return to the lamps.
Point them at the old figure and two new ones.
Place the orb on the pedestal.
Proceed past the two lamps to grab the orb.
Return to the lamps.
Point them at the old figure and new one.
Place the orb so you and jump "through" to the right.
Take a key up and left to the door and enter.

Level 2-23
Place the orb in the pedestal.
Go right and take the top path to the orb at the top right.
Grab this orb and place it in the pedestal.
Drop down and quickly place the tethered orb in the pedestal.
Follow the orb left.
Liberate the orb from the podium and drop it there.
Follow the orb left.
Claim the orb from the moving pedestal before it goes up
or after it comes down.
Drop the orb here.
Go right and take the top path to the remaining orb at the top.
Grab this orb and place it in the pedestal to the right again.
Follow the orb left.
Claim the orb from the moving pedestal before it goes up
or after it comes down.
Drop the orb here.
Go right and to the rightmost orb.
Grab this orb and place it in the pedestal to the right again.
Follow the orb left.
Claim the orb from the moving pedestal before it goes up
or after it comes down.
Drop the orb here.
Go right to the remaining orb.
Grab this orb and place it in the pedestal to the right again.
Follow the orb left and
Very quickly place the three remaining orbs in the pesedatals.
Jump on the moving pedestal to elevate after it comes down.
Hop to the right for the door and enter.

Level 2-24
Bring the orb to the right for the door and enter.
World 3

There are MOTHs in levels 3, 5, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21 and 22

Level 3-1
Put the orb on the pedestal and patiently go right.
Activate the orb on the other side of the wall anf jump to it.
Bring the orb to the right for the door and enter.

Level 3-2
Shine the lamp on the door.
Hop with the orb up and to the right all the way.
Drop the orb and drop to the door and enter.

Level 3-3m
Shine the lamp so the entire roof of the room with the lamp
is covered.
Walk right to another lamp.
Shine this lamp on the MOTH and go get it.
Return to the start.
Shine the lamp on the floor in front of the lamp below.
Adjust that lamp to the door.
Return to the first lamp and move it away.
Drop to the door and enter.

Level 3-4
Carry the orb right and drop it just past the spikey zone.
Adjust the lamp for a path back to the door.
Walk the new orb back to the door and place it on the pedestal.
Walk the old orb back to the door and place it on the pedestal.
Enter the door.

Level 3-5m
Shuffle the key and orb to the left using pedestals for the orb.
Drop the orb and break it over the door.
You and the key will fall to the door.
Use the key to open the door.
Carry the orb to the right for a MOTH.
Return to the door and enter.

Level 3-6
use the gun on the orb in the tree to destroy it.
Carry the orb to the tree.
Jump "through" it to the other orb and the door and enter.

Level 3-7
Point the lamp at the target above.
Use the gun on the target.
Use the other gun on the other target.
Hop to the right for the door and enter.

Level 3-8
Turn the second lamp away from the first target.
Shoot the second target.
Hop to the left for the door and enter.

Level 3-9
Use the orb on the pedestal.
When the key is overhead remove the orb.
Drop the orb off to the right illuminating the door.
Take the key to the door and enter.

Level 3-10
Pick up the orb and use the elevator to the right.
Pick up the orb and drop off to the right and catch a MOTH.
Use the podium to get back to the left.
Shoot the orb under the key.
Shuffle orb and key back to the door and enter.

Level 3-11m
Point the lamp at the MOTH and target beyond.
Ride the elevator.
Hop to the top lamp and point it up and away.
Drop down to the gun and shoot the target.
Adjust the lower lamp to illuminate the path to the door.
Ride the elevator again.
Adjust the top lamp down to see the MOTH.
Drop down, catch the moth, and proceed to the door and enter.

Level 3-12
Shoot the target.
Hold "up" while you fall so you can grab the orb.
Swim to the lower right to activate an orb.
Swim to the upper right, release the orb, and fall to the right.
Enter the door.

Level 3-13m
Point the lamp at the reflector that's pointing down.
Ride the elevator.
Go left to find a hidden MOTH.
Hop to the right to the first reflector.
Point it to the right to light the other two reflectors.
Point these two reflectors straight down.
Take the orb back and fall down and go right.
Jump "through" the wall to the door and enter.

Level 3-14
Point the reflector at the target then ride the elevator.
Point the lamp on the reflector and drop down.
Shoot the target and walk to the right to the door and enter.

Level 3-15m
Take the right orb and use the elevator.
Drop an orb at the far right.
Carry the other orb to the far left.
Drop the orb through the crack to capture a MOTH.
Shoot the orb in front of the target and the target.
Shuffle the orb and key to the door and enter.

Level 3-16m
Point the lamp down to activate the stairs
Point the lamp down to the first reflector.
Point that reflector to the next reflector on the right
and the path to it.
Point that reflector to the next reflector on the right
and the path to it.
Jump for the MOTH.
Reset the reflectors to all vertical.
Return to the very start.
Jump to the reflector on the right.
Point it down and to the next reflector on the right.
Jump to the reflector on the right.
Point it down and to the next reflector on the right.
Jump to the reflector on the right.
Point it down and to the next reflector on the right.
Jump to the door and enter.

Level 3-17
Shoot the target and drop the orb on the box.
Push the box to the right to the key.
Grab the key and push the box with orb to the door and enter.

Level 3-18m
Push the boxes into position under the two cracks visible above.
Ride the elevator.
Drop the orbs through the cracks and drop down.
Grab the left orb.
Push the right box with orb on top to the door.
Take the elevator again and walk to the right.
Drop the orb and jump off, grabbing the mOTH.
Land near the box.
Push the bax back into position under the crack.
Ride the elevator.
Drop the orbs through the cracks and drop down.
Grab the left orb.
Push the right box with orb on top to the door.
Place the orbs in the pedestals and enter.

Level 3-19
There are 4 positions let's call them 1,2,3, and 4.
Move orb 2 to 4.
Get the key and place it at 3.
Move orb 4 to 2.
Shuffle with the key and orb 3 to the right.
Jump "through" the wall with the key to the door and enter.

Level 3-20
Place the orb in the pedestal.
Shoot the six targets swiftly and in order.
Walk to the door and enter.

Level 3-21m
Go right and jump to drop the box.
Push the box to the right and stop before the orb there.
Drop your orb on the box and grab the new orb.
Push the box left until it stops.
Put your orb in the pedestal.
Take the orb from the box and go left to the new box.
Push this box back right and stop under the MOTH.
Drop your orb and get the orb from the pedestal.
Jump on the box for a MOTH then drop the orb on the box.
Grab the other orb and push the box to the left.
Adjust the lamp to illuminate the door and not much of the wall.
Push the box to the left.
Jump "through" the wall to the door and enter.

Level 3-22
Place and orb on the left pedestal and shoot the target.
Go left and ride the elevator up.
Push the box off into the pit below.
Shoot the target.
Work the orbs back to the gun and place one in the other pedestal.
Shoot the target.
Carry the other orb to the right and swim up to the box and orb.
Push them to the left.
Jump on the box to move one orb up out of the water.
Get the other orb, jump on the box and drop the orbs off the edge.
Shuffle these back to the middle.
Drop them both down below on the right side.
Place one orb into the pedestal and ride it for a MOTH.
Jump back "through" the wall to the door and enter.

Level 3-23
Walk to the door and enter.

Level 3-24
Go left and jump "through" the wall to the new orb.
Place the orb in the pedestal and ride it left.
Take the orb back to bed and enter the door.
World 4

There are no MOTHs in PURGATORY's ten levels.

Level 4-1
Here you must go to the left and ride to the top.
Drop the orb to jump "through" the wall to the next orb.
This is a tethered orb.
Walk it to the right to light the next tethered orb.
Drop it through the crack.
Quickly jump to the second tethered orb.
Take it to the right and light the third tethered orb.
Drop it through the crack.
Quickly jump to the third tethered orb.
Drop the third tethered orb through the crack.
Walk the key to the left.
Use the second or third orb on the holder.
Remove the nearby orb to "untether" the orb.
Walk the free orb to the door and place it on a door holder.
Unlock the door with the key.
Use the other tethered orb on the holder.
Remove the nearby orb to "untether" the orb.
Walk the free orb to the door.
Place it on a door holder and enter the door.

Level 4-2
Shoot the bottom three orbs, leave the top two.
Point the nearby lamp on the ground leading to and including
the door and the bottom key flower.
Walk to the right without the orb.
Jump through the wall and all the way to the lamp.
Point the lamp at the target above.
Return to the gun and shoot the target.
Return to the right lamp and illuminate the final two key flowers.
Enter the door.

Level 4-3
Grab the orb and push the box under the lamp to the right.
Jump on the box and drop the orb on the box.
Point the lamp to the left to the reflector.
Push the box back to the reflector and point it down.
Climb the ladder up and drop the orb to the left of the ladder.
Move the key to the right of the ladder.
Move the far orb to the right of the ladder
so the wall remains dark.
Take the original orb back down the ladder and drop it on the box.
Push the box back to the lamp.
Point it up to the top reflector.
Drop down and nudge the box to the left to be directly under
the light from the top reflector.
Take the orb up the ladder and onto the door holder.
Hop across to the left to get the key.
Hop back to the door to unlock.
Hop across to the left to get the orb .
Hop down and up the ladders to the door and enter.

Level 4-4
There are seven key flowers to light
There is one orb, one lamp and seven reflectors to do it with.
There are several solutions.
Take advantage of how the bottom reflector can point to two other
reflectors and a key flower.
Also the bottom lamp can hit two other reflectors and another
key flower.
Proceed up the ladders on the right and align some more
reflectors until the door opens.

Level 4-5
Climb the ladder.
Push the box to the center in line with the lamp and reflector.
Jump on the box.
Jump up to drop the box without spin to the bottom.
Point the reflector to the left key flower.
Leave one orb with the reflector.
Take the other down to the box.
Point the lamp to the enter and key flower on the right.
Enter the door.

Level 4-6
Get the orb by the door and drop it in the water.
Swim the other orb down to the third holder.
Swim the other orb down to the sixth holder.
Swim the other orb down to the right end of the cantilever.
Swim the other orb up and out of the water and up the ladder.
Drop the orb all the way to the right.
Drop down to the orb by the key.
Take that orb back up the ladder.
Place it in the holder in the center.
Wait a moment then drop down into the water at the bottom center.
There are three cracks in the ceiling above.
Place the orb to the left of the left crack and jump to the left.
Take that orb all the way to the top.
Shuffle another orb back into position.
Repeat until there are three orbs near the three cracks.
Jump off to the left.
Return to the key.
See how we have tunneled under the "no drop" zone.
Drop the key to the left.
Return to the orb on the right.
Walk it to the left and drop it to illuminate the stairs a bit.
Take the key to the door and enter.

Level 4-7
Go up the ladder to the lamp on the left.
Point it at the relector at the top left and the target.
Return to the gun and shoot the target.
Go down and point the center lamp in the direction of the lamp
on the right to illuminate a small platform.
Return to the lamp on the left.
Point it to the right to make a bridge to the platform.
Hop over to the lamp on the right.
Point it to the target just above and right but not the reflector.
Hop back to the lamp on the left.
Point it to the relector at the top left.
Go down and point the center lamp down.
Shoot the gun at the target.
Shoot the gun at the target just revealed above.
Go down and point the center lamp in the direction of the lamp
on the right to illuminate a small platform.
Return to the lamp on the left.
Point it to the right to make a bridge to the platform.
Hop over to the lamp on the right.
Point it up and to the left to make a ramp to the key.
Go to the key.
Drop the orb there down the ladder.
Descend the ladder with the key.
Shuffle the key and orb to the door to the left.
Take the key to the door and enter.

Level 4-8
Go to the lamp on the right.
Point it to the reflector there and on to the top part of water
on the left tank.
Point the reflector there to the key.
Climb into the center tank.
Place the orb under the platform in the center.
Float up and through the wall to the left tank.
Grab the key and float up and through to the center tank.
Place the key on the platform.
Go with the orb to the lamp on the left.
Point it to the nearby reflector and the top part of water on
the right tank.
Point the reflector there to the key.
Return to the reflector on the right.
Point it down to intersect the beam from the other reflector.
Go without the orb into the tank and to the left through the wall.
Grab the key and float up and through to the right tank.
Go up the ladder and drop the key near the top ladder.
Take the orb to the top of the ladder.
Return to the key.
Adjust the reflector to illuminate the stair.
Climb with the key.
Drop the key between the door and ladder NOT between the ladders.
Take the orb to the door.
Take the key to the door and enter.

Level 4-9
Adjust the left and right lamps to a point just below the key.
Adjust the center lamp up and away from it all.
Walk an orb near the key leaving the door dark.
Drop down and grab the key.
Return to the orb by jumping past the door to open it.
Walk with the orb to the door and enter.

Level 4-10
There are four key flowers, one in each corner of the room.
The goal is to take the orb to each corner.
Each corner contains an independent puzzle.
Each corner involves moving an orb to the key flower.

In the upper right, ride the orb up on the right.
Adjust the reflector there to the target above.
Go up, around, and back to the lamp and point it at the reflector.
Use the gun and shoot the target.
Return to the lamp and point it down and away from stuff.
Ride the orb up on the right and go to the key flower.
Drop the orb and jump down to the other orb.

In the upper left,
Walk to the left to trigger the other orb.
Drop the orb on the center platform.
Jump through to the new orb.
Climb up and to the left and drop the orb through the crack.
Place the orb in the holder.
Jump around down, right, up, and left.
Grab the orb and jump to the key flower and drop it there.
Drop to the lower orb and move on.

In the lower right, place the orb on the holder and ride it up.
Drop the tethered orb down the crack and quickly jump on the box.
shove the box down.
Take the free orb to the key flower and drop it there.
Place the tethered orb in the holder.
Remove the orb from the other holder.

In the lower left, place the orb on the key flower.
Climb the ladder and jump to the left of the box.
Push the box to that bit of platform near the lamp.
Drop down with the orb to see a button.
Place the orb in the holder for safety.
Return to the box and push it down to the button.
Push the box into the button which opens the door.


In World 4 some stairs and a door will appear.
You can enter if you have collected all 30 MOTHs.
Inside the door you will see the three masks from the original
three worlds and five pedastals with the five villains above.
Place the masks on the pedastals to defeat three of the villains.
You are then turned into a giant MOTH with a swarm of the 30
smaller MOTHs rescued earlier and transported to the final levels.
In these levels you must fly to the key flowers.
One MOTH will station to keep it lit to open the door.
The first level has ten key flowers to light.
The subsequent levels have eight, six, four and two key flowers.
Proceed to unlock the final trophy or achivement and roll credits.


(Copyright 2013 matsaball)

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.
6 comentário(s)
Mr. Find Out 19/set./2015 às 2:47 
There's a much simpler way to get the moth in 1-19. After activating the platform below, just go back up and push the barrel all the way to the right, and try to get it to stay (mostly) still. From here, you can let it drop, and if you managed to get it still enough it should still be on the very right once you drop down, letting you jump on top of it with your orb to grab the moth. No trick jumps required. I imagine that this is the intended way, since I can't imagine the developers would expect a player to do it your original way so early in the game.
Hol Horse 20/ago./2015 às 12:21 
Thanks, I was stuck in 4-6 and could not end the game
Blazkowicz 15/dez./2014 às 14:19 
Not very clear guide, sorry but the Epilogue is more complex than your explanation
Steph 20/fev./2014 às 21:45 
WOW! Gracias!
RbnVolta 19/jan./2014 às 10:09 
It would be great if you use some images, it seems to be a good guide I'll check it later.:ss13ok:
Lethrblaka 11/dez./2013 às 7:44 
Wow! This is a great guide!
I want to complete the game on my own first but if I can't find all the MOTHS, I'll surely come back to this guide...
Thank you! :D