The Red Solstice

The Red Solstice

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Beginning in The Red Solstice
By F[r]iend
The Red Solstice isn't simply a shooter game, of course you'll fire a lot, but if you don't know what to aim and when to shoot, you'll most likely die. There are more things than just your weapon to consider on Mars :)
If you're beginning in here, you'll or already might have found out that dying is the easiest thing to do in the game, so here are some hints that might help you :

  • Be sure you can deal with most early situations alone. Shooting several things with your GAR if you're alone is rarely something good, especially if you're afar from your team. Instead of maxing out your GAR damage output by picking only GAR related components, try to take a razor blade - combat defense module - and/or a shotgun module when you play an assault. A level 2 knife will let you one shot the swarmers as well as a level 1 shotgun module. So each time you're getting crowed you can deal with it by yourself - and the cooldowns are very low - in the same spirit, never forget you have a secondary weapon ;)

  • Know what you do. Running like headless chickens is usually a sentence of death, never stay without a plan, if you're lost press "esc" and try to reach basic tactical points, things like missions, and radars.

  • Watch your team. Some seconds of inattention are enough to be teared apart, try to have an eye on your team's location, most of the rookie teams aren't a huge wipe, it's usually more of a falling down one by one.

  • Consider your role. Here comes a more tricky part, in trs the class and your component choice are making you fit for particular roles. For example if you're the Marksman, try to stay in the core of the group, you don't want to be the last man also try to aim your shots on the high threats. But if you're Hellfire or some rambo Assault you have nothing to do there, make sure you'll be the first marine taking hits for your team ! Heavy support? Then make sure all the team is granted your aura(s). And so on. Try to know what you want to do and do it !

  • Look at the horde incoming. When you have such one rushing to you, don't stay stationnary, move on so you have less chances to have monsters coming from every direction, try to drag them in a street or in a building. Also try to spot when the wave hits, it's usually once it hits you'll have a bunch of things on your back.

  • Loot lockers. Those ones are your best way to find items and ammo, make sure you're opening most of them to see what they contain.

  • Take your time. Unless you're turning on the fast mode you're in no hurry, take some seconds to wait for the guy who was grabbing a dead marine or whatever, if this guy is dying because you're not waiting for him, there's then more chances for you to loose the match. This is also valuable for lockers, take time for them, if you only rush, you'll be out of everything but in need of everything. Also take some time to read components/item description to be used to them.

  • Read the chat. If you're not on a ts server, this is here most team interactions will take place ;)

  • Try things. Try everything, this is the key of succeed. If you're not aware of the explosives mechanics, try them a bit off your team to avoid accidental team kills.

  • Don't panic ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥' easy to say hu? More light = less panic, spam "F" key ;)
A word about auto-aim mechanics and the end
I'm not putting this last thing in the list because it is actually one of the most important things :

Don't leave your auto-aim on the whole game long or ammo will become your meanest problem really fast. I'd recommend you using it mainly when you have a bunch of little things on your back. If you're planning to do some serious dps job, try to use manual aim - holding left ♥♥♥♥ key - and left click on your priority targets.

The auto-aim, as well as the left click target have an accuracy penalty depending the light exposition of the target. The more light, the less chances to miss your shots. If you press "o" and switch to mode "health bars and names", or simply if you hover over a target, you'll be able to see a little aim reticule that can be either red, yellow or white. Red means you'll most likely miss the shot if you try it, with yellow you have medium chances, white is what you want to wait for ! Using your flares is a very good way to ensure the accuracy of your auto-aim :)

The manual aim, though it can be initially a bit tricky to use, doesn't suffer any accuracy penalty, and grants your primary weapon a +40% damage while active.

Then well it's as everything, the more you get used to the game, the better it goes.

I don't have much more to say, keep in mind that trs is a cooperative game, you're part of a tactical squad, do surgical strikes together or die alone! Loot things, grab upgrades, cover your team, exterminates STROL virus, and get the thrill. In a word - or two :

Welcome in Tharsis marine.
Ziogualty Sep 29, 2015 @ 2:09pm 
This game is so underrated...
BoGxer Jul 14, 2015 @ 1:00pm 
Nice job, hard game... :-)
TeamWork Jul 12, 2015 @ 7:52am 
"follow me"

Good luck marines !!