689 ratings
Elerium Grounds
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161.976 KB
Feb 14, 2016 @ 9:43am
Jan 24, 2017 @ 1:51pm
12 Change Notes ( view )

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Elerium Grounds

A mod to try and alleviate the mid to late game Elerium Core shortage, it allows crafting of Elerium Cores in the Proving Grounds once Elerium has been researched, as well as allowing upgrading of Spider Suits and EXO suits to their Powered Armor equivilant once the required Tech has been researched.

**IF SUIT UPGRADING DOES NOT SHOW** Make sure you have at least 1 of either in your inventory, and not equipped on a soldier **IF SUIT UPGRADING DOES NOT SHOW**

The costs for creating cores and upgrading the suits can be adjusted in the XComEleriumGrounds.ini file in the mod directory (Which can be found at Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\624294299\Config\).

This mod should work with existing games and uses only new classes, so should be compatible with other mods.
Be aware though that in the case of upgrading of Spider and Exo suits with any mods or modifiers from mods that add armor mods or special modifiers that arent bound to the base item, like Grimy's Loot Mod, said modifiers to be lost in the process!

If you are only interested in the Suit Upgrading part then use the following mod instead :

Likewise, if only the core crafting is of interest :


Now also available on NexusMods! : http://www.nexusmods.com/xcom2/mods/233/?

Works with Long War 2, WOTC and LWOTC, mind that there will be a warning sign under WOTC, but it can safely be ignored.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
Jan 28, 2018 @ 7:26pm
Janah  [author] Jan 20 @ 8:21am 
There are no "Light Armor" or "Heavy Armor" researches in Vanilla/WOTC Xcom 2, you gain access to building the variant armors as soon as you research "Plated Armor" and "Powered Armor", you just need the Proving Grounds building, so you must have some other mods messing with the research path.

I only added support for the original Long War 2 due to its popularity at the time and they messed with the research path, it seemed to work fine when i tested it on LWOTC as well, but it was never built for any other mods beyond it.

The reason the mod makes them upgradeable immediately when you unlock "Powered Armor" is due to me not seeing a point in limiting the crafts until after you already built one of them, it would defeat the purpose of the mod.
Icarus IV Jan 19 @ 10:14am 
Did an armor test. After completing Power Armor research the proving ground projects for upgrading armors show up. Completing them before the Light and Heavy armor research auto-completes those research but does not give you a prototype suit. So you only have the one suit produced by the proving ground project and no free suit.

I'm not sure but this is not the first time I've seen an interaction like this. Getting certain tech auto-completes all prerequisite projects.

A possible fix is attaching the proving grounds projects to the associated armor research instead of Powered Armor. On the other hand, it's fine just the way it is and is a wonderful alternative to depending on clunky research.
Icarus IV Jan 18 @ 12:55am 
No, I'm an avid user of console commands and I remember that getting any unresearched armor can cause the game to autocomplete the research. It is highly possible that because it was added midgame, the option to upgrade armors showed up because I already researched power armors instead of maybe showing up after the respective armor research. So not a game breking bug, just odd interactions. Actually exploitable yet balanced since I can skip the long ass research but the upgrading piece by piece will take time.
Janah  [author] Jan 9 @ 7:48am 
Doubt it's part of this mod causing that, i neither give any researches nor add any new ones, it just adds some new crafting projects that are tied to existing research projects, you may want to see if you have any mods that mess with adding new researches or affect unlocking of projects from having required items ?

Also, the mod hasn't been updated in nearly 8 years, a bug like that would probably have been discovered earlier.
Icarus IV Jan 9 @ 1:50am 
Found a possible bug.

Added this mod mid game. Upgraded a suit and it somehow let me skip the research! Got the war suit and shadow suit and their researches showed up as complete and they can be manufactured. Could be a bug or just the chaotic mod list I have
Dragon32 Sep 8, 2024 @ 4:10am 
Use Alternate Mod Launcher, unlike 2K's effort it actually works.
MadMonkee10 Sep 7, 2024 @ 8:38pm 
neither this nor the standalone Elerium Core crafting is appearing in the mod list on the standard 2K launcher, the standalone suit upgrade one appears just fine though
Mercostol Jun 11, 2024 @ 12:02pm 
hi, is there a chance to make 5 cores at once instead of one.
I know it would take some time and resource but could be a good investment
weregamer Jun 7, 2024 @ 8:27pm 
I'm not seeing it even after several saves and loads; I'll try the version without suits.
Janah  [author] Dec 30, 2023 @ 3:11am 
Nice, thanks for the report back, i'm glad it worked out, even if it took some fiddling.