

145 ratings
Food and Water from Plants, ASAP!
By Ruruwawa
Grow plants for food and water shortly after starting the game.
Food and water from plants, ASAP!
Farming is a thing in Subnautica. Two plants -- Marblemelon and Bulbo Tree -- have such high water content it's almost like drinking while you eat. This makes it easy to satisfy both your food and water needs with plants alone; just keeping eating until your food and water are both full.

You do need some basic equipment and blueprints, as well as samples or seeds from the three best crops. This guide will help you find those, and get started in the quickest time. With some luck you can start farming as early as day 1!

Marblemelon is nutritious and grows fastest, so it's the best plant for your first crop. Bulbo Tree is good eating and less work than melons, but it takes a far longer time to grow. A third food -- Lantern Fruit -- is far less nutritious but still has a niche: it practically grows itself so it's great for snacking... or powering a remote base.

Spoilers ahead!
Since this is a quickest-time-to-farming guide, I'll describe the minimum steps to start growing Marblemelons in a new survival game. It describes locations and basic game mechanics, in other words: SPOILERS. If you prefer to discover these for yourself, don't use this guide.
Gear up
The seeds and blueprints you need to start farming are on an island, and you'll need to gear up for the trip. Nothing fancy, just the basics:
  • Tank - basic swim gear
  • Fins - basic swim gear
  • Knife - fend off Cave Crawlers, take plant samples and seeds
  • Scanner - scan for blueprints
  • Flare (or Flashlight or Seaglide headlight) - to see on the island at night. No need to craft a flare; there are a couple in your lifepod's locker.
  • Habitat Builder - build mini base and planters to start farming

If you prefer, you can postpone making the Habitat Builder until after you return from the island.
Swim to Floater Island
Yep. swim. You need to visit Floater Island, about 1000 meters SSW (south - southwest) of your life pod. A sub is nice for a trip this long but it's really not necessary.

Before you leave, top off your food and water from the local fish. Then raid the locker aboard the life pod for extra water and food in case you get hungry or thirsty during your trip.

Floater Island is directly behind the Aurora, but at quite a distance. You can swim there without being attacked, day or night, provided you follow three simple rules:
  1. Swim on top of the water
  2. Don't go close to the Aurora's engines -- that's Reaper territory
  3. Don't pause in kelp areas, especially at night when Stalkers are most aggressive

The Cloud: There's a "cloud" or "fog bank" that obscures the view of the island, and you might read advice to 'aim for the cloud'. But it's pretty similar to every other cloud, and your ability to spot the difference might depend on your graphics settings. If you can spot it, great -- swim for that.

During daylight, there's an easy trick to spot the correct cloud is to use your PDA (thanks Meowy15 for the tip!). Face in the direction behind the Aurora's engines, as shown in the picture above. Then simply open your PDA. Seen through the PDA the correct cloud will have a bright silhouette.

Aim yourself toward the cloud and swim on the surface. As you get close the cloud will fade and the island will appear.

Swim to the island, go ashore and cross to the far side of the island, away from the Aurora.
Plants and blueprints
There are three sites you need to visit on Floater Island: the main abandoned base and two mountaintop observatories. Each site contains technology you'll want to scan for blueprints, as well as plants and PDAs with story elements.

Main base
The abandoned Degasi base is on the side of the island facing away from the Aurora, just above sea level. You'll probably encounter some annoying cave crawlers as you cross the island, and some more at the base itself. I usually just run past the ones on the path and kill the ones at the base with my knife.

There is a grove of Lantern Fruit trees nearby so eat some fruit to refill your food and water meters. You can gather seeds from flowers and other decorative plants by slicing them with your knife. It's also time to start gathering foods to plant, and blueprints. I've highlighted the items you'll need to grow food, but it's all super useful.

Grab fruits from these plants to start your crops:
  • Marblemelon
  • Lantern Fruit
There are a few Bulbo Trees nearby too; slice a sample from one with your knife.

Scan the follow items for blueprints:
  • Exterior growbed
  • Multipurpose room
  • Stasis rifle
  • Bulkhead
  • Spotlight
  • Living Wall
  • Desk
Grab the PDAs; there are three at this base.

Eastern observatory
Next, go up hill and turn right to visit the mountaintop observatory in that direction. The blueprints here are:
  • Composite Plant Pot
  • Observatory
  • Chair
There's a PDA here as well as Desk, Bulkhead and Spotlight to scan for blueprints if you missed them earlier.

Western observatory
Cross the island to the other mountaintop observatory. The blueprints here are:
  • Interior growbed
  • Stasis rifle
There's a PDA here as well as Observatory, Bulkhead and Spotlight if you missed them earlier.
Your first crop in Safe Shallows: Marblemelons
Head down the mountain toward the life pod and swim back. Next step: build a mini base to grow some marblemelons.

This is a temporary tiny base -- just somewhere to grow food and store materials in the short term. I like to build an X corridor with a hatch in the top for maximum space for planters and storage lockers. The plants will grow without power, but you can add a solar panel if you'd like air to breathe when you're inside.

Inside your base build two small pots, then plant your Marblemelons:
  1. Plant one of the melons you brought back from island in a pot
  2. Get out your knife and slice it! Four melon seeds will drop into your inventory
  3. Plant the four seeds in the small pot
After about 7 minutes, you'll have a pot with 4 ready-to-eat melons in it. Harvest three melons to eat and cut up the fourth melon to make seeds for replanting.

As soon as you pick a melon, it starts to decay and lose its nutrition. Marblemelons are still good to eat for about 20 minutes after picking. It's OK to store marblemelons. In fact, it's one of the reasons marblemelons are such a good food source. A melon that has decayed too much to eat safely can be replanted and then harvested immediately to restore its freshly-picked goodness.
Option Two: Bulbo Trees
You can slice samples from a Bulbo tree with a knife and eat them. After 9 slices the tree vanishes and drops two samples. You can eat one sample and use the other to replant the tree.

The biggest downside to Bulbo trees is the long delay between planting and harvest. It takes 25 minutes to grow a Bulbo tree, compared to just 7 minutes for Marblemelons. Also, you can't tell how much food is left just by looking at the tree. I don't keep track so I never know when the tree will poof. Instead I grow several trees to avoid running out of food.

Unlike Marblemelons, there's no trick to store Bulbo tree samples to eat later.
What about Lantern Fruit?
When farming was first introduced, Lantern Fruit was the go-to food because it is super convenient to grow and --at the time-- was quite nutritious. The nutrition has since been cut to about 20% of a marblemelon.

But the convenience is still there. A single tree holds 20 fruits that regrow rapidly when picked, making Lantern Fruit a carefree option for casual grazing. It's also great to feed a bioreactor in a remote base.
Exploring in style
Plants on planet 4546B don't need power or sunlight to grow, so you can create tiny unpowered bases in areas you like to explore to have a ready supply of food and water whenever you happen to visit. (Add power if you want air and lights too.)

You can even build a plant-powered remote base using a multipurpose room and a bioreactor. Add some Marblemelons for food and water, and a Lantern Fruit tree to power the reactor. No need worry about the power between visits: just pop a few fruit into the reactor when you arrive.

Note, Marblemelons and Bulbo Tree samples produce twice as much bioreactor power as Lantern Fruit. On the other hand, fruit from a single Lantern tree provides the same power as 10 Marblemelons with rapid regrowth and no replanting hassle. I find Lantern Fruit still provides more than enough power for my own remote bases, but if it isn't keeping up with your power needs try Marblemelons or Bulbo Tree samples instead.

Later in the game, players often use a Cyclops submarine as a mobile base. A few plants means you'll have food and water with you wherever you travel.

Ruruwawa  [author] Oct 11, 2024 @ 3:35am 
Cool tip Meowy -- I never noticed that. I'll check it out. :steamthumbsup:
Meowy15 Oct 10, 2024 @ 6:55pm 
Idea to add to the swimming part of the guide!!! If you open your PDA while looking at the mountain or floater island, the cloud will be brighter than the others :steamthumbsup:
noelthib May 26, 2023 @ 1:59pm 
i might get on subnautica to do just that
noelthib May 26, 2023 @ 1:58pm 
honestly, I think this guide was very helpful and I forgot about farming and that was a great reminder thank you
dreamrider Apr 27, 2022 @ 7:54pm 
Excellent guide, BTW. I have it bookmarked. I did not previously know the bit about leaving your survival plants growing in an unpowered base.
dreamrider Apr 27, 2022 @ 7:53pm 
Yup, none of that is at odds with my previous comment. (See the caveat of my 1st line in previous post.)
Ruruwawa  [author] Apr 27, 2022 @ 4:50pm 
dreamrider -- you can plant 4 melon seeds in a small pot. They may look like small melons when in the pot, but they magically turn into normal melons when you pick them. One must be knifed for seeds to replant, but that still leaves you with 3 * 420 = 1260E for the reactor.

Given the topic of this guide, I went with plants that could do double-duty as food/drink or fuel. But you rightly point out that there are more dense power sources for the bioreactor when the situation calls for it.
dreamrider Apr 25, 2022 @ 9:32pm 
If you are willing to have a couple of pots or a growbed in your Bioreactor room PURELY for fuel plants, the Speckled Rattler mushroom provides the greatest energy density of any flora item.
4x Spec Rat = 560E, vs 1x Marble Melon or Bulbo Sample = 420E, vs 1x Lantern Fruit = 210E.

(Unless you count Small Marble Melons, 4x SMM = 1120E, but AFAIK the small variety cannot be farmed.)

Of course, Lantern Fruit trees do not need to be tended once planted, a big advantage.

And none of the plant energy sources comes close to the potential of a Wall Locker of Oculus fish. 4x Oculus = 2520E.
Simon Oct 14, 2021 @ 6:43am 
Nice guide Ruruwawa. :lifepod:

Getting to the southern island early for Marblemelon, Bulbo Trees, Growbeds and the Multipurpose room makes the rest of the game immediately easy. Fishing becomes mute after that.

You should be at this island long before getting Cyclops. Seamoth is nice to have purely for the carrying capacity with the storage modules but this key first run can be done with the Seaglide.

dreamrider Sep 3, 2021 @ 6:40pm 
In a video I searched up about food and water, I learned that averaged over grow time, consumable servings, etc, Bulbo Trees actually come out with exactly the same food production as marble melons, and just a bit more water production. Also they require less clicks and player time to plant, harvest, and manage. Marble melons, on the other hand, will grow in wall planters, and in pots tucked under certain permanent furnishings, like the consoles in the Cyclops cockpit.

Bulbo Tree cuttings are also available on the other island, if you happen to go there first. You still have to find a pot blueprint somewhere, but I believe one or two of the GP wrecks have those.