Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

748 ratings
A Civ of Ice and Fire V1.1.0 Gathering Storm
Type: Mod
File Size
2.176 GB
Jul 4, 2017 @ 3:16pm
Apr 28, 2019 @ 3:12pm
29 Change Notes ( view )

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A Civ of Ice and Fire V1.1.0 Gathering Storm

V1.1.0 Gathering Storm has been released!

v1.1.0.5 Patch Notes
White Walker Balance Changes and Bug Fixes
- New Unit Mounted White Walker, this unit is created when either a White Walker unit (The Melee version only) destroys a cavalry unit, or it can be constructed for population once it is unlocked at Horseback Riding. Just horses for now, but dragons are planned.
- Wight units now always deal full damage to walls, this is to reflect their purpose as a disposable wrecking ball, you should amass and then sacrifice them to destroy walls and take cities
- Reduced the scaling for the Conversion Project, should now top out at 500 Production rather than 1500 and allow players more time to get projects completed. Keep in mind, the goal should be to get 3-5 population and focus on strategically winterizing new tiles to make sure the city can actually be productive
- Resolved an issue with the White Walker script that didn't allow Wights to be raised after loading a save

v1.1.0.4 Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that was preventing House Arryn from building their unique unit
- Fixed an issue that was allowing the White Walker script to be loaded with the base version of the game

v1.1.0.3 Patch Notes

Bug Fixes
- Set the number of allowed Prophets on Huge sized maps to 6, as it was changed to 7 with Gathering Storm and there are currently only 6 religions

V1.1.0 Patch Notes:
New Features

- Support for the Gathering Storm expansion, there are now two mods listed when this mod is downloaded, to enable the Gathering Storm content you should disable all other mods and then activate the ACoIaF GS addon which will activate the ACoIaF mod and the Gathering Storm expansion. You need the Gathering Storm expansion to enable the ACoIaF GS content, but without it the base version of the ACoIaF mod will continue to work. I would prefer to keep this mod DLC requirement free, but in order to add support for all the new features the expansions add I have no choice. The base version will continue to remain available, but going forward major revisions to the mod are going to require the latest expansion to work.

- Two Natural Wonders have been added, the Isle of Faces and the Mother of Mountains, more are planned including the Cliffs of Pyke and of course, the Wall, but these are a starting point.

New Leaders

- The Nightking leading the White Walkers, requires the Gathering Storm expansion. Play as the mysterious Others, the magical icemen that inhabit the lands of always winter beyond the wall. With a severely limited playstyle, the Others must expand their population by completing a unique project in their cities so that they can construct powerful White Walker units that cost population to build and also spawn disposable Wight units when they defeat enemies. Unable to earn favor or influence, build standard buildings, districts, units, or wonders, engage in most forms of diplomacy, or recruit governors/great people.

- Jon Arryn leading House Arryn, available with or without the expansion. Defend the Vale with a new leader for house Arryn. Father of Sweet Robyn, hand of the King to King Robert and former mentor to both Robert and Eddard, Jon is a true and honorable man who will protect his homeland and allies above all else.

Balance Changes

- House Tyrell rebalance: the Rainbow Guard has been returned to Renly and in its place, the Reach Knight, a classical light cavalry unit that benefits from adjacent Reach Knights is now the unique unit for House Tyrell. Additionally, Neighborhoods are available for all civilizations with the Guilds civic and House Tyrell has access to the Reach Arboretum, a unique neighborhood that is unlocked with irrigation and provides more housing than normal along with a +1 culture adjacency bonus for farms and plantations. Coupled with a buff to their unique granary that improves appeal in their cities they will be able to grow even larger and grander than before in big open fields

Gathering Storm Additions

- Weather immunities have been granted to some leaders and houses. The Starks, Wildlings, and White Walkers take no damage from blizzards, and blizzards in White Walker territory deal +100% damage to civilizations they are at war with, the Tullys take no damage from flooding, the Martells take no damage from dust storms, the Greyjoys take no damage from hurricanes and hurricanes in Euron's territory deal +100% damage to civilizations he is at war with

- House Greyjoy trait buff: their civilization trait has been adjusted to automatically unlock the sailing tech and grant ocean travel immediately. Their ability to create fleets and armadas early has also been moved to cartography, this is partially to ensure their naval dominance sooner and partially to reflect an upcoming change to the tech and civics trees

- House Tully Gathering Storm buff: the Tully trait now also doubles the generation of alliance points both passively and from trade routes.

- House Martell/Doran buff: when playing as Doran, House Martell also has access to Oberyn Martell, a unique governor with military and diplomatic abilities that can be stationed in enemy cities

- House Arryn buff: House Arryn can work mountain tiles and gain a unique mountain tunnel improvement with masonry.

This mod aims to bring the world of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire to life in the game Civilization VI.

New Rulesets:

- ACoIaF Ruleset

New Scenarios:

- War of the Five Kings, pick one of the five leaders vying for control of Westeros following the death of Robert Baratheon in this timed King of the Hill themed scenario

New Leaders:

- Eddard Stark and Jon Snow representing House Stark
- Roose Bolton representing House Bolton
- Tywin Lannister and Cersei Lannister representing House Lannister
- Stannis Baratheon, Robert Baratheon, and Renly Baratheon representing House Baratheon
- Olenna Tyrell representing House Tyrell
- Balon Greyjoy and Euron Greyjoy representing House Greyjoy
- Doran Martell representing House Martell
- Daenerys Targaryen representing House Targaryen
- Jon Arryn and Petyr Baelish representing House Arryn
- Edmure Tully representing House Tully
- Khal Drogo representing the Dothraki
- Mance Rayder representing the Freefolk
- The Nightking representing the White Walkers (Requires ACoIaF GS Mod)

New City-States:

- Westeros City-States: House Bolton, House Mormont, House Frey, House Dayne, House Hightower, House Redwyne, House Reyne, House Royce, House Hoare, and The Night's Watch
- Free Cities of Essos: Braavos, Lorath, Lys, Myr, Norvos, Pentos, Qohor, Tyrosh, and Volantis
- Essos City States: Qarth, Saath, Sallosh, Mardosh, Old and New Ghis, Faros, Ibben, Lhazar, Mantarys, and Tolos

New Maps:

- Westeros
- Westeros and Essos

New Religions:

- The Old Gods, The Faith of the Seven, The Drowned God, Rh'llor, The Many Faced God, and Vezhof

New Wonders:

- Titan of Braavos, Casterly Rock, The Eyrie, The Citadel, The Great Pyramid, the Sept of Baelor, the Red Keep, and more

A Song of Ice and Fire is owned by George R. R. Martin and Game of Thrones is owned by HBO, I am just a fan creating a mod pack for a game I love.

Known Compatability Issues:

- Issues loading the WotFK scenario with the ACoIaF GS addon enabled, it's best to disable all mods, enable only the base ACoIaF mod then try loading the scenario if you run into issues
- Not compatabile with Pouakai's Gold Resource mod. We both use the texture file from the Australia DLC and it causes a conflict because they have the same name in game
Popular Discussions View All (17)
Aug 3, 2024 @ 10:30pm
PINNED: v1.1.0 Bug Reporting
Feb 26, 2021 @ 3:48pm
Aug 10, 2024 @ 3:35am
PINNED: Direct Downloads/Previous Versions
Cheeky Plattypus Jan 10 @ 10:39am 
This hotfix allows you to play with the unique leaders and the content that comes with them but unfortunately the maps and scenarios are unplayable with the current version of civ. Not found anyone who has managed to get the whole mod working for a while - was an incredible mod but most of the content no longer works

ismael.salam Jan 9 @ 1:41pm 
I did exactly as provided in the video above, but the standard Civ leaders are listed -- none of the AColaF leaders are there.
basilvigneron Dec 18, 2024 @ 3:18am 
I cant play, im on mac and when i start the game i dont have the houses in propositions. There are only base game Civilizations. Sorry for my english and please help me
Lord Bubba Aug 31, 2024 @ 3:14pm 
"Gathering Storm has been released!"

When was it released? As far as I can tell, it is still unplayable.
Feit Aug 31, 2024 @ 10:12am 
Why are there like 10 different unnamed maps?
Quzga Aug 20, 2023 @ 2:14pm 
I can get it working but when I pick the westeros map it gives error
Quzga Jul 29, 2023 @ 1:36pm 
Does this mod still work?
Reddington Jun 10, 2023 @ 7:39am 
there is a new hotfix for this mod that came out yesterday follow the instructions in the link and you should get it working for the newest version.
Charlii_Esp May 19, 2023 @ 5:47am 
how i play?
Ron Apr 30, 2023 @ 4:18am 
You stuff doesn't work