

53 ratings
Cold Desert Nights
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1.021 MB
Jun 16, 2017 @ 5:03pm
Jun 27, 2017 @ 1:19pm
5 Change Notes ( view )

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Cold Desert Nights

This has been ported to 1.1 by Mlie: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2042689053


Provides a way to configure the temperature difference between day and night for each biome - including the function used to determine the speed the temperature rises when the sun comes up, and how quickly it falls when the sun goes down.

Each biome can be configured individually, by default, they will all be normal vanilla RimWorld settings, however, each can have:
- The temperature function changed between one of three settings: Vanilla, Flatter, Flattest; see the graph and Excel image for more information.
- The temperature difference between night and day set (in degrees Celsius)
- The temperature offset from normal (in degrees Celsius) in case you want to make a biome warmer or colder.
- The max seasonal shift (in degrees Celsius); this is mostly based on the distance from the equator (further north or south will produce higher variances in temperature based on this value as a maximum at one of the poles)
- For each type of weather:
- The weight of the weather being chosen
- If the weather can be chosen multiple times in a row
- If the weather can be chosen within the first week of gameplay (ie: thunderstorms)
- If multiple rainy weather types can be chosen in a row
- The minimum and maximum temperatures to use for determining which weather to use - want a freezing desert that still gets rain? Set the minimum temperature to 1C and you won't ever get snow.
- The increase/decrease in temperature caused by the Heat Wave and Cold Snap game conditions.

All settings can be configured while playing:
- Changes to temperatures will take place relatively quickly while unpaused (within the next 60 ticks in game when the temperature cache is refreshed). On the world map, temperature changes should appear in the 'Terrain' tab immediately after updating.
- Changes to weather will occur the next time the game tries to get a new weather (generally at least once per in-game day).

Conflicts: Should be none, but I replace the following methods:
- GenTemperature.OffsetFromSunCycle method.
- GenTemperature.SeasonalShiftAmplitudeAt
- WeatherDecider.ChooseNextWeather
- GameConditionManager.AggregateTemperatureOffset

Source: Included with the mod download, and https://github.com/legendblade/Rimworld-ColdDesertNights
Mlie Mar 31, 2020 @ 1:12pm 
Made an update of this for RimWorld 1.1
Hope this helps anyone!
Midnight Mar 24, 2020 @ 9:18am 
Oof, there's no way this is getting updated.
Man O' Tism Nov 4, 2019 @ 2:45pm 
Update! pls
Koro Feb 11, 2019 @ 1:22pm 
Any chance you'd upate?
Captain Einsicht Feb 3, 2019 @ 6:34am 
Update please
Neshimi Nov 29, 2018 @ 2:43pm 
@Rainbeau Flambe
You know, I kinda skimmed through it and didn't notice that, but now that you mention it, I may be able to work with that. I also may know of a way to "cheat" in cold snaps and heat waves for custom durations, I'd just have to manually stop each season or so and change it. Unless you might know of a way to setup manual non-random events years in advance? With that I could even make a scenario for it! I appreciate you looking into it!
E-Claire Nov 28, 2018 @ 12:57pm 
@Neshimi: I don't know if you'll be able to find quite as extreme a seasonal temperature difference as you're asking for, but my "Realistic Planets" mod does allow you to adjust the axial tilt of the planet you're generating, so you can have much larger seasonal shifts than you see in vanilla, including at the mid-latitudes a fair number of tiles with "split" growing seasons, as they feature summers too hot *and* winters too cold to grow crops.
Neshimi Nov 17, 2018 @ 3:26pm 
I would like to add myslef to the list of people who want this back. I've been wanting to set a biome to like -130c to -90c in winter and 60c-100c in summer with normal spring and fall. and to anyone who does decide to bring this back, please see if this can be done.
chronicpayne Oct 26, 2018 @ 4:26am 
Second that!
M00nStalker Oct 22, 2018 @ 3:31pm 
Would love to see this come back to life now that 1.0 is out. :)