Torchlight II

Torchlight II

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Progressive Points
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Mar 6, 2015 @ 7:21am
Mar 6, 2015 @ 7:21am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Progressive Points

Changes skill and stat points gaining system as follows:

Default skill point per fame level is 1, skill point per level is 1, stat points per level is 5. So this is game defaults as well. Two major levels (which has the biggest bonuses) is 40 and 70. Also, last 5 levels (95-100) will gain better bonuses to make you overpowered if you manage to go up there.

10 level: 2 skill points, 10 stat points.
20 level: 2 skill points, 10 stat points.
30 level: 2 skill points, 10 stat points.
40 level: 5 skill points, 15 stat points.
50 level: 2 skill points, 10 stat points.
60 level: 2 skill points, 10 stat points.
70 level: 5 skill points, 20 stat points.
75 level: 2 skill points, 5 stat points (default).
80 level: 2 skill points, 10 stat points.
85 level: 2 skill points, 5 stat points.
90 level: 2 skill points, 10 stat points.
95 level: 2 skill points, 10 stat points.
96 level: 2 skill points, 12 stat points.
97 level: 3 skill points, 14 stat points.
98 level: 4 skill points, 16 stat points.
99 level: 5 skill points, 18 stat points.
100 level: 10 skill points, 30 stat points.

Also, each 5th Fame level will give you 2 skill points, where 50th (latest in Synergies mod) level will give you 5 skill points.

Mod is intended to be used with Synergies on Veteran and Elite difficulty levels, because it's sure hardcore and you need better bonuses to survive. Also, I have created great collection of mods (in proper load order) to play with my friends, which brings even harder experience in game. For example, if you die, you lose all experience and gold (mediumcore mod). You can check this collection here: MadCore Survival Experience.
Sengaya Jan 2, 2020 @ 8:12pm 
Is it just me or after fame lvl 30 (acclaimed) every lvl is giving 5 skill points?
docter funtimeZ Apr 13, 2015 @ 10:21pm 
dangit for soem reason it wont let me like it
WDNK|Drake Mar 15, 2015 @ 3:33pm 
Yeah, you're right. Nonetheless, nice mod!
Ivan Zyranau  [author] Mar 15, 2015 @ 3:28pm 
#WDNK_Drake, yes, it would. For example, if you are playing with x2points mod till level 40 and then meet a player which plays with default points, it would be logical that the first player will be overpowered and more powerful than the second. So it's better to play with any of these kind of mods from the beginning and all the people you are going to play together should use the same mod.
WDNK|Drake Mar 15, 2015 @ 3:03pm 
I didn't get any extra points for my already obtained levels. So I guess it would be best to start a new character to make full use of this mod.
[OEPTS]Prorbac Mar 15, 2015 @ 2:31am 
thanks i'll try as soon as i can :)
Ivan Zyranau  [author] Mar 15, 2015 @ 1:42am 
#Protbac, I suppose you don't need to restart a game, but I'm not sure if any bonus skilpoints will be added for your already obtained levels.
[OEPTS]Prorbac Mar 14, 2015 @ 10:25am 
do you need to restart a game or it will affect an already begin game?
cmyk Mar 13, 2015 @ 6:52pm 
Oh I'm being stupid I didn't realise it was every 10 levels or so -.-
Ivan Zyranau  [author] Mar 13, 2015 @ 5:29am 
#Ascar, it can work without it, it just changes stat/skill point tables. Just put it at the top of modlist to check if it doesn't work for sure.