Homeworld Remastered Collection

Homeworld Remastered Collection

379 ratings
Homeworld Remastered Collection Campaign Mission How to survive the universe.
By Attila
As usual with my guides, I explain to beginners in a simple yet effective way how to play the game. To do so, I tell a few trick but above all I show how it's done using videos. If you do have question I have a tendency you answer them. If you have comments or want to add a few tips and trick feel free to share them in the comments section.

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HW1 Mission 1: Kharak System

Homeworld Remastered Collection Campaign: Kharak System is like a small tutorial training missions. You only check out the system of your fleet prior to your first hyperjump. There is very little resources in that mission so you should build, a Salvage Corvette or 2. Retire the scouts to use their resources and build some Interceptors prior to moving to the next level.
HM1 Mission 2: Outskirts of Kharak System
Homeworld Remastered Collection: Outskirts of Kharak System put you in a skirmish against some pirates. The best strategy is to remain defensive and stay close to your mothership. Destroy the fighters and capture the corvettes you can.
HW1 Mission 3: Return to Kharak
Homeworld Remastered Collection Campaign: Return to Kharak put you into a pretty dramatic situation of your original world in flame. Your objective there is to capture some frigate using 2 salvage corvettes per frigates and pick up some Cryo Trays. So in the best condition your should have 4 or 6 Salvage Corvettes right a the beginning of this mission.
HW1 Mission 4: Great Wastelands

Homeworld Remastered Collection Campaign: Great Wastelands put make you meet the Bentusi that sell you the Ion Cannon technologies. It also allow you to get some resources for your attack on the Taiidan fleet. During this mission you will be able to capture a few Turanic Raiders ships if you play well. Once again the Salvage corvettes are your best friends, Starting with 8 to 12 of them is a good idea. If you use them well you could capture many ion cannon ships.
HW1 Mission 5: Great Wastelands II

Homeworld Remastered Collection Campaign: Great Wastelands II make you counter attack the fleet that destroyed your original world. In this mission your main objective is to destroy the enemy fleet. But the real objective is to capture as many as possible. More specifically, the destroyer. Salvage corvettes is the key once again. Take it easy and slow, make sure you have a good amount of Ion Cannon Corvette and capture those destroyer. Then Slip you fleet in multiple groups that for the following mission.
HW1 Mission 6: Diamond Shoals
Homeworld Remastered Collection Campaign Mission 6: Diamond Shoals is certainly the most annoying mission of the game. You need to destroy a lot of asteroid coming your way. Using Ion Cannon frigates and Destroyer you captured earlier is a good ideas. Apparently Defender fighter can give a good fight but from my experience fighters die quick in this so i choose to dock them.
HW1 Mission 7: Gardens of Kadesh
Homeworld Remastered Collection Campaign Mission 7: Gardens of Kadesh put you into a kinda dangerous situation where as soon as you start harvesting the nebula you will become under attack by a faction that focus on fighters. So take your time and reshape your fleet toward fighting fighters if necessary and then focus you forces toward defending your resource collector and capturing those fuel pod ships.
HW1 Mission 8: Cathedral of Kadesh
Homeworld Remastered Collection Campaign Mission 8: Cathedral of Kadesh make you fall into an ambush. Once again you will have to fight a lot of fighters and you can capture some fuel pod and multi beam frigate as a bonus. I recommend attacking the hostile motherships as fast as possible.
HW1 Mission 9 Sea of Lost Souls
In this level you meet a very dangerous ship that will capture any ship that is bigger then a frigate if you enter a certain radius arround it. So it's really important to be carefull at first. Destroy or capture the fleet arround it. Get intel about it. Sell it to the your ally and from there you can simply go on. You can probably destroy the ship, but it will take a while using only fighters and covette.
HW1 Mission 10 Supernova Station

Homeworld Remastered Collection Campaign Mission 10 Supernova Station put you into an area of space that can damage your ships a lot with the radiations. To preserve the max ammount of ships. It's best to dock all your small ships and only use your bigger ships that have better chance of survival in this place. You need to use the dust cloud to protect you ships, so just follow one of them and defeat the enemies on the way. It take a while but it's not super complex. You can haveste ressources but it's annoying, So I would recommend not to bother with that and just destroy the station.
HW1 Mission 11 Tenhauser Gate
HW1 Mission 12 Galactic Core
HW1 Mission 13 Karos Graveyard
HW1 mission 14 Bridge of Sighs
HW1 Mission 15 Chapel Perilous
Homeworld 2 Mission 01 Tanis

This is the first mission of the campaign. Not much strategy or challenge in that one but still. Don't over spend resources on stuff you don't need.
Homeworld 2 Mission 02 Angel Moon

This is the second mission and the trick is to send you ships as far as possible while you produce new one to deal with close enemies. Also destroying the carrier quickly help a lot.
Homeworld 2 Mission 03 Sarum
Homeworld 2 Mission 04 Gehenna Outskirts

This is a fairly strait forward mission. Stay focused on enemies of a specific area and you should be able to beat this mission fairly easily.
Homeworld 2 Mission 05 Gehenna

In this mission start attacking on the right first then middle and then left at last. It's a good idea to keep your fighters docked to prevent your fleet from being spotted.
Homeworld 2 Mission 06 Karos Graveyard

In this mission it's a good idea to keep the pressure on the incomming hostiles this way you can suppress them and advance nearly without opposition
Homeworld 2 Mission 07 Progenitor Foundry
Homeworld 2 Mission 08 Dreadnaught Berth
Homeworld 2 Mission 09 Counter Attack
Homeworld 2 Mission 10 Great Wastelands
Homeworld 2 Mission 11 Bentusi Ruins
Homeworld 2 Mission 12 Thaddis Sabbah
Homeworld 2 Mission 13 Balcora Gate
Homeworld 2 Mission 14 Balcora
Homeworld 2 Mission 15 Return to Hiigara
sochar Mar 24, 2024 @ 7:03am 
all good
Lindy Bomber Jan 15, 2024 @ 4:51am 
I'd tried using the guide for wastelands 2, but when I form up my corvettes and frigates into a wall formation the formation brakes down once they engage the enemy, the corvettes start maneuvering int their own group. But the bigger problem is my salve corvettes die before they can capture the first destroyer. The enemy seems to prioritize targeting the salve corvettes.

I played Homeworld in the early 2000s and completed the campaign with little difficulty. It seems much harder now.
CNiper Jun 16, 2023 @ 4:33pm 
Hi Attila! These are great video guides you have. :conanthink:

I'm working with Gearbox and I was wondering if we'd be able to share this across Homeworld channels. We'd fully credit you with any call-out details you'd like.

I've sent you a friend request over Steam if you want to talk more about it :) Thank you!
Demiurge Nov 29, 2022 @ 12:54am 
wait, so there's scaling in both these remasters? Then that means that the optimal strategy prep between missions is to just retire the entire fleet before moving on, otherwise you'll have a harder time.
Elijah of Worldbuilding Oct 19, 2021 @ 5:04pm 
okay it seems that salvage corvette is more important than I thought. whelp time to restart the campaign form the begining.
Darkom Aug 29, 2021 @ 12:57pm 
lol, in hw1 mission 5 instead of destroying the carrier i captured it ^^
Xautos Nov 12, 2020 @ 1:18pm 
Mission 2 as asked by someone else with the capture of the Turanic Covettes aren't much use at all, their fire rate is low and outright the least destructive. If you can, salvage them and retire them, get as many as you can for a competitive advantage heading into mission 3. you'll want every RU you can get as you'll be building to mission 5.
Xautos Nov 12, 2020 @ 1:11pm 
I went through mission 8 earlier today, i demolished the two kadeshi motherships and survived the fighter ambush quite well, the key to early dominance is sending your salvettes ahead of the fleet before the first kadeshi mothership blows up, at that point you'll see a small bunch of MB frigates, and another group behind that. you'll also run into MB frigates from the left side of your mothership roughly the same time. if you can manage to get the MB frigates to attack one of your support frigates and behind it the otherside of the mothership, it will take the hits allowing you to capture those as well, however it is possible you'll lose a few MB frigates after their capture.

the second key to dominance early is giving your fleet orders during a pause just after the initial cutscene, especially to your fighters or they will be shredded quickly and you'll quickly lose your competitive position.
Xautos Nov 12, 2020 @ 1:11pm 
By the time i was done on that mission i had a full group of destroyers, 25 MB frigates, 7 IR frigates, 3 IC Frigates and 6 Assault Frigates, a full fighter wing (54I and 26B) and corvette wing (14SC and 28MG), multiple resourcing groups and 36k in hand heading to mission 9.

The key is setting your capital and frigate ships level of aggression during pause so they don't destroy the fuel pods and leave for the second mothership as soon as they can, those are like gold and i had over 30 fuel pods when i retired them, and 500 RU per makes up 15,000 right there, plus what is on the map and scrap collection from the destroyed motherships. That type of resourcing opportunity you should take with both hands if you can get away with it.
Pirate RPP Jun 26, 2020 @ 7:37pm 
@Neapolitan Capturing ships does add to your fleet limit. You can capture as many as you want but you cant build your own. My last playthrough of HW1, going into last mission I had 110 Ion Frigates. Because of adaptive difficulty, I cant finish the campaign because the Emperors adapted fleet crashes the game