

1,255 ratings
DAC #23: Ark Aeratus
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1.285 MB
Dec 23, 2015 @ 2:59pm
Dec 23, 2015 @ 3:06pm
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DAC #23: Ark Aeratus

The Eschaton has been Immanentized.

A collaboration between Ashamael and Jam.
ash  [author] Dec 16, 2016 @ 7:45am 
@Toats This level was unfortunately pretty rushed, because when I was making it last year it was on a deadline (had to be released by the 23rd), so not everything that I wanted got done. There's one spot where you run out of boost and have to jump and grip back onto the track to regain cooldown, on the upper half of the map. This was just an oversight that never got changed. The difficulty of the bottom area was always intended, and I'm happy with it. I hope that you enjoy it more once you get better at the game, and it can be done with full boost once you get the hang of it.
Toats Dec 5, 2016 @ 11:54pm 
P.S I both upvoted the map and subscribed to this thread to hopefully get info from the dev.
this map truly is good but this issue irks me
Toats Dec 5, 2016 @ 11:51pm 
I have played enough workshop maps to say that this is BRUTAL to finish with boost. Don't get me wrong the level is amazing, and the portals are really cool.
But i seriously can't finish this level without letting go of boost in one go, It was almost as if the creator forgot that most workshop/all vanilla maps let you beat the course with boost held down.

Some of the design choices are interesting, like some checkpoints don't give you enough cooldown to make it with boost, and certain ramps require you to flip the car but im never sure if jumping or simply rotating is the proper thing to do.

On top of that areas that SHOULD have raillings dont like jumps that lead into turns, while baby easy areas like the final strech have railings for no reason.
The map is completly fine if you play without boost, but the sense of speed is completly gone for me without it.
Hopefully you either update it or make a separate version to include boosting.
archFluctuation Dec 3, 2016 @ 11:26am 
A very unique masterpiece. Few levels manage to be so atmospheric that they seem to have a life of their own. This is one of them.
WolfBane Dec 31, 2015 @ 7:49am 
Awesome work. Thanks.
ash  [author] Dec 25, 2015 @ 5:41pm 
@GHV512 I'm aware that it is easy to skip the level, that was a choice I made to make the level better for the 98% of players that do not skip levels. It wasn't worth the difficulty and effort of removing it without compromising my vision for the level. As for the performance, I do plan to optimize the level a bit in the coming days. Until then, try playing on medium draw distance and make certain you have real time reflections off and no twitch streams or other CPU hogs in the background.
SlenderPaul Dec 25, 2015 @ 4:13pm 
This world you two have build here is INCREDIBLE COOL
GHV512 Dec 25, 2015 @ 1:11pm 
Really nice level! The portals are cool. the cannons(?) look really cool (as does most of the level). I like the parts on the bottom of the ark, kinda messes with my jumping (in a good way)

There is a really easy skip. And, i'm having major performance issues. 20 to 30 fps while most levels run at 60. (It's reaallly pretty though.)

@Andy No, dont use your controls while flying through space.
DrakoWerewolf Dec 24, 2015 @ 3:52am 
Love the way portals were used. Geneous!
Forcy Dec 24, 2015 @ 2:28am 
This is sick! Great level!