Space Engineers

Space Engineers

77 ratings
DEUS - Definitive Energy Upgrade System
Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Script, Modpack, Production
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865.990 KB
Dec 18, 2024 @ 6:06pm
Jan 7 @ 3:01pm
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DEUS - Definitive Energy Upgrade System

In 1 collection by Liaron
Liaron's mod
1 item
Thanks to the research of UPF engineers, technologies have been developed that can produce new reactors and batteries.
This mod was born from the idea that a ship has only one main reactor that satisfies the entire energy needs.

[NOTE: non-vanilla models will be added as soon as possible]

Special components have been added that make it possible to build enhanced blocks.

DEUS reactors have overclocking capabilities. By enabling overclocking in the control panel, in fact, you can set a slider that will modify the energy generation up to a maximum of 10x.

Please note: it is possible to maintain the overclock only for a limited period of time, once exceeded the reactor will turn off and cannot be turned on again until the cooling is complete. However, it is possible to avoid the shutdown by disabling the overclock before the maximum time expires.

Below is the nominal output of the blocks.

Small Grid:


- Tier 1 Small: 1 MWh
- Tier 2 Small: 2 MWh
- Tier 3 Small: 5 MWh

- Tier 1 Large: 15 MWh
- Tier 2 Large: 100 MWh
- Tier 3 Large: 300 MWh

- Small: 2 MWh
- Medium: 6 MWh (uses prototech components)
- Large: 4 MWh

Solar Panels:
- Classic Style: 0.25 MWh
- New style big: 0.25 MWh
- New style half: 0.125 MWh

Hydrogen Engine: 2 MWh

Large Grid:


- Tier 1 Small: 80 MWh
- Tier 2 Small: 170 MWh
- Tier 3 Small: 350 MWh

- Tier 1 Large: 800 MWh
- Tier 2 Large: 2 GWh
- Tier 3 Large: 5 GWh

- Small: 6 MWh
- Large: 48 MWh (uses prototech components)

Wind turbines:
- Classic style: 1 MWh
- New style: 2MWh

Solar panels:
- Classic Style: 2 MWh
- New style big: 2 MWh
- New style half: 1 MWh

Hydrogen engine: 20 MWh

==================== ITA ====================

Grazie alla ricerca degli ingegneri UPF si sono sviluppate tecnologie in grado di produrre nuovi reattori e batterie.
Questa mod nasce dall'idea che una nave abbia un solo reattore principale che soddisfi l'intero fabbisogno energetico.

[NOTA: non appena possibile saranno aggiunti modelli non vanilla]

Sono stati aggiunti componenti speciali che rendono possibile la costruzione dei blocchi potenziati.

I reattori della DEUS hanno capacità di overclock. Abilitando nel pannello di controllo l'overclock, infatti, si potrà impostare uno slider che modificherà la generazione di energia fino ad un massimo di 10x.

Nota bene: è possibile mantenere l'overclock solo per un periodo di tempo limitato, una volta superato il reattore si spegnerà e non potrà essere riacceso fino al termine del raffreddamento. Ad ogni modo è possibile evitare lo spegnimento disattivando l'overclock prima del termine del tempo massimo.

Di seguito l'output nominale dei blocchi.

Griglia piccola:


- Tier 1 Small: 1 MWh
- Tier 2 Small: 2 MWh
- Tier 3 Small: 5 MWh

- Tier 1 Large: 15 MWh
- Tier 2 Large: 100 MWh
- Tier 3 Large: 300 MWh

- Piccola: 2 MW
- Media: 6 MW (usa componenti prototech)
- Grande: 4 MW

Pannelli solari:
- Stile classico: 0.25 MWh
- Stile nuovo grande: 0.25 MWh
- Stile nuovo piccolo: 0.125 MWh

Motore a idrogeno: 2 MWh

Griglia grande:


- Tier 1 Small: 80 MWh
- Tier 2 Small: 170 MWh
- Tier 3 Small: 350 MWh

- Tier 1 Large: 800 MWh
- Tier 2 Large: 2 GWh
- Tier 3 Large: 5 GWh

- Piccola: 6 MW
- Grande: 48 MW

Pale eoliche:
- Stile classico: 1 MWh
- Stile nuovo: 2 MWh

Pannelli solari:
- Stile classico: 2 MWh
- Stile nuovo grande: 2 MWh
- Stile nuovo piccolo: 1 MWh

Motore a idrogeno: 20 MWh
Popular Discussions View All (2)
Jan 15 @ 4:48pm
Jan 6 @ 11:37am
天使竜 Jan 26 @ 2:15am 
What do these blocks look like? The AI generated image is all nice and dandy, but I also care what the blocks look like in game. Some more images in that regard would be useful.
Endercherry Jan 20 @ 9:43am 
i thought ai wasnt allowed on steam
gedis63015 Jan 19 @ 12:00pm 
Would be good if you fix the measuring units (mWh or kWh is not equal to MW or kW) in the description.

kW = power output (speed) on solar panels or reactors.
kWh = power storage capacity in batteries.
extraengineer16 Jan 17 @ 1:07pm 
I have only made minecraft models
extraengineer16 Jan 17 @ 1:06pm 
a vid would be very good
extraengineer16 Jan 17 @ 1:05pm 
yes a video would be good
extraengineer16 Jan 17 @ 1:05pm 
please add the blocks
Liaron  [author] Jan 15 @ 1:33pm 
Thank you guys for your support! May I ask you to submit a report on the discussion module so I can read it easily? Thanks a lot! <3 (I’ll check the slider as soon as possible.)

By the way, Luiz DEUS means "god" in Latin. First of all, I added the "S" for "System" to give it this sound. ;)

As for the images, I’m looking for someone to create 3D models and designs to make them look more professional.
FallenQsnow Jan 10 @ 7:46am 
i dont see any sliders to tried with every tier small and large reactors while in description says how to boost just in case tried new world with just your mod still same
Megu_Meme Jan 8 @ 10:16pm 
hey to the creator coming back here to say I'm glad to hear that you're working on getting a proper image for the mod! :steamthumbsup: