STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™

STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™

256 ratings
Terminal Codes and Answers 'Cheat Sheet'
By Landon Keyser
This guide merely serves as a ‘cheat sheet’ for various puzzles in Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords (aka Kotor 2)

Note: It is recommended you save before entering codes.
Peragus: Turbolift Access
One of the earliest codes in the game is used to get the turbo lift on the mining colony working. The code has been reversed thanks to the HK droid, so even if you have unscramble the code it’s still in reverse. The answer here is 7,5,13,17,3.
Note: A high Intelligence can possibly bypass this but my game has been buggy lately and I have not seen the option lately.
Korriban: Sith Written Test
In the ruins of the Korriban Sith Academy you character will be required to take a written test at one of the consoles. The answers can be found throughout the level – much like in the first game – but having all the answers beforehand saves you some time.
1. Freedon Nadd.
2. 20.
3. Giza.
4. I always lie.
5. Passion, Strength, Power, Victory.
Nar Shaddaa: Pylon Order
Talk to the Pylon foreman for a few quests (the lady looking for a spacer and the guy looking to by a pilot) and he’ll ask you to check on the Pylons. I haven’t tried these in any other order but it gives you some good XP from it – usually a level up for me.
1st Silver Zypher
2nd Alakandor
3rd Toorna’s Profits
Nar Shaddaa: Door Rotation Code
This is the one that bugged me the most – and the first time I used an online search for the answer. T3 will be in the Hutt’s droid warehouse and you’ll find a large door that requires a specific rotation code to get passed to progress on with the quest and story.
1. Rotate the center block counter-clockwise.
2. Rotate the rightmost block clockwise.
3. Rotate the leftmost block counter-clockwise.
Dxun Temple Codes
In the Sith temple on Dxun you’ll find two ancient boxes containing some powerful items.
There’s two here: one that asks you to fill in a mathematical equation, the other to replace a faulty power converter or something.
1. With the faulty converter the answer is C.
2. The equation code should read as (6*2) – 8 +9 * 1 = 13
Onderon Palace Door Puzzle
During the civil war you might find an annoying puzzle door keeping you from getting to the storage room. The answers are 66, 45, and 39.
madduxd Sep 21, 2024 @ 7:09pm 
Very helpful, thanks!
Revan Jul 2, 2024 @ 4:51pm 
This is helpful indeed, thank you so much!
Proton Jun 24, 2024 @ 12:18am 
One of the ancient terminals on Dxun has a dialog that asks you put in the arithmetic operators for an equation. The trouble is, if you input the wrong operator and later choose to leave the terminal alone, too bad! A local boolean gets set and there's no way to reset it. So even if you come back later and put in the right answer... boom!
Download Kotor Tool and DLGEditor. Extract puzz_se.dlg from 411DXN_dlg.erf using Kotor Tool. Open it up it DLGEditor and on the first Entry, input:

[Script #1:] a_local_reset [P1:] 50

Save this in your Override folder.

Diocles Aug 14, 2023 @ 3:26am 
Save game,and reload is alvays a way. On Peragus There is a recorded vid,playing it you will get the info about that the code is reversed.Same console wich opens the door.
Banake Nov 26, 2022 @ 10:06pm 
Eamon Tightly May 5, 2022 @ 9:15am 
to open the dxun terminal you need to divide on 1, not multiply. I dont know why, but only that way it works
tylereads704 Nov 13, 2021 @ 7:26am 
there is a count and i have no clue what that could be. It's on goto's warehouse
Dundun May 14, 2021 @ 9:41am 
The equation code in the Dxun Temple does not work, is this is a bug?
I tried both (obvious) solutions:
(6 * 2) - 8 + 9 * 1 = 13 and
(6 * 2) - 8 + 9 / 1 = 13
Both is not accepted. I tried several times, since I've read somewhere that it could be kind of random which exact solution is accepted.
Also tested the two other solutions my program found (when using integer math):
(6 * 2) + 8 / 9 + 1 = 13 and
(6 * 2) - 8 / 9 + 1 = 13

Nothing works, wtf is wrong with this game
eQ. ARCH3R Jun 1, 2020 @ 11:20pm 
@rezno[R] / 1 and * 1 do the exact same thing. They both work.
Landon Keyser  [author] Apr 2, 2020 @ 12:23pm 
Thanks for the heads up. I made the change, thanks for letting me know