1,350 ratings
Grimy's Loot Mod
File Size
5.626 MB
Mar 21, 2016 @ 11:07pm
Jan 21, 2017 @ 4:53pm
147 Change Notes ( view )

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Grimy's Loot Mod

In 2 collections by GrimyBunyip
Companion Mods for Grimy's Loot Mod
19 items
Grimy's Modular Overhaul
52 items
This mod adds Diablo Style Loot to the game.

Lockboxes are opened with research.
Lockboxes contain weapons already filled with randomized upgrades.
Higher tier lockboxes won't appear until later into the game.

96 new upgrades for primary weapons
81 new upgrades for armors
45 new upgrades for pistols
45 new upgrades for swords
87 new upgrades for gremlins
45 new upgrades for psi amps
45 new upgrades for grenade launchers

2 New Continent Bonuses
Prowler's Profit - Lockbox loot contains only advanced and superior upgrades
Safe Cracker - Lockbox decryption time is halved.

Expansion Packs
Alien Rulers Expansion
PCS Expansion


Balance Thoughts:

Supply/Intel rewards are not as relevant in the lategame. This mod helps offset that

Epic and Legendary Tier upgrades don't drop until the mid and late game, but are intentionally very powerful. Legendary tier upgrades are around as powerful as colonel level perks.

The two continent bonuses: Armed to the Teeth, Lock and Load would be a bit too powerful with this mod, and are consequently disabled by default. You can re-enable them via the INI file.



Source Overrides:

Includes MCM Support

Drop table Overrides:
BlackMarketLoot_01, BlackMarketLoot_02, BlackMarketLoot_03
BasicWeaponUpgrades, AdvancedWeaponUpgrades, SuperiorWeaponUpgrades
All ADVENT and Alien timed loot drop tables from vanilla.


Console Commands
GiveItemNickname(string SoldierName, string Nickname, string HexColor, int SlotNum)
Use to give an item a colored nickname
Soldier Name - "Firstname Lastname", capitalization matters!
Nickname - New nickname for your item
Hexcolor - New color for item name
SlotNum - 1 = armor, 2 = primary, 3 = secondary, 4 = heavy, 5 = utility, 9 = grenade, 10 = sim, 11 = ammo

UpgradeItemsForSchematic(string SchematicName)
you can use this to force any items to upgrade.
example: UpgradeItemsForSchematic AssaultRifle_BM_Schematic

Use in case you can't see your research


Q - How to I add weapons/armors from other mods to the lockbox drops?
A - Please give this link to the author of the other mod if that mod doesn't already add their items to my loot mod automatically.
You can also edit the INI yourself to add new items to lockbox drops as well.

Q - How do I attach upgrades to sidearms and armor?
A - You will need all the required mods, listed in the required mods section

Q - How do I get randomized appearances for sidearms?
A - You will need my highlander mod, which is only available on nexus (Workshop won't let me upload it)

Q - I'm not getting any drops!
A - Try deleting the following folder:
C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\Config

Q - How do I change drop rates and other settings?
A - You can find the relevant ini files in the following directory:

Q - Why are my swords showing +20/100 aim?
A - Not caused by this mod, probably caused by balanced ranger swords or something else in your load order.

Q - I'm getting so much more / so much less loot now, please fix!
A - This mod doesn't alter drop rates of vanilla items. Either another mod is doing that or it's just RNG.

Q - I can't open my loot crates!
A - Use the GrimyLootUpdateResearch console command.
No it doesn't disable your achievements.


Special Thanks to:
PopeUrban, Haddox - Art Assets
Thunderbeast - Korean Translations
Вожбан-Литрус Вопурт-Тритьюдар - Russian Translation
Wraxil - Implementation for continent bonuses
I am of course, welcoming anyone else who is interested in contributing.
Popular Discussions View All (27)
Oct 11, 2022 @ 6:06am
PINNED: Bug Reports Go Here
Jul 15, 2017 @ 3:07pm
PINNED: In Regards to Long War 2
Jan 1, 2017 @ 8:45pm
For Mod Authors: Compatibility
Karra_Chr Jan 16 @ 9:16pm 
Nexusmods link in description is broken. It says that the mod is hidden.

"Hidden mod

This mod has been set to hidden

The reason given by the author is: Completely broken
Too busy to update, use steam in the mean time."
ribeiromigLP Dec 4, 2023 @ 11:38am 
I sadly cant open those Lootboxes ;/. I find and collect them ingame but it wont appear in my researches. So iam not able to open those boxes. Hope someone can help me with my problem
CptVodka Feb 20, 2023 @ 10:58am 
Doesn't seem to work with WOTC. Anyone know if someone made an adaptation?
razjains Oct 11, 2022 @ 6:05am 
I tried GrimyLootUpdateResearch() after the decrypt alien strongbox in my research list NEVER appears. What do to? My inventory does show the strongboxes correctly collected from the battlefield. Do I need to wait to progress in the game to see the choice to research them?
rnajkii Oct 7, 2022 @ 7:20am 
Hello, im geting this problem: my armor from loot boxes is stuck in tier one, while i have medium armor researched. This problem aslo appears in some weapons and items. For some items i could solve it with "UpgradeItemsForSchematic" and coulndn't for others. Any ideas? Thx in advance.
Whyte One Sep 11, 2022 @ 10:01am 
does this mod still work withe vanilla game?
Dervysh Jun 19, 2022 @ 6:30am 
Not sure if this has been asked before, but I was wondering if there was a way to get the melee, armour, psi amp, etc. upgrades from this mod without the loot crates?
青衣末离 Jan 2, 2022 @ 3:59pm 
is it work with LW2 ?
Xander Dec 2, 2021 @ 11:06pm 
Any chance this mod gets compatiblilty with the Jedi class revised mod?