Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

65 ratings
Serious Sam HD Console Guide
By MrRocket
Hello guys in this guide I will illustrate most of the command controls of Serious Sam HD and write their respective functions.
Before you read the guide:
The numerics simbols after the "=" can be changed for example crm_bAllowRendering=1 (1 is an example number) if you change it to 0 the command will be disactived. But ATTENTION not all commands are for simple active or disactive, for example the mouse sensivity command, if you change it to 0 you can't move the visual.
I'm not responsable what do you do with this command, if you have a problem you can this command to restore default all the commands and options on Serious Sam:
If you want to help me in this guide please contact me.
bmk_bBenchmarkDemos = 0;
bmk_bOnScreenReport = 1;
ccn_bShowChatMessages = 1;
ccn_fLineFadeTime = 2;
ccn_fLineLifeTime = 10;
ccn_fTextStretch = 0.7;
ccn_iLastLines = 8;
ccn_vBottomLeft.x = 10;
ccn_vBottomLeft.y = 350;
cht_bEnableCheats = 0;
cht_bUnlockMentalMode = 0;
cld_iMaxThreads = 16;
cli_iMaxBPS = 6000;
cli_iMaxOutBPS = 10000;
cmp_bLowQuality = 0;
cmp_iBaseMip = 0;
cmp_pixMaxSize = 2048;
con_fHeightRatio = 0.333;
con_fLastLinesFadeTime = 2;
con_fLastLinesStayTime = 5;
con_iLastLines = 0;
con_strLastLinesFilter = "";
con_strMainFilter = "";
crm_bCastShadows = 0;
crm_bPrebakedDynamicLights = 0;
crm_bReceiveShadows = 1;
crm_fDensityBias = 1;
crm_fDistanceBias = 1;
crm_fMaxCachingTime = 1;
crm_iCachingThreshold = 256;
crm_iRenderDepthPrepass = 1;
d3d_bForce20Shaders = 0;
d3d_bForcePixelProgramPartialPrecision = 0;
d3d_bOptimizeShaders = 1;
d3d_ctCommonVertexBuffers = 3;
d3d_iCommonVertexBuffersSize = 4096;
d3d_iDebugShaders = 1;
d3d_iMaxQueryIterations = 99999;
d3d_iRenderingDevice = 0;
d3d_iShaderFlowControl = 0;
dbg_strMarkedDataTypes = "";
dcl_bAutoRemoveCounterLimitedDecals = 1;
dcl_bAutoRemoveGeometryLimitedDecals = 1;
dcl_bAutoRemoveTimeLimitedDecals = 1;
dcl_ctMaxNewTrianglesPerFrame = 2048;
dcl_ctMaxTrianglesPerGroup = 4096;
dcl_iDynamicUpdateLevel = 0;
dsd_bAllowEmulation = 1;
dsd_iSoftwareProcessing = 0;
efx_bAutoExposure = 1;
efx_bBloom = 1;
efx_bBloomHQ = 0;
efx_bDepthOfField = 1;
efx_bFastBlur = 1;
efx_bGaussianBlur = 1;
efx_bLightStreaks = 1;
efx_bMotionBlur = 1;
efx_bRealsRGB = 1;
efx_bStreaksHQ = 0;
efx_fBlurPrecision = 0.0010000001;
efx_fDesiredLuminance = 0.18;
efx_fFixedEV = 0;
efx_fStreaksDithering = 0.1;
efx_iLensFlareQuality = 3;
efx_iMaxRippleSources = 50;
efx_iReadLumBuffers = 1;
gam_bAllowArmorItems = 1;
gam_bAllowHealthItems = 1;
gam_bAllowJoinInProgress = 0;
gam_bAllowPowerupItems = 1;
gam_bAllowSeriousBombItems = 1;
gam_bAmmoStays = 1;
gam_bArmorStays = 1;
gam_bAutoCycleMaps = 1;
gam_bCustomizedDifficulty = 0;
gam_bExtraMPEnemies = 1;
gam_bFriendlyFire = 0;
gam_bHealthStays = 1;
gam_bInfiniteAmmo = 0;
gam_bPenalizeSaving = 0;
gam_bPowerupsStay = 1;
gam_bRankedMatch = 0;
gam_bRespawnInPlace = 0;
gam_bWeaponsStay = 1;
gam_ctFragsLimit = 20;
gam_ctGoalsLimit = 10;
gam_ctMaxPlayers = 16;
gam_ctMinPlayers = 2;
gam_ctPrivateSlots = 0;
gam_ctRoundLimit = 10;
gam_ctTimeLimit = 10;
gam_gdDifficulty = 3;
gam_iExtraEnemyDamagePerPlayer = 0;
gam_iExtraEnemyStrength = 0;
gam_iExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer = 0;
gam_iInvulnerableAfterSpawning = 0;
gam_iRespawnCredits = -1;
genv_fVoiceThroughSpeakersVolume = 0.9;
gfx_bAutoConfigureExtraWideScreen = 1;
gfx_bFullScreen = 1;
gfx_bHDRRendering = 1;
gfx_bLastGoodFullScreen = 0;
gfx_bMaximized = 0;
gfx_bUsePostprocessing = 1;
gfx_fAspectRatio = 0;
gfx_fBlueBias = 1;
gfx_fBrightness = 0;
gfx_fContrast = 1;
gfx_fGammaCorrection = 1;
gfx_fGreenBias = 1;
gfx_fNormalizeHDROutput = 0;
gfx_fRedBias = 1;
gfx_fSafeAreaPosX = 0.5;
gfx_fSafeAreaPosY = 0.5;
gfx_fSafeAreaX = 0.85049984;
gfx_fSafeAreaY = 1;
gfx_fSaturation = 0;
gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 1;
gfx_iFinish = 0;
gfx_iMaxFPSActive = 10000;
gfx_iMaxFPSInactive = 20;
gfx_iOutputLevels = 256;
gfx_iRefreshRate = 0;
gfx_iScreenShotFormat = 0;
gfx_iTransparencyAntiAliasing = 1;
gfx_iWaitVSyncs = 0;
gfx_pixLastGoodResHeight = 1080;
gfx_pixLastGoodResWidth = 1920;
gfx_pixLastGoodWinHeight = 1080;
gfx_pixLastGoodWinWidth = 1920;
gfx_pixResHeight = 1080;
gfx_pixResWidth = 1920;
gfx_pixWinHeight = 1080;
gfx_pixWinPosX = 0;
gfx_pixWinPosY = 0;
gfx_pixWinWidth = 1920;
Commands 2:
hud_bFixedCrosshair = 1;
hud_bShowClock = 0;
hud_bShowCoords = 0;
hud_bShowCrosshair = 1;
hud_bShowLevelName = 0;
hud_bShowPause = 1;
hud_bShowPing = 0;
hud_bShowRenderingResolution = 0;
hud_bShowShortPlayerList = 1;
hud_fShortPlayerListScale = 1;
hud_fVotingInfoScale = 1;
hud_iShowBandwidth = 0;
inp_fGamepadDetectionTime = 5;
lmp_bAllowAnisotropy = 0;
lmp_bLowQuality = 0;
lmp_iBaseMip = 0;
lmp_pixMaxSize = 2048;
mdl_bCacheAnimations = 1;
mdl_bHardwareSkinning = 1;
mdl_ctMaxCachedModels = 256;
men_bDetectVideoChange = 0;
men_bDontWaitForConfirmations = 0;
men_bShowActiveProfile = 0;
men_bUseMenuSimulation = 1;
men_ctGlowRectsMax = 5;
men_fMusicVolume = 1;
men_fPulseFrequency = 1.3333;
men_fScaleOverride = 0;
men_fTextScrollSpeed = 30;
men_fWidgetGlowStrength = 0.08;
men_pixWidgetGlowRadius = 6;
mgr_fTextureSizeMultiplier = 1;
mgr_slMaxBatchTextureSize = 1024;
mgr_slMaxModelTextureSize = 1024;
net_bAllowEntityTemplates = 0;
net_bClientsMayPause = 0;
net_fConnectionTimeout = 15;
net_fProblemsTimeout = 15;
net_strLocalHost = "";
nmp_bLowQuality = 0;
nmp_iBaseMip = 0;
nmp_pixMaxSize = 2048;
phy_iMaxThreads = 16;
plr_bAllowPlayerAutoJump = 1;
plr_fFOVOverride = 110;
prf_bShowFPS = 1;
prf_bShowFPSGraph = 0;
prf_tmGfxStallsInterval = 1;
prf_tmRefreshInterval = 1;
prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 0;
prj_bDisableRagdollDeaths = 0;
prj_bEnableClientSideEffects = 1;
prj_bEnableDynamicDecals = 1;
prj_bHardwareMouseCursor = 1;
prj_bSimpleCharacterDestructions = 0;
prj_bStartupAutoDetection = 1;
prj_bSymbolicPingDisplay = 0;
prj_ctMaxCorpses = 20;
prj_ctMaxCorpsesCoop = 8;
prj_ctMaxDebris = 50;
prj_ctMaxDebrisCoop = 30;
prj_ctMaxFlamesPerSurface = 20;
prj_ctMaxFlamesPerSurfaceCoop = 10;
prj_ctMaxMovingCorpses = 4;
prj_ctMaxMovingCorpsesCoop = 2;
prj_ctMaxMovingDebris = 50;
prj_ctMaxMovingDebrisCoop = 30;
prj_ctMaxQuickMatchTries = 5;
prj_ctTimeBanMinutes = 60;
prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCull = 0.01;
prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCullCoop = 0.015;
prj_fMinFlameFastLightDistance = 1;
prj_fVoteDuration = 60;
prj_fVoteEndDelay = 3;
prj_fVotePercentageToPass = 0.5;
prj_iCPUSpeed = 2;
prj_iGPUMemory = 2;
prj_iGPUSpeed = 2;
prj_strDefaultMapDir = "Content/SeriousSamHD/Levels/Multiplayer";
prj_strDisabledVoteTypes = "";
prj_strGfxUserInfoDate = "";
prj_strGraphicCardName = "";
prj_strLastAutoDetectSetup = "";
prj_strMapList = "";
prj_strMapListFile = "";
prj_strMultiplayerSessionName = "";
prt_fParticleBias = 0.8;
rcon_slMaxBufferSize = 131072;
rcts_bDebugNegotiations = 1;
rcts_bLocalMode = 0;
rcts_strAdminPassword = "*";
rcts_strWelcomeNote = "RCon telnet server";
ren_bAmbientShadows = 1;
ren_bDynamicFastLights = 1;
ren_bEffectOcclusion = 0;
ren_bFixFastLightsEdges = 1;
ren_bInstanceRendering = 1;
ren_bMirrorReflections = 1;
ren_bModelGrouping = 1;
ren_bOcclusionCulling = 1;
ren_bPrebakedDynamicLights = 0;
ren_ctOcclusionPassThreshold = 8;
ren_fLODBias = 1;
ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1;
ren_fMirrorQuality = 0.75;
ren_fOcclusionSizeTreshold = 0.1;
ren_fRenderingPixelRatio = 1.5;
ren_fRenderingSizeRatio = 1;
ren_iMirrorLevelBias = 0;
ren_iRescalingFilter = 1;
ser_iMaxClientBPS = 20000;
ser_strBanList = "";
sfx_bAllowEAX = 1;
sfx_bLowSampleRate = 0;
sfx_fAttenuationByVoiceOver = 0.5;
sfx_fDopplerEffectBias = 1;
sfx_fMasterVolume = 0.9;
sfx_iAPI = 3;
sfx_iAudioDevice = 0;
sfx_iMaxActiveSameSounds = 5;
sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 25;
sfx_iStreamingBufferSize = 64
Commands 3:
sha_bAllowRefractions = 1;
sha_bAllowZoomBlurring = 1;
sha_bCombineLightPasses = 1;
sha_bCreateAllVariations = 0;
sha_bEdgeSmoothing = 1;
sha_bNoProgressBar = 0;
sha_bShadowFiltering = 1;
sha_bShadowTrilinearDithering = 1;
sha_bVertexShadows = 1;
sha_fCascadeChoiceBias = 0.01;
sha_fLightMapInfluence = 0;
sha_fShadowDarkness = 2;
sha_fShadowMinVariance = 1.E-005;
sha_fShadowSmoothness = 0.25;
sha_fShadowTrilinearSpan = 0.25;
sha_iMaxCreatedShadersPerFrame = 1;
sha_iParallaxMappingMethod = 1;
sha_iParallaxMappingQuality = 2;
sha_iParallaxMaxDistance = 2;
sha_iPrecreateShaders = 3;
sha_iRefractionMip = 1;
sha_iZoomBlurMip = 1;
sha_iZoomBlurSamples = 16;
shb_bForceBilinearFiltering = 1;
shb_bShadowBlurring = 1;
shb_bUpdateFarShadows = 0;
shb_fCascadedStepFactor = 4;
shb_fNearShadowDistance = 4;
shb_iShadowAntialiasing = 1;
shb_iShadowFormat = 0;
shb_pixMaxShadowSize = 1024;
shb_pixShadowDensity = 16;
snd_fEffectsVolume = 0.8;
snd_fMovieVolume = 0.7;
snd_fMusicVolume = 0;
snd_fVoiceCommVolume = 0.7;
tex_bAutoUploading = 1;
tex_bDynamicAtlasUpdates = 1;
tex_bHighQualityRGBE = 0;
tex_bLowQuality = 0;
tex_bNoProgressBar = 0;
tex_bTrilinearFontFiltering = 1;
tex_fAllowedUploadBurst = 1;
tex_fLODBias = 0;
tex_iAnisotropy = 4;
tex_iBaseMip = 0;
tex_iFiltering = 22;
tex_iProbingDecayTime = 30;
tex_pixMaxSize = 4096;
tex_pixProxySize = 16;
thr_iAffinityStrictness = 0;
thr_iMaxWorkerThreads = 0;
vo_bMicBoost = 1;
vo_bUsingPushToTalk = 1;
vo_bVoiceEnabled = 0;
vo_fMicSensitivity = 0;
vo_fVoiceReceiveVolume = 0.7;
vo_fVoiceTransmitVolume = 1;
vsl_fGlobalVibrationStrength = 1;
xad_bInstantUpdates = 0;
xad_bReuseVoices = 1;
xad_fStereoSeparation = 0.8;
Kure 'Tesum Oct 2, 2023 @ 7:33pm 
The Survival Master Achievement, i use the command to get it easier
MrRocket  [author] Sep 27, 2023 @ 11:16pm 
Kure Tesum, what are you trying to archive?
Kure 'Tesum Sep 24, 2023 @ 8:09am 
i typed in phy_iMaxThreads=16 and my game crashes, any fix for this?
FearFearghail Nov 11, 2021 @ 3:30pm 
The infinite ammo command doesn't work; is there something else I need to do?
Aura Apr 3, 2021 @ 12:18pm 
questa guida vale anche per la versione classica di sam tse/tfe? cioè sono gli stessi comandi?
๋Ⱥrtyogus Mar 16, 2019 @ 6:55am 
Does this have a command, that makes "death cam" from behindperson? i really, hate first person in HD
®dmitry™---... Jan 14, 2018 @ 9:25am 
that i want to use. Think, it never been. Sorry
MrRocket  [author] Jan 14, 2018 @ 9:01am 
®dmitry™---... can you tell me here or in the private chat the missing command and I will add.
®dmitry™---... Jan 14, 2018 @ 8:14am 
so u can use help command_name or command_name /? ... where is "connect to ip" command?
MrRocket  [author] Jul 7, 2017 @ 11:02am 
Thanks :)