Space Engineers

Space Engineers

82 ratings
Sarge's NPC Ships - UTC Fleet [MES]
Type: Mod
Mod category: NPC
Tags: NoScripts
File Size
60.810 MB
Dec 2, 2024 @ 12:26pm
Jan 7 @ 9:53pm
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Sarge's NPC Ships - UTC Fleet [MES]


The UTC Fleet is a large NPC encounter mod that uses Modular Encounter Systems and adds in an entire faction of new enemy ships! It includes space cargo ships, planetary ships, stations, and random encounters. These ships have been set up to use a plethora of AI features, including calling for backup, reacting to player faction rep, and using variable combat tactics. They will also interact with the other major MES factions, which means they will chat and fight with Imber, Parallax, Reavers and the like!

Encounter Information

This table provides information about what to expect with the encounters in this mod. Please note the following may not apply to every encounter. For more information on the attributes, click on the attribute name to view more information on the Modular Encounters Systems Wiki.

★★★☆☆ - Average
Grid Difficulty[]
★★★★☆ - Difficult
Space, Atmosphere, Gravity
Encounter Types[]
Space Cargo Ship, Planetary Cargo Ship, Random Encounter, Planetary Installation, Boss Encounter
Reputation, Threat Score
Special Abilities[]
Hand Drill Inhibitor, Jetpack Inhibitor, Personnel Inhibitor, Reinforcements, Missile Strikes

What is the UTC?

The United Terran Coalition is an organized military group that acts as a government in sectors it commands and as a private military company in those it doesn't. They are prideful, aggressive, and prioritize the coalition's needs and bottom line before anything else.

While the UTC will normally leave independent ships alone, they will act aggressively towards anyone that approaches their military ships, and may hunt other faction's ships. If an individual or group has built a reputation of hostility towards the UTC, their military ships may even attack them directly. Conversely, individuals who work in the UTC's interests will eventually gain their allegiance, gaining access to stations and supply drops.

Types of Encounters

The UTC fleet includes a variety of ships and stations that spawn in all environments. These encounters are hostile by default towards players and other NPCs. Players will be able to fight everything from small cargo ships to military frigates, cruisers, and even gigantic capital ships. Sometimes, their ships will come under attack and they'll request your help, which may lead to rewards.

Ships will typically spawn with basic cargo ship behavior (flying from point A to point B). If you lower your reputation with the UTC by pirating them, their screening ships will intercept you as you approach. If you reduce it to a low enough point, then some of their more militarized ships will deviate from their cargo ship path to directly engage you if you get too close.

Both ships and stations will spawn with drones that will escort or patrol the areas near its parent grid.

Ships and stations may call for help if attacked, this can arrive in the form of incoming drones or other ships changing course to intercept. Elite ships will always call for backup and may order missile strikes on the player's location.

Special Counter-Measures

UTC ships are equipped with Jetpack Inhibitor Modules that will interfere with player jetpack usage when too close to these grids, Elite ships have Personnel Inhibitors that will deplete your health instead. Stations are also equipped with Hand Drill Inhibitor Modules that will interfere with player drill use when too close to a station. These effects do not happen while players are piloting a grid. Some ships may have and use their gravity drives and explosive dead man switches when close to death.

Grid Collection

Click here for a collection of all the grids being used in this mod

Special Thanks

Massive thank you to Meridius_IX for making such an amazing NPC mod backbone!
Thanks to Braethias and Shiro___ for the Pirate Corvette and Factorum Corvette, respectively!
Thanks to HeavyVapor and the FSG Server for helping host and test the mod!
Demonik Jan 15 @ 5:44pm 
@Sergeant Kelly. Thanks for the update, yeah for some reason they don’t spawn for me. All good.
Sergeant Kelly  [author] Jan 15 @ 10:42am 
Glad you guys are liking them! The larger ships do have extra cockpits and crew quarters for crew! I've additionally set up the mod to work with Crew Enabled, so standard ships will have a security detail and elite ships will have an even larger security detail.

As for the lethal encounters, they seem to be working for me! Also, I've added additional bounty rewards for planetary takedowns, as well as new bounty ships.
Meat Popsicle Jan 15 @ 7:47am 
I am adding this to my current play through, really like the designs! Are there many seats on these ships? I play with Crew Enabled and was hoping there were a lot of seats on some of the bigger ships as that dictates how many NPCs can spawn with CE.
Demonik Dec 31, 2024 @ 4:05am 
Loving the mod so far awesome work. i have one slight issue, the Lethal Encounters don't spawn anything at all for me the GPS just disappears. Have you seen/heard about this before?
meraDMG Dec 23, 2024 @ 5:50pm 
Awesome mod! I really liked the bounty hunting spawns, just a doubt about then. when i destroy a bounty ships the UTC sends a message saying they are sending a reward, but i didn't notice any changes, is it a SC bonus for hunting the ships? I don't remember how much money i had to see if thats the case
Sergeant Kelly  [author] Dec 19, 2024 @ 1:15pm 
I'm seeing that too with the other MES mods, unfortunately planetary installations can sometimes spawn in the air or underground, depending on distance from the map's center.
[82DK] wyomingwolf Dec 17, 2024 @ 5:56pm 
See that some of the installations, example UTC Base with the large Antenna Dish on top, likes to spawn underground. Not sure if due to playing on a planet with water mod (Terra with water)
Zaamkaa'kaa Dec 15, 2024 @ 2:56am 
Fantastic ! N!ce Work!

I dont use Weapon Core 2.5 but Basic Defuse Shields and MES Space Pirates Enhanced + Corruotion PVE Combat and this here. 100% Real fights with Consolidation Rearmament Vanilla Weapon Pack. For more aktion used "NPC weapon upgrades !!! lg
TheRebornAce Dec 15, 2024 @ 12:02am 
Can confirm they are literally shooting each other. Had another escort spawned in and the fighters immediately sent out a message stating intercepting targets. Turns out they start shooting at the cargo ship they themselves are escorting. Pretty fun ngl but havent seen this occur for other MES mods.
Sergeant Kelly  [author] Dec 14, 2024 @ 11:36pm 
Well that's bizarre! Are you sure they're shooting each other or just running each over by accident?

The grid collection has been updated with the latest models and published, btw!