Stardew Valley

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Truffle oil or iridium truffle - What is more profitable?
By Vassassin
Does truffle oil worth more than an iridium truffle?

Looking carefully at the pictures below, a bottle of truffle oil costs 1065 G whereas an irridium truffle 1250 G. That is a difference!

At this stage i would like to point up that this price could only be available, if someone is on the level 10 of foraging and farming and has the skill of "Botanist" and "Sheperd" as well. At these levels all foraging items are of a high quality and all barn animals gain hearts more quickly (sheeps produce wool faster as well). Additionally one must have chosen the skill "Rancher" at the level 5 of farming in order to make 20% profit from all animal products.

On the other side if someone is on the level 10 of farming and has the skill "Artisan", all artisan goods (wine, oil, cheese, etc.) would worth 40% more, ecxept truffle oil and coffee! Truffles count as forage.

I have read somewhere that an iridium truffle can cost up to 1500 G. That is definitely not true, as far as i know. If you guys have more information or tipps, i would like to see your comments below.

Truffle oil versus iridium truffle
Musica Jun 17, 2019 @ 2:23pm 
Truffle Oil is an Artisan Good if you have Artisan Profession, Truffle Oil will sell for 1,491g
Vassassin  [author] Aug 27, 2018 @ 9:24am 
sylverlyf thank you very much for the info :corncob: that is a very good idea for another guide in the future :)
GamerTeah Aug 27, 2018 @ 8:00am 
Would be cool if you did one truffle of every quality next to each other and truffle oil in the sell bin to illustrate your point a bit better and let the reader decide if its worth their time with anything but iridium truffles. Strong ans sort guide, well done.
8Zak Jul 12, 2018 @ 6:20am 
Nice guide, though i wish it was a bit longer. :corncob:
Medium Jim Apr 17, 2018 @ 1:08pm 
its the quality level of the truffle, purple star items are iridium tier items
InsanityWaffles Dec 17, 2017 @ 3:24pm 
What on earth is an iridium truffle?
AlexTheSkjegg May 30, 2017 @ 6:14pm 
Last time I checked truffle oil WAS affected by the Artisan profession and thus would be worth 1491 G.