Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Left 4 Legend guide
By Lombaxtard
The complete guide to Left 4 Legend: every feature, every change and fix, commands, tips&tricks.
1. The Infected
1. Special Infected
  1. Special Infected attack much more aggressively, they pressure you and use timed attacks just like people in Versus do.
  2. Special Infected don't spawn one by one, but rather they spawn as a group of up to 4 and attack all at once.
  3. The Director still has full control over Special Infected spawning. The Director's configuration is left unchanged. There are no timed spawns of Special Infected, except for when a Survivor is incapacitated.<#>
  4. Special Infected spawn silently, they don't make any of their usual noises except for footsteps, punching/pouncing, and taking damage.
  5. Special Infected no longer emit their signature musical cues. Proximity-based Witch music is still there, however.
  6. Stunned Special Infected are no longer able to hit nearby Survivors.
  7. Special Infected can now open all regular doors.
  8. Every Special Infected (except for the Witch) can now open safe room doors at the end of each chapter.
    Tip: you shouldn't leave your team, rushing ahead by yourself and trying to wait it out in the safe room alone, knowing that Special Infected can now get inside on their own (even the Tank can do that!).
  9. On ladders, Special Infected can now push the Survivors trying to block them out of their way.

2. Common Infected
  1. Common Infected can now jump up to high places and get to you at previously unreachable spots, with behavior similar to zombies from the "World War Z" video game.
  2. Common Infected can now be shoved when they jump, descend, and even when they crawl in vents.
  3. Common Infected now support directional shoving mid-shove (just like Special Infected).
    Example: you can now easily push out a stuck Common Infected out of a doorway all while reloading and running away from a horde.

3. The Tank
  1. The Tank's health is now increased by 2x (12 000 on Expert Realism).
  2. A dead Tank is now guaranteed to drop a first aid kit or a defibrillator(by chance of 50/50 split between the two). Additionally, an adrenaline shot(70%) and laser sights(also 50%) can be dropped.
  3. The Tank's rock/punch not only incapacitates the Survivors, but also launches them in the same direction (just like on lower difficulties).
  4. For rocks, the Tank only uses his upper throw and from long distances.
  5. A burning tank moves faster and can now outrun a healthy Survivor running in a straight line. Players can now choose how to engage the Tank — either kill him slowly but safely without using a molotov, or light him up to kill him faster but risk getting caught up.
    Tip: to outrun a burning Tank you're going to have use various obstacles and corners instead of running in a straight line.
  6. The Tank doesn't prioritize the Survivors that are: incapacitated, biled on, or manning a stationary weapon.

4. The Witch
  1. A startled Witch's scream will summon a horde upon you.
    Tip: you can circumvent this by making a "clean kill" (crowning/killing her while' she's stunned, before she screams).
  2. A startled Witch will not stop pursuing the one who startled her. That is still true even if they were to return to the starting safe room, keeping in mind that it's door falls off upon opening it the first time.
  3. A startled Witch can now burst through regular doors with her claws. Meaning you can no longer safely hide from her in a closed room like in the original game.
  4. A killed Witch is now guaranteed to drop 1 defibrillator. Additionally, 1 bile jar can be dropped (70%).
    Tip: players now have an option of killing a Witch for loot.
    For example, it's worth considering if an upcoming event requires you to have a bile jar, or you need to revive a fallen teammate. Beware the risks! Instead of getting a single revive you might result in two dead bodies and a round restart.
  5. Fixed the bug when a wandering Witch would not react to a Survivor's shove. An accidental shove of a wandering Witch is going to be your last.

5. The Boomer
  1. Decreased the Boomer's vomiting cooldown (from 30 to 5 seconds).
  2. Killing a Boomer that's near a burning Tank will extinguish the latter.
  3. Boomer exploding can now coat in vomit all Special Infected, including the Witch. If you blow up a Boomer near a Witch she will not be startled, but Common Infected will attack her nonetheless.

6. The Charger
  1. Decreased the Charger's charging cooldown (from 12 to 5 seconds).
  2. Increased the Charger's charging duration (from 2.5 to 10 seconds).
    Tip: the unlucky one can be separated from your team for quite a while if you don't kill the Charger carrying that Survivor in an open area quickly enough.
  3. The Charger uses his charging ability at the last possible moment, so it's unlikely that you safely outmaneuver him up close.
  4. The Charger unpredictably chooses his target. Meaning he can look at one Survivor then suddenly turn 90° and charge to another Survivor nearby at the last second.
  5. Survivors get stunned from shoving a Charger that is plummeting another Survivor.
  6. The Charger can capture and drag an incapacitated Survivor with him by running over them.
  7. A Survivor is stunned if The Charger carrying him is killed mid-charge.
  8. You can now kill a Charger mid-charge with a precise melee weapon hit in the head, just like in Versus (Level).

7. The Hunter
  1. The Hunter does not retreat from you when shot from a distance.
  2. The Hunter strafes during his attacks, jumps around and near you, making you waste those precious shoves.
  3. You can now kill a Hunter mid-pounce with a headshot/precise melee weapon hit, just like in Versus (Skeet).

8. The Jockey
  1. The Jockey can now jump while approaching you to get to you faster and dodge incoming fire.
  2. After a successful jumping grab the Jockey can now occasionally make a Survivor jump in addition to pulling them away from the team, making it harder to get a Jockey off a Survivor up close and from a distance.
  3. The Jockey now has an attack sound cue, just like every other grabbing Special Infected.

9. The Smoker
  1. If a Smoker isn't killed in 2 seconds after a successful tongue hit, he will slowly drag the survivor away to lose visual contact with the team.
  2. A Survivor is stunned when released from the Smoker's tongue.
  3. Fixed the bug when a Survivor starts taking damage instantly when grabbed by a Smoker while standing on a physics object (prop_physics, prop_dynamic).
    An example: a Survivor is standing on top of car that can be moved by a Tank. If the Survivor is grabbed by a Smoker in this situtation, the Survivor immediately starts taking damage from the Smoker's attack even if he's still pulling the Survivor towards him, not giving any time for the Survivor team to react.

10. The Spitter
  1. Decreased the Spitter's spitting cooldown (from 20 to 5 seconds).
  2. Spitter's acid ignites all explosive objects it touches (including the escape gas cans).
  3. Fixed the Spitter's spit not spreading vertically properly.
    An example: In the original game Spitter goo could be evaded if you were to jump onto something just one pixel higher than the goo itself. Now however, the Spitter goo will now properly cover all small vertical inconsistencies in the terrain.
2. The Survivors
1. General
  1. A Survivor that's rescued from a closet joins you with 50 temporary health and one incapacitation until bleedout (B/W).
  2. Survivors get stunned from taking fall damage.
  3. Survivors get stunned when release from a Smoker's/Charger's grip.<W>
  4. Survivors get stunned when a Tank's rock lands near them. They will be immobilized for longer should they jump right before the rock hit.
  5. Survivors get launched flying when punched by a Tank (just like on lower difficulties).
  6. Taking range into account, each and every explosion will stun Survivors accordingly.
  7. Secondary weapons always get dropped after death and can be picked up.
  8. To compensate for disabled killfeed and notifications list, Survivors actively communicate helping you identify Special Infected hits for example.
    Another example would be when a Survivor is pinned by a Special Infected, their teammates will shout the name of that Survivor, or if someone dealt friendly fire, their character will voice their apologies.
  9. If a Survivor rushes ahead on their own all Common Infected in a radius will attack them as if they were biled on, barring that Survivor from being able to easily progress forward.

2. Incapacitation
  1. An incapacitated player is able to crawl, but their health will decrease at a higher rate. A player can choose to either stay put and wait for help, or crawl and risk dying prematurely.
    Tip: You can crawl out of a point of no return, as well as quickly get out of fire or spit.
  2. A crawling player cannot use their weapons and their camera is set to third person temporarily.
  3. Players can refuse from being healed/helped from being incapacitated by pressing the jump key ("Space" by default). A chat message will be echoed that the player refused help.
  4. Exactly 1 Special Infected will spawn nearby (except for the Tank and The Witch) whenever a Survivor gets incapacitated—it's one of the core mechanics that's always active, even during a Tank fight or while preparing for an event—regardless of how many Special Infected are currently active on a map. Meaning, if 3 survivors get incapacitated at the same time, then exactly 3 extra Special Infected will spawn. Hanging from a ledge also counts as being incapaticated and will also cause a Special infected to spawn.
  5. Friendly fire is active when you're incapacitated. Incapacitated players trying to cover their helping teammates must excercise extreme caution when shooting!
  6. When a Survivor slips off a ledge is hanging, they can lose their equipment all at once (50%). All the items get dropped and Survivor is left with only their handgun should they get rescued.
  7. When an incapacitated Survivor is at low health/experiencing bleedout (B/W) they hearing will become temporarily muffled.
    Tip: if for whatever reason your sound is still muffled when it shouldn't be, type dsp_player 0 in the console. You can bind this command to a key for convenience (bind P "dsp_player 0").

3. Healing
  1. First aid kits restore 100 points of constant health.
  2. Using first aid kits, pills, or adrenaline restores health over time, not instantly.
  3. As well as being able to share their pills and adrenaline, Survivors can also force feed each other. To do that, they need to equip pills or adrenaline and use their interaction key ("E" by default) while looking at a Survivor. During that both Survivors are immobile, but the one being healed can still defend themself and their teammates.
    Tip: force feeding someone takes 2x less time than using a first aid kit, it also heals them instantly.
  4. Players can refuse from being healed/helped from being incapacitated by pressing the jump key ("Space" by default). A chat message will be echoed that the player refused help.<W?>.
  5. Survivors rest when transitioning to a next level restoring 40 points of constant health and resetting their incapacitation count.
    Pro tip: now there's no point in killing a teammate that's in bleedout or at low health since all Survivors are guaranteed to recieve "green health".
  6. Restricted instant use of first aid kits right before transitioning to a next level.

4. Survivor bots
  1. Bots have been overcharged and perform better overall than most average players.
  2. Bots shoot accurately, especially on open ground.
  3. Bots actively scavenge for supplies and share them with players.
  4. Bots will efficiently use melee weapons and fight off entire hordes.
  5. Bots can use T3 weapons (except for grenade launcher and AWP).
  6. Bots are capable of kiting a Tank when there's a enough space.
    Tip: bots have insane potential, but they need YOU to fulfill it. For example, when fighting a Tank it is imperative that you give them enough space on an open ground for them to effectively kite and shoot a Tank.
  7. Bots only use medicine when absolutely necessary — first aid kits when B/W, pills and adrenaline when at very low health.
  8. Bots are able to revive dead teammates: if there's a defibrillator close by they will find it and use it on a fallen Survivor.
  9. Bots can close safe room door at the end of chapter.
  10. Bots do their best to utilize pipe bombs competently when swarmed, or to ignite a tank with a molotov. Bots will carry and share bile jars with their team, but will never use them on their own.
  11. Bots avoid shooting through players.
    Tip: try to stay out of Bots' line of fire for them to be able clear out any threats more efficiently.
  12. Bots are entirely fireproof, no amount of fire damage will cause them to lose health.
  13. Bots can be controlled with commands. Here's a YouTube playlist with full instructions.
3. Equipment
1. Items
  1. Players can give items from slots 3 and 5 to other players/Survivor bots by aiming at them and pressing R or RMB while holding the desired item.
  2. Players can also give items from slot 4 as well, but it's only possible by pressing R.
  3. Giving an item to a player does not make them forcefully switch to that item.
    For example, contrary to how it is in the original game, when a player is fighting off the horde with a melee weapon you can safely give them some pills without having to worry that they'll automatically switch to them right then and there.
  4. Players can exchange items from slots 3 to 5 with Survivor bots by pressing R or RMB if their currently held item is different from what the bot currently has in that slot.
  5. Any carryable object can be placed with precision, for that aim at a place with enough free space so that a transparent object preview appears, and press R.
    Tip: players can prepare for an event/a Tank fight by placing gas cans and propane tanks precisely where they need them.
  6. A Survivor will slowly have their temporary health replenished while carrying the Gnome Chompski.
  7. Players can drop any held item (except for their last handgun) by typing !drop in chat, or with a console command sm_drop. If a player drops their magnum or melee weapon they will be left with only their stock handgun equipped.
    Tip: as players, you can use this mechanic to exchange weapons, throw items from a distance and to unreachable places (points of no return), as well as put some loot for defense in a single spot.
    Pro tip: we recommend you bind the designated console command to a key of your choice to drop items quickly and conveniently. For example: bind G sm_drop.

2. Flashlight
  1. Other players' flashlight is visible to everyone, so you can tell where a player is looking/what they're pointing at.
  2. The flashlight's beam angers the Witch much, much more. A fight with the Witch is unavoidable if someone does not turn off their flashlight when near her.
  3. Bots' flashlights are always OFF.

3. Defibrillator.
  1. Every safe room has 1 of the four medkits replaced by a defibrillator.
  2. Survivor revided with a defibrillator gains 50 points of temporary health and 1 incapacitation until bleedout (B/W).
  3. 1 defibrillator is guaranteed to drop from a killed Witch. It can also drop from a defeated Tank (50%).
  4. "Fallen Survivor" of the Uncommon Infected can appear with a defibrillator instead of a medkit.
4. Weapons
1. General
  1. Ammunition piles are single use now (on a per-Survivor basis). Each Survivor can only take ammo from a specific ammo pile only once. Consecutive attempts to use that pile won't provide with ammunition and will be accompanied by a "denied" sound. The moment all four Survivors get a use of a single specific ammo pile it will disappear.
  2. Each T1 weapon can be picked up 4 times before disappearing.
  3. Each T2 weapon can be picked up 2 times before disappearing.
  4. Each T3 weapon, magnum, a melee weapon can only be picked up once before disappearing.
  5. SG552 — increased reserve ammunition (from 360 to 450).
  6. M16 — increased reserve ammunition (from 360 to 550).
  7. M60 — increased base ammunition count (from 150 to 244).
  8. Scout — increased damage (from 90 to 250, killing the Hunter and Smoker with a single shot). After each zoomed shot the scope will be disengaged requiring you to go back into it manually.
  9. Using loud weapons can attract Common Infected (0.5%). Weapons regarded as such are: emplacements, grenade launcher, M60, AWP, Scout, magnum, guitar, frying pan, Survivors' vocalizer.
  10. All semi-automatic weapons can be shot uinterrupted by holding LMB.
  11. Weapon skins added with "The Last Stand" update are now available in all campaigns.
  12. Headshots provide audiovisual feedback, players will 'feel' critical damage inflicted to an Infected. Feedback is also present when using melee, shoving, and even stomping an Infected.

2. Handguns (P220, Glock)
  1. Increased damage (from 36 to 50, killing the Boomer up close with a single shot).
  2. Increased firing accuracy when incapped (accuracy penalty changed from 0.4 to 0.1).
  3. Decreased firing rate.
  4. Pistols can be shot uninterrupted by continuously holding LMB.

3. AWP
  1. Fully reimagined and overhauled into a unique reloadable T3 weapon.
  2. Increased damage (from 115 to 600, killing the Charger with a single shot).
  3. Reserve ammunition is decreased to a single magazine (from 180 to 20).
  4. Fired bullets decapitate the infected (just like M60).
  5. After each zoomed shot the scope will be disengaged requiring you to go back into it manually.

4. Grenade launcher
  1. Increased damage (from 400 to 1000).
  2. Increased explosion range (from 180 to 250).
  3. Reserve ammunition decreased by 50% (from 30 to 15).
  4. In the explosion range stuns and launches outwards everyone, including the shooter, other Survivors, and Special Infected.
    Tip: the grenade launcher is especially effective againts the Tank. For example, with a precise shot one could launch the tank off a roof avoiding prolonged Tank fight completely. You could also keep the Tank at a safe distance from Survivors launching him away from you in an open space.

5. Melee weapons
  1. Each campaign starts with 4 melee weapons available: nightstick (tonfa), pitchfork, guitar, frying pan.
  2. All melee weapons are available in all campaigns.
  3. Intensive melee fighting covers player's screen with much more blood.

6. Chainsaw
  1. Chainsaw can be refueled with gas cans, meaning you no longer automatically drop it when it's out of gas.
  2. A chainsaw's fuel level is displayer with a colored outline when laying on the ground/equipped by another player.
  3. You can drop a chainsaw for refueling by equipping it and pressing R.
  4. A chainsaw can be refueled when it's laying on the ground or on the player's back. To do that, you need to take a gas can, aim at the chainsaw and hold LMB to start refuiling.

7. Enhancements
  1. Laser sight will automatically transfer to a new weapon.
    Tip: you can give away your laser sight to another player by them dropping their weapon first, you picking it up, and then dropping a newly upgraded weapon back to them.
  2. Explosive and incendiary ammo packs additionally replenish your reserve ammunition.
    Tip: if you have a slot 4 unoccupied you should consider deploying an ammo pack later when the team might need an ammo refill.

8. Bile jar
  1. Bile's effect can be applied to all Survivors, including the one who's throwing it. By making a reckless throw you could potentially bile everyone on your team. Even a single Common Infected that's just rushed to your face may result in a round restart.
  2. "Construction Workers" of the Uncommon Infected now properly react to the bile jar the way other Common Infected do.
  3. Increased damage Common Infected deal to a biled Tank (one hit is 12 damage).
5. Environment
1. Randomization
  1. Every new round randomly shuffles object placement, obstacles, and even whole new routes to explore.
  2. Every new round randomly alters doors' state on the map making some closed, open, or half-open.
  3. Every new round randomly changes ammo and weapon placement, including what weapons are available.
  4. Every new round randomly sets the order and the amount of cars with alarm enabled on the map <W>.
  5. Breakable crates around the map can drop useful items, as well as trash.
  6. Depending on the campaign theme, Common and Special infected may carry useful items that they'd drop on death.
  7. "Fallen Survivor" of the Uncommon Infected is updated with an extended pool of items and weapons.
    For example, a Fallen Survivor might spawn fully equipped, with a Grenade launcher, a melee weapon, defibrillator, adrenaline, and grenades, all at the same time.

2. Safe room
  1. Initial opening the starting safe room door breaks it down completely, meaning that after opening it you can no longer to back to the safe room and hold out in safety.
  2. Every Special Infected (except for the Witch) can now open safe room doors at the end of each chapter. Even the Tank can do that!
    Tip: you shouldn't bolt from the Tank to the end safe room, he is sure to get inside without knocking.

3. Cars
  1. The amount and order of cars with alarm enabled on the map is set randomly every round.
  2. A car alarm triggered not only summons a Horde but can also summon 1 tank (70%) nearby if currently there are no other Tanks on the map.
    Tip: the Tank spawned from a car alarm triggered not always attacks the Survivors head on, rather he might be waiting somewhere ahead right around the corner. That is why you should deal with the horde and get ready for a Tank fight first, and only then slowly proceed ahead.
  3. Cars now have durability. The car will explode with enough damage done it: firearms, melee weapon, Tank's punches, fire, explosions.
  4. A car exploding can trigger a chain reaction of other nearby cars exploding one by one.
  5. A car exploding may trigger a Horde(40%).
  6. Car alarm of an exploded car cannot bet triggered.
    Tip: you shouldn't throw pipe bombs and molotovs near cars as they are very likely to explode and can trigger multiple Hordes if a chain reaction was triggered.

4. Finale
  1. The Finale of "Hard Rain" has been expanded. The Burger Tank sign may break down on ocasion requiring the Survivors to restart it to proceed.
  2. The Finale of "The Sacrifice" has been expanded. The game does not stop when there's only one Survivor left standing as they could realistically get a defibrillator and revive fallen teammates to continue. Moreover, the Finale can be finished even If there's just one Survivor left alive (they can fight off the Horde, raise the bridge and sacrifice themselves all on their own)
6. Miscellaneous
1. General
  1. Server name dynamically displays current game mode and difficulty of any given server.
  2. An empty server is automatically rebooted after 60 seconds since the last connected player leaves. A random vanilla campaign is selected afterwards.
    Tip: delayed server reboot should be considered before reconnecting in order to not lose current campaign progress.
  3. A player is kicked from the server after they're AFK time reaches 10 minutes.
  4. Players that haven't joined the Left 4 Legend group will receive promotional information every 5 minutes. To get rid of these messages, the player needs to joing the group and reconnect to the server.
  5. Kill Feed (including "protected" and "gave health" messages) has been completely disabled — nothing takes away the attention of the player anymore. For exceptional awareness the player must be focused on the game and listen in on character's voice lines.
  6. Free cam when spectating is now restricted. A dead player is only able to spectate in first and third person perspectives.

2. Diffuculty levels and game modes
  1. Available game modes are: Campaign; Realism.
  2. You can switch the game mode during gameplay by typing !modes in chat, or by using sm_modes console command.
  3. In the Campaign mode, outlines of far away items is disabled.
  4. Friendly fire damage on "Easy" difficulty has been increased (from 0 to 0.2).
  5. Friendly fire damage on "Normal" difficulty has been increased (from 0.1 to 0.3).
  6. Friendly fire damage on "Advanced" difficulty has been increased (from 0.3 to 0.4).

3. Fixes
  1. Bunnyhopping is restricted. After first successful bunnyhop, velocity gained will be stripped and all consecutive bunnyhops will retain their original intended velocity.
  2. Fast ladded climb is restricted. All Survivors traverse on ladders at regular speed.
  3. Vocalizer spam is restricted. Using vocalizer 3 times in a quick succession inflicts a 30 second penalty during which all subsequent vocalizer commands have no effect.
  4. Trolling by healing a Survivor that's climbing ladder is restricted. A Survivor attempting that will be stunned, while the one's who's climbing will be left as is.
  5. During a Tank fight a Survivor that's being troll-healed can stun-shove the healer away.
  6. Survivors are gain invincibility for the duration of Campaign intro/mid-campaign cutscenes.
    An example: in the "Questionable Ethics" community campaign cutscenes are often triggered mid-gameplay during which the Survivors lose all control while the Infected are still able to attack the Survivors.
  7. Stationary machine guns' bug has been fixed to not cause the Survivor that engaged it in a specific way to literally fly away.
  8. Most God spots (places unreachable by the Infected) are blocked on official campaigns.
  9. Special Infected resetting their stuns by losing grip with the ground has been fixed.
    A glaring example: if you stun a Jockey on stairsteps he could 'fall' to the lower stair, losing grip with the ground resettig his stun animation and being able to scratch you instantly, without having to wait for the stun to finish.
7. Commands
1. General
  1. All commands can be inputted in two ways, typing the command in chat with an exclamation mark in front of it or by typing it in console with an sm_ prefix.
    Examples: !restarts, sm_restarts.
  2. Inputted commands (be it chat or console) are not visible to other players, just you.
    For example, if you type !restarts in chat then no one will see the command itself, but they will still see the result of that command. Number of restarts of the current chapter.

2. Server commands
  1. !restarts — in chat, shows to everyone the number of restarts of the current chapter.
    !time — in chat, shows to everyone local server time.
    !maps — opens the menu to choose between official/available custom campaigns.
    !modes — opens the menu to choose between available game modes.<W>
    !afk — go AFK.
    !join — join the Survivors team.
    !spec — join the Spectators team.
    !donate — in chat, shows everyone details regarding donations.
    !server — in chat, shows everyone general information regarding the server.
    !drop — drops the currently held item.
    !commands — in chat, shows everyone list of the server commands.
    !help, !guide, !manual, !RTFM — in chat, shows everyone the link to the official server guide.
    !MOTD — opens the window through which you can join the server group in-game.

3. Client commands
  1. dsp_player 0 — client console command for fixing the bug when after restarting the round your hearing would remain muffled from being at low health on rare ocasions .