Prison Architect

Prison Architect

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Quck start guide to sandbox mode v1.0
By SpaceCouncil
This is a basic startup guide to the various systems and mechanics and what to do in the beginning of sandbox mode.
Basic room building
This may seem obvious. But Prison Architect can be a bit finicky at times. Some examples are buildings that are clearly walled in that are not actually inside or having a piece of the floor removed causes power lines or pipes to become disconnected.

These things can be subverted with a few simple rules.

- Clear things out completely first if in doubt
- Place the foundation first then place any door, Jail doors for prisoners, staff doors for anyone else and regular doors if you don't care about security (I don't find these that useful, but they are cheap)
- After a door is placed the room will actually be useable. At this point you should have already have planned what this room was going to be for so go into the rooms tab and assign the space as such so the chracters recongize it.
- Utility lines cannot go under perimeter walls so keep that in mind when planning
Zero hour.

This is a basic setup so that you can actually start bringing in inmates and making money. Income made in this game is from government grants. The initial grant to start a prison, the prisoner intake income and days without incident income and later from early release parole hearings.

Do yourself a favor and set prison intake to zero first while in the planning and building phases.

You'll need a Holding Cell (as indiviual cells aren't financially feasible at the beginnning). You'll need a Kitchen and a Canteen, connecting them saves money on walls and need for extra doors. At least 1 guard, at least 1 cook. As well as a generator and water pump.

Making sure you have enough cash to get something going

Going into the rooms tab and highlighting the type of room you desire will show you the requirements to make sure that room is something usuable.
Grants are a fast and easy way to get more funding. You should quickly realize that $30,000 is not enough to get a proper prison up and running. Start with building the holding cell, canteen and kitchen. Power the rooms and get the plumbing going. After bringing in a few prisoners and hiring a cook and guard. Eventually your money will start to build back up.

The more prisoners you have the more federal income you will make. Additionally the more days without incident you have the more money you make. This information is much more easily understood once you have unlocked and hired an accountant. This is accomplished after building 2 offices, hiring a warden, using bureaucracy to research financing and then hiring an accountant.

The first 4 grants are relatively easy to fulfill. Most of them give you an advance and have a completion bonus.

In regards to fulfilling Cell Block A, dont get crazy with your cell design. An enclosed 2x3 space with a bed and toilet is all you need. They are prisoners after all. Its not supposed to be fun.
Thwarting tunnel escapes

A good, early way of stopping prisoners from fleeing and successfully escaping is to do shakedowns rather often but not TOO often. Doing them too often can lead to riots and possibly the death of guards which among other consequences siginificantly decreases the value of your property. Later on you'll be afforded the ability to hire a psychologist to see the overall 'vibe' of the prison and as well as any needs they may have that you aren't fulfilling.

You can also search specific cell blocks or specific prisoners by clicking on them and using the drop down menu to select which option.

Later down the line, once you've unlocked the Dog handler guard. You'll be able to set patrols with them as well. I suggest to have them circle different cell blocks (or as close to a circle as you can get providing no perimeter walls are preventing the action) as the dogs themselves will sense holes. The guard will then place a yellow flag in the ground but beware of false flags. The dogs will often find what I assume to be gopher holes or just random divots in the ground. If multiple flags are placed prepare for a shakedown. Especially in the area surrounding the flags. If nothing turns up in the search. Its time to dismantle some toilets. Thats right, they are trying to Andy Defresne this place. Dismantle the toilets and the tunnel should be discovered then you'll be able to have your workman remove it.

Reform programs
This wasn't that well explained to me how to actually implement.

In order to actually do reform programs you need to have met the requirements listed under the programs tab and more importantly you need to designate 3 hours of Work under the regime tab. Otherwise you'll be houseing criminals that have a lot of time and very little to do.
The Long Haul
Now after you've figured out the basics, bringing in inmates accordingly to the space you have available, keeping them in line and fulfilling grants. The game kind of just goes on like this for a awhile. Reform programs come into play and get slightly more demanding as time and prison population increases.

Max Security prisons are available through grants as well. Building an armory and having a locker for each armed guard as well as CCTV monitors connected to cameras throughout the prison will send you into the area of the game where the worst of the worst will be coming for a visit.

Good luck.
SpaceCouncil  [author] May 29, 2017 @ 5:58am 
it's been a very long time since I wrote this but I believe the entire building to be roughly 18x18
Toefuzz May 26, 2017 @ 5:58am 
What are the dimensions of the zero hour building?