

184 ratings
DE Surgeries
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Jul 6, 2017 @ 6:25pm
Dec 7, 2017 @ 9:07pm
9 Change Notes ( view )

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DE Surgeries

Adds new surgeries to Rimworld.
- 2 cosmetic surgeries: Ear and Nose.
- 9 chronic surgeries: Bad back, Frail, Cataract, Hearing loss, Dementia, Alzheimers, Asthma, Cirrhosis and Heart artery blockage.
- 12 injury surgeries: Burn, Crush, Crack, Cut, Surgical cut, Scratch, Bite, Stab, Gunshot, Shredded, Bruise, Frostbite.
- 2 Parasite surgeries : Muscle Parasite, Gut Worms
- 12 bone/limb surgeries: Finger, Toe, Mandible, Pelvis, Clavicles, Sternum, Ribs, Radius, Humerus, Femur, Tibia and Spine.


############ Description ############

The more the surgery difficulty increase, the more the Quality/Cleanliness of the hospital bed/room and the Medicine skill value will impact chances of success

## Easy surgeries ##
- You can choose to quickly treat those injuries instead of waiting for them to slowly heal (and maybe cause infections), but it will cost you more medical resources.
- Burn, Crush, Crack, Cut, Surgical cut, Scratch, Bite, Stab, Gunshot, Shredded, Bruise and Frostbite.
- Work: 2,000.
- Requires 2 units of medicine (Healroots can be used).
- Requires level 5 in Medicine.

## Normal surgeries ##
- Mandible, Finger, Toe, Clavicles, Ear, Nose and Hearing loss.
- Work: 3,000.
- Requires 2 units of medicine (Healroots cannot be used).
- Requires level 8 in Medicine.
- Mandible and clavicles surgeries requires 10 Plasteel.

## Hard surgeries ##
- You can try to heal Muscle Parasites and Gut Worms in one operation (instead of waiting for the 5 treatments in Vanilla) but it will cost you 5 units of medicine in one time. Also be aware of the risk of lethal failures (if the operation fail then there is a 10% chance of killing the patient)
- Asthma, Cataract, Bad back, Frail, Rib cage, Spine, Pelvis, Sternum, Muscle Parasites and Gut Worms.
- Work: 4,500.
- Requires 3 units of medicine (Healroots cannot be used).
- Requires level 10 in Medicine.
- !! On failure there is 10% chance to kill the patient !!
- Spine surgery and Bad Back treatment also requires 30 Plasteel.
- Pelvis, Sternum, Rib Cage surgery and Frail treatment also requires 24 Plasteel.
- Muscle Parasites and Gut Worms treatment requires 5 units of medicine

## Very hard surgeries ##
- Dementia, Alzheimers and Heart artery blockage.
- Work: 6,000.
- Requires 3 units of Glitterworld Medicine (Healroots and standard medecine cannot be used).
- Requires level 15 in Medicine.
- !! On failure there is 20% chance to kill the patient. !!


Thanks to our Translators !
- RU : by Man232 and Desert Rain
- JP : by Proxyer - Professional japanese mod translator ^^ - Go check all his mod translations

Older versions can be found here: https://github.com/kaptain-kavern/DESurgeries/releases
Recommended mods:
- Quality Surgeon : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=857350593
- For A17 only: Correction patch : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=836916859

MrK9 Mar 18, 2024 @ 12:36pm 
@balthazad yea and in real life you cant even build lazer gun and bionic eyes or stomach this game is so trash there is noting realistic in it :dopecat:
Balthazad May 17, 2022 @ 8:08pm 
fucklol a liver cirrhosis can't be undone by a simple surgery, you NEED a transplantation for that. could aswell add a surgery that heals lost limbs or heals cancer, just L O L !
(got a cirrhosis, know what i'm talkin about)
Bepiss Apr 4, 2021 @ 3:36am 
please update. We need this
sunshine Jul 31, 2020 @ 7:20am 
i can't bear to see little people paralyzed ,this mod help me !
Stardust 🌠 Mar 23, 2020 @ 3:37am 

There is a 1.0 and a 1.1 version. just search it on the workshop. they've been out for a while.
New fat dwarf Feb 25, 2020 @ 7:38am 
Hello, is it possible to add version for 1.0, becausethere is a lots of good but not updated mods, so it would be great to play on version 1.0 until another mods'll be updated?
NannyOgg Sep 17, 2018 @ 10:07am 
Here's someone's updated version of this mod for v0.19

Ranub1s Sep 9, 2018 @ 11:30am 
possible to get a b19 version of it please?
kooky112 Sep 1, 2018 @ 8:27pm 
B19 please